22. Be good.

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The next day, the whole group was packing up. They wanted to make it appear like they had left, since they knew the Governor was coming, but really they just wanted a head start on attacking.

Merle had died the day prior, he had fought the Governor. Daryl had to put him down, so he wasn't very talkative, but Isabella tried her best to cheer him up.

Rick had explained to Isabella that her going was never the plan, they were going to send Michonne, but Rick changed his mind and the news didn't get to Merle in time. Yet, he made it very clear that he would never send Isabella back to her old family.

Carl was in his cell, Beth was caring for Judith, Carol was arranging everyone's clothes, Hershel was sorting medicine and everyone else was packing.

Isabella leaned against the wall next to Daryl as he adjusted his bike. "I don't wanna go." She complained.

"I know, but we gotta." He replied, shaking his head.

The girl groaned and rolled her eyes, before walking over to Beth and putting her bag in the back of one of the cars.

Carl was really mad at the whole situation. He wasn't even speaking to Rick.

Daryl walked over to Isabella and handed her his poncho. "Keep warm, a'right?" He confirmed with a nod.

She smiled and took the poncho. "Thanks. Yeah I will."

Isabella always loved the poncho, she liked the colours and patterns of it, plus it wasn't itchy. Daryl often let her use it as a blanket when she was super cold in the prison.

Hershel, Beth, Judith, Carl and Isabella all got into one car and drove away, the others led their cars to the back so they weren't visible.

Just as the four got out of the car, the shots started. Isabella could see through the trees that they were shooting down all the walkers and the guard towers were being bombed.

She watched as they moved into the prison, Maggie and Glenn were on the catwalk ready to attack when they came back out, since Rick was in the tombs with a smoke bomb.

"I should be in there." Carl stated.

"Don't be stupid." Isabella scoffed. "Your dad knows what's best for us."

"I should still be in there fighting." Carl rolled his eyes, god, he thought he was so grown up.

"Carl, you're thirteen, calm down. The rest of them have it handled." Isabella told him, then she saw Maggie and Glenn shooting the men down once they came running out.

Suddenly, there was some noise in the leaves, it sounded like someone running.

Carl, Isabella and Hershel all held their guns out to the boy, he couldn't have been older than sixteen.

He held his hands out. "Woah, woah, woah, don't shoot."

"Drop the weapon, son." Hershel told him.

The boy nodded. "Sure. Here, take it." He offered it to Carl.

Suddenly, there was a sharp squeak from Carl's gun and the boy dropped to the floor, a bullet through the brain.

Isabella held her gun down and turned to Carl in shock, seeing the same expression over Hershel and Beth's faces.

The four had gotten back into the car, barely speaking a word and drove back to the prison, entering through the back of the cell block. Beth was carrying Judith, as per usual, but Carl was acting like he didn't just kill a kid in cold blood.

"Dad, I'm coming to Woodbury." Carl said as Rick kneeled in front of him.

"Carl." Rick groaned and put his face in his hands.

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