94. Just kill him.

411 21 45

Isabella continued walking back to camp, her hand on her knife incase she'd need it, but she hadn't come across any walkers yet. It was still the middle of the night, and she had taken a shortcut back to the camp. She was hoping and praying that nobody would've woken up, especially not Daryl because he would've noticed that she was missing straight away.

She finally arrived back at the outskirts of the camp near the abandoned school. There was the sound of someone drinking and following her.

"The hell you doing out here, one-eared bitch?"


"Leave me alone," Isabella said, turning around for a moment before continuing to walk.

Justin scoffed and he must've dropped the bottle he was drinking from. "Why? You gonna tell your daddy on me?"

Isabella sighed out of frustration and rolled her eyes. "Yeah. And I'll tell Rick."

Just kill him with kindness.

Justin got in front of her and blocked her path, grabbing onto her injured shoulder and squeezing it.

"Stop," Isabella groaned, trying to push him back with her one free hand, but it was no use. Most of the Saviors had changed, even Negan had changed. But Justin? Justin was one of those awful people, like the Governor, or Gareth, or Davey.

"You know, when I saw you on your knees that night, crying and gripping onto that redhead's hand. I never thought you'd stick a screw in my arm, what changed, huh?!" Justin started shaking her slightly in his drunken state. Isabella didn't reply, she just remembered how Abraham's hand felt around hers. "Nothing? You gonna throw up?" He taunted.

Negan looked around at his men. "Should we make her look? You think she's gonna throw up? That'd be real funny."

Negan earned a few chuckles from his men and he started to tilt Isabella's chin, but she kept her eyes looking upwards.

"Look at it..." Negan prompted, and Isabella didn't listen. The tears from her eyes were all over Negan's glove now. "Look at it!"

Justin was there that night. Justin was one of the men who laughed. Isabella didn't want to kill him with kindness anymore. She just wanted to kill him.

Her hand snaked down to her waistband and pulled out her knife, Justin's eyes went wide before Isabella lunged forward, stabbing him in the chest. Justin yelled out in pain and fell to his knees, Isabella pulled the knife out and held it in the air for a moment before dropping it.

She looked around for a moment, her legs and hands shaking uncontrollably before she just started to run back to the tent, leaving Justin crying and holding onto his bleeding chest.

Daryl would've killed him. That's what Negan had told her, he said if he was Daryl, he'd have killed Negan, but Daryl wasn't going to do that. It was so confusing. Did she do the right thing? Is killing someone ever okay? She was scared, she wasn't thinking straight. But Isabella knew she was, she knew exactly what she was doing when she pushed that knife into Justin's chest.

Now, Isabella was stood among the crowd of people yelling and shouting about Justin's body. Someone had already found it, and it was just a matter of time until they knew it was her.

Rosita and everyone else were pushing people back into the crowd, but Isabella was just shaking with fear being Rosita.

"Hey! Hey! Stop this shit!" Alden pushed everyone apart. He was just about the only Savior that Isabella did like. "Stop it! Stop!"

He paused again while all the shouting died down and then spoke up. "We're gonna find our who did this, and we're gonna make sure it never happens to us again, all right?"

They're gonna kill me.

"Us?" Jed piped up. Isabella didn't like him, he was friends with Justin. "You're not one of us anymore."

"Us means all of us," Alden nodded, still keeping his temper in check. He turned around for a moment, but Jed spun him back around and punched him in the face.

"Go shovel that horse shit to whoever killed Justin!" Jed said. Isabella furrowed her eyebrows and scowled are him. She had good reason to do what she did. He lunged at Alden again, but Carol calmly pushed him back and put a hand against his chest. He looked up at her. "I thought you were supposed to be our leader."

"Enough," Carol sighed and then spoke more loudly. "Turn around, all of you."

"No can do, C," Jed tilted his head with a smug grin. "Why don't you go ahead and yank that roscoe, pop me right here? It's better than worrying about getting it in the back."

Carol did just that, pulling her gun from its holster and everyone else did the same, but Isabella didn't grab hers.

All of the Saviors except for Jed backed up and Laura walked forward, holding her arms out. "We don't want this. Hey, we just need to protect ourselves."

"No guns!" Daryl yelled, making everyone turn around and see him stood on a small hill.

"That 'cause you're the one took out Justin?" Jed yelled to him.

"Nah. My money's on garbage lady."

"My bet's on the one-eared bitch."

Isabella scowled and some weird confidence overtook her. She was fed up of that stupid nickname. "Call me that one more fuckin' time," she walked forward, but Rosita grabbed her arm.

"Nah. It's him," one of the Saviors nodded up to where Daryl was stood. "Finishing what he started," him and another Savior started walking towards a tree and both picked up an axe.

"Rosita," Daryl called and when she turned around, he nodded at Isabella. He knew what the Saviors were like. They took Olivia's life when she was innocent. Rosita pulled Isabella behind her.

"Maybe it was both of 'em," one of them said, looking between Isabella and Daryl. "Come on," they all started walking forward.

Everyone was readying their weapons, getting ready for the bloodbath that was just waiting to happen.

It never did, Rick came between the two groups on a horse. "Everyone back off! Now!" He yelled, holding his gun up.

It was all silent for a minute before Laura told all the Saviors to let it go.

"I'll talk to Rick, find a way for everyone to feel, safe all right?" Alden suggested. Jed rolled his eyes and scowled for another moment before walking away with the rest of the group.

Everybody was supposed to be working together now. But it would never be like that. Justin was a Savior through and through, he'd never have stopped if Isabella didn't do something. Right?




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