39. Don't drink that.

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The group didn't have anywhere to stay, nowhere was safe for more than a night. They had to keep moving all the time.

Tyreese had gotten bitten on a run to clear a town with Rick, Michonne, Glenn and Noah. Sasha had lost everyone, within a few weeks she had lost her boyfriend and then her brother.

Isabella stuck by Daryl's side like a shadow. This time, unlike at the prison, he didn't mind it. She was always giving him a small smile when he looked upset, hoping it might help a little bit. He blamed himself for Beth, Isabella knew that and tried to tell him there was nothing he could've done to stop what was going to happen, but he wouldn't stop blaming himself.

Maggie had also gotten really quiet, only speaking when spoken to. Not laughing at any of Glenn's jokes anymore, not that he was making that many anyway.

Isabella missed Beth. She didn't even have the tiger to comfort her or anything. She didn't even get to say a goodbye to Beth, she couldn't even remember what the last conversation they had was about. Beth was good, she never wanted to hurt a soul, in ways like that, her and Isabella were the same. Always sitting quietly until needed, or just wanted.

This one day in particular, the survivors were all travelling the road, just looking for somewhere with walls and a roof to stay for the night.

Isabella stood by Daryl, watching as he dug around in the dirt. "What're you doing?" She asked him.

"Lookin'." He replied simply and Isabella nodded.

"For what?" She pestered, leaning over his shoulder to see.

Isabella smiled as he picked up a worm, thinking that he was just playing with the bugs like she did sometimes. That was until he put it in his mouth and ate it. Isabella's eyes widened, they were desperate for food. But noodle-worm soup didn't sound very appealing to her.

Daryl kept digging for another moment, then Maggie came, her eyes red from tears that had been shed. "Come on." She said softly.

Daryl got up, nodding his head and following her. He grabbed Isabella's shoulder, firmly but not hard enough to hurt her, and made her walk in front of him so that he could keep an eye on her. He'd been doing that a lot lately, not letting her out of his sight.

They reached a small ditch, where Sasha was kicking some dirt. Sasha was supposed to be finding water, but she just shook her head. Great, no water and no food.

Daryl and Maggie both sighed, slowly walking away. Daryl still keeping one hand on her shoulder and one hand on his crossbow.

The four of them wandered out of the trees, walking down the hill.

"Shit." Sasha whispered as they laid eyes on the group still sitting around a car.

"It's been a day and a half." Maggie's voice came out sniffly. "They didn't find any either."

"How do you know?" Sasha asked.

"I know." Maggie sighed.

Isabella noticed that Daryl was having trouble staying focused again. He was often doing that, zoning out and there being nothingness behind his eyes. Isabella knew what he was doing, replaying that scene of Beth in his mind.

Once they reached the bottom of the hill, the entire group piled into the car. It was already warm outside, but being crammed in a car with sixteen other people didn't help.

"We're out, just like the other one." Abraham commented as the car came to a stop.

"So we walk." Rick replied almost instantly.

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