29. Anyone can love anyone.

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The group kept on stopping and walking. Theo had put Isabella back down on her feet, he was too tired to carry her any longer. She was trailing behind a little bit, but Theo or Tara stayed by her side for the most of it.

They were following train tracks now, and Eugene was waffling on as per usual. "I'm well aware it sounds bananas. But looking at the fossil record, knowing what I know about this infection, you cannot say for certain it isn't what killed off the dinosaurs."

"When did dinosaurs come into this?" Isabella asked, dragging her foot on the floor.

Tara laughed and patted Isabella's shoulder. "Just let him talk." She kneeled down to the floor and picked up a small piece of metal.

"Oh, hell yeah. Score. A few more of those, a little aluminium foil and some bleach, you got yourself some volts, sister. Homemade battery." Eugene said with a nod.

"Its weird that you just called her sister after flirting with her for the past five hours." Isabella giggled.

"I do not like children. This child specifically." Eugene stated.

Isabella stuck her tongue out at him and kept on walking, they kept on walking until it was nightfall. Then, they all curled up and Isabella offered to take first watch, they all agreed. Glenn knew that she would call out if she saw anything, but Abraham wasn't happy with a kid being the one on watch.

Isabella sat leaning up against a tree, leaning her elbows on her knees but Abraham came over to her. "Go to sleep. I can handle this." She told him, but he just sat down anyway.

"Nah, can't have a six year old be the only one on watch." Abraham said, shuffling in his seat.

"I'm eight and a half." Isabella told him firmly.

"Jeez. Still a kid, ain't even double digits yet." Abraham chuckled. "No offence, but I'm not leaving Eugene's life in your hands."

"Why?" She questioned him.

"Because you've made it fairly obvious that you don't like him." Abraham laughed.

Isabella scoffed and looked away.

"You need to get some sleep." Abraham told her. "What's keeping you up?"

"My dad." Isabella replied, but she wasn't sure which dad she meant, because she was thinking about both. The one that gave her scars and the one that tried so hard to erase them.

"Who's that? He a Dixon like you?" Abraham nudged her and she nodded.

"He's...not my real dad. My real dad was an asshole, but Daryl. Daryl cares about me, and now he's gone and I don't know if he's dead or alive-" Isabella explained in a panic, tears rolling down her face.

"Get some sleep, kid." Abraham said more softly this time.

Isabella shook her head and wiped a tear from her eye, earning a small sigh-laugh from Abraham. "I thought Tara was inlove with Glenn. A girl inlove with a guy she's trying to help get to his girl."

Isabella looked up at him, not speaking but listening intently.

"I saw the way she was looking down Rosita's shirt while she was serving her dinner." Abraham ranted. "Eugene spends half the day staring at her ass. I'm not mad, if just means my theory's shot."

"What do you mean? Tara was looking at Rosita?" Isabella asked.

Abraham nodded. "Yeah, she was."

"But...they're both girls?" Isabella whispered, as if it was bad.

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