50. 'W'.

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Isabella had been set with the task of helping the kids learn how to defend themselves, in other words, just Freddie and Sam. She wished Judith could walk and talk, Judith would be a lot easier to train than Sam.

Sam and Freddie weren't really talking. Sam had gone quiet and Isabella felt bad, she knew what it was like. She understood.

None of the Anderson's were talking much, and when they did, it was mostly arguing. Isabella tried her best to cheer Freddie up, but nothing seemed to work or last, he'd laugh with her for five minutes. But once the moment was over, he wouldn't laugh again for the rest of the day.

Even though Isabella found him annoying, she missed when Freddie was talkative and happy.

"You gotta hold your knife like this, have a good grip on it. Don't want it falling outta your hand." Isabella explained and gestures to the way Sam was holding the knife.

Sam corrected himself and held the knife properly.

"Now, when you go for a walker, it's gotta be the brains. Nowhere else or it'll just keep coming." Isabella said, fiddling with the handle of her knife between her fingers.

"What if the walker is too tall?" Freddie furrowed his eyebrows.

"Let it eat ya then." Isabella shrugged, she was joking. But by the looks on Sam and Freddie's faces, they didn't get the joke. "Kidding, kick it in the leg and stab it when it falls."

"In the brain?" Sam asked.

"In the brain." Isabella confirmed with a small nod.

A man called Morgan had arrived the same night that Rick killed Pete. Apparently he was an old friend of Rick's.

Isabella didn't have a clue who he was, but apparently he was her friend now according to Daryl who said a friend of Rick's is a friend of ours, or something like that.

Everyone else was out, and by everyone, it was pretty much everyone. Only a few people had stayed behind, like Carol, Rosita, Tara and Jessie. Some other people had stayed behind too, mainly the ones that Isabella and Freddie had labelled 'the old ladies club'.

Daryl had only been home for a day, and he was already out doing more stuff for people at Alexandria. Isabella hated how they gave him the stupid recruiter job, she constantly asked if she could join him, but he always told her no.

Once training had finished, Sam didn't even say bye before walking back to his house and presumably locking himself in his room. Isabella looked at Freddie, noticing that same, numb look on his face.

"Wanna watch Carl hopelessly hit on Enid?" Isabella asked, sitting down against a tree.

Freddie managed to scoff a laugh but shook his head. "I'm gonna head home. Sorry."

Isabella nodded and smiled sympathetically, watching as Freddie walked away and back to his house. Isabella understood, Freddie was starting to understand, but Sam and Ron hated it more than anything. They hated Rick, they hated Jessie, hell, Ron had even been picking on Freddie for hanging out with Isabella.

She shot up when she saw Carl walking down the street with Judith in a stroller. "Hey!" She waved.

"Oh, hey." Carl smiled back at her and stopped walking, Judith gave a little babble and a cute smile.

They walked together for a couple of seconds, until Carl noticed Enid and Ron talking together by the lake. He was about to turn around when they heard a voice from behind them.

"Carl? Isabella?" It was Gabriel.

They both turned around, Isabella shooting him a dirty look and Carl talking in the most emotionless voice possible. "What?"

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