88. Leverage.

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Isabella could barely work out what the other people in the room were saying, she was just waking up, and the back of her head was throbbing the same it had been that day the minibus crashed.

Negan was chuckling. "Didn't think you'd have it in you to do that, Eugene."

Eugene sounded scared but confident at the same time. "Yes, sir. Gregory spotted her and told me to get my ass out there."

Isabella turned her gaze towards the two men. "Go to hell, Eugene."

Negan turned his head towards Isabella and raised his eyebrows. "Decided to wake up from your nap?"

Isabella scoffed and stood up, walking up to Eugene and scowling up at him as if he wasn't twice her height. "You're a coward. I knew it since that day you lied, you're a coward. Abraham would've never done this to you, if it was you that day- he- he would've fought for you."

Eugene didn't say anything, his bottom lip just quivered for a small moment. Negan was chuckling. "Okay, Bells. We get it. You're a firecracker. Now, I'm gonna need a little favour."

Daryl started rushing towards the group that stood near the gate of Hilltop. Isabella was gone. He didn't even know how long she'd been gone. Freddie was hugging Carol, he hadn't seen her in a while again.

"Isabella's gone," Daryl breathed out. "She's- she's fuckin' gone, I can't find her."

Rosita furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean she's gone? When did you see her last?"

"I don't know- yesterday, yeah, she was eatin' at the tables," Daryl rubbed his eyes and looked around. "We gotta find her. I ain't goin' nowhere until I know she's a'right."

Carol tilted her head. "You haven't seen her since yesterday? You didn't check up on her in the night?"

Daryl hated himself for this. He knew he wasn't a great parent, Carol and Rick were good at that. Him on the other hand? He tried his best, but it was never enough. He was always away or busy, he barely saw his baby girl anymore, and now she was lost. Maybe Isabella ran away because she was fed up. He knew that he would've been if his dad was treating him like this.

"She isn't in the house? You've looked everywhere?" Rick asked, raising his eyebrows slightly. Daryl just shook his head, he'd checked everywhere, then he'd checked again just to be sure, but she was gone. "We'll find her. She's small, she couldn't have gotten far."

"Leverage? What's a leverage?" Isabella asked. That was Negan's favour, she was going to be leverage.

Negan sighed. "Like..." he snapped his fingers. "Like a bribe."

"A bride?!" Isabella stood up. She was going to be a what?! She couldn't get married yet, she was only nine.

"No," Negan shook his head and spoke up a little bit. "A bribe, a trade or whatever," he waved his hand.

Isabella could feel her face burning up. Stupid ear, messing with her hearing.

"Oh," Isabella sat down again and looked at her nails. "I meant what I said. You could change."

Negan sighed again and stood up. "We're not having this conversation, Isabella. I didn't cause this war, Rick did."

Isabella rolled her eyes and threw her arms down to her sides. "Fine."

Negan gestured for her to follow him, so she did. He was being softer now for whatever reason. Isabella still didn't like him, but this wasn't for her, this was for Carl. She put on a brave face, but everywhere Negan took her just reminded of her being in the same place with Carl. She wanted to cry again.

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