82. Boys.

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It had been a couple of days since the whole incident with that man. Isabella hadn't seen Carl, Rick or Daryl or hardly anyone for that matter since then. Rosita was home, only because she'd been shot when they first attacked the Saviors.

Everyone was at different places all the time, either the Kingdom or the Hilltop. Just not home. The radios they had didn't reach from Alexandria to the Kingdom, which was where Daryl was most of the time. So Isabella could barely get in contact with him.

Isabella was sat on the porch steps, as always when she was waiting for something or someone. There was a lot more kids at Alexandria, mainly boys for some reason. Maybe because a lot of the girls stayed at Oceanside, and they weren't that involved in the war.

Henry came over and sat by Isabella. "Hey, Bells," he hadn't used that nickname on her before.

"Hi," Isabella smiled in return. Oh, god. Those butterflies were coming back again. She was too young for boys, that's what Carl said.

Henry's face started to turn red. Was he blushing too?! Maybe he liked her back. This was good. This was really good. "So...um, I was wondering if maybe you want to hang out-" he burst out laughing, making the smile drop from Isabella's face and her eyebrows furrow.

"What is it?"

Henry continued to laugh. "Those boys over there dared me to ask you on a date," he got up, brushing off his knees and looking down at Isabella. Her face was burning with sadness, embarrassment and pure anger. "Sorry, I thought it would be funny, I didn't want to-"

"It's fine," she interrupted him. He just nodded and walked back over to the group of boys. She could see him laughing. The worst part? Freddie was with the group of boys. Laughing along. That stung. That was the same boy that held her hand when Abraham couldn't anymore, the same boy who ran to her when his father hit him, the same boy who she treated like her own family because she knew he had no one.

Isabella scowled and started to walk down the street, not knowing where she was going, but she had to get away from this whole situation. It was humiliating. And as stupid as it may have sounded, she felt betrayed by Freddie.

There were footsteps behind her and that familiar voice. The small voice that told her how he had put her pictures back together. "Belly? What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?!" Isabella turned around. "What's wrong, is that since you've made all shiny new friends, you wanna impress them and embarrass me. I don't even know those kids!"

"You could try talking to them-"

"No! I cant! You know why? Because your brother, your stupid brother, ruined everything for me! I can't speak to other kids because Sam made fun of my scars," Isabella ranted, holding her arms out to her sides. "And now I feel like everyone will! I can't get rid of that feeling."

"Don't speak about him like that-"

"He did! As soon as I got here, he made fun of me. He made me hate this place, he made me feel embarrassed. He made me feel embarrassed the same way that you just made me feel then," Isabella shouted. She was wrong for saying some of this. But she was angry.

Freddie's face morphed from calm and quiet to angry and enraged. "Yeah, well, at least all the other kids don't call me the girl with one ear!" He yelled.

Isabella's anger turned to sadness at Freddie's words. It was like a dagger. A cold, sharp dagger that pierced right through her heart. A knot formed in her stomach. People called her that?

"Fine," Isabella turned around and walked away. She wanted Carl to come home. Maybe Carl could punch Freddie in the face the way that he had punched Gregory.

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