81. Not enough.

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Some good things came out of the group going to war, but more bad things. They were going to lose people, a lot of people were going to die or get hurt. But it also meant that Negan would be gone. Isabella didn't know if she wanted Negan to be dead. He was an awful person, an awful, horrible person. But Isabella wasn't. She was the girl with a heart of gold, a good person. And good people don't want other people dead.

Now, they were allowed to go anywhere from Alexandria to the Hilltop to the Kingdom and even this new place called Oceanside. Isabella liked the beach but Daryl wouldn't take her because he was always too busy.

On this particular day, Isabella was at Alexandria. It had been a while since Isabella had seen Judith. She didn't know that babies grew that fast, because Judith was saying her first words now. She had blonde shoulder length hair. And she wasn't wearing those baby onesies anymore, she was wearing actual clothes for toddlers. Isabella sat on a patch of grass with Freddie and Henry.

"Why aren't we allowed to help?" Freddie complained. He'd been wanting to help for ages. "It's stupid. I could do more than Daryl and his stupid crossbow."

"His crossbow ain't stupid," Isabella scoffed. "It's cool. We're not allowed to help because we're too little."

"I don't know, the crossbow is a little nerdy," Henry shrugged, earning a laugh out of Freddie. They'd kind of started to act like brothers.

"Well...yeah, maybe a little, I guess," Isabella looked down and picked at some grass, wanting to hide her face that probably showed the pure embarrassment she was feeling.

Freddie rolled his eyes and put his elbows on his knees. He was sat with his legs crossed and his chin resting on his hands. "Why'd you agree with him and not me?" When Isabella didn't reply, he raised his eyebrows and burst out laughing. "Oh, my god! You like him! Isabella likes Henry!"

"No, I don't! Don't be a dick, Freddie!" Isabella pushed his shoulder and stood up. She walked away while Freddie and Henry both laughed and mocked her. Isabella noticed Carl in the distance, so she followed after him.

"I hate boys. Not you. But I don't like Freddie and Henry anymore," she mumbled and folded her arms over her chest.

Carl just let out a lighthearted chuckle, knowing that she was just being overdramatic at the moment. "And why's that?"

Isabella groaned and rolled her eyes. "Because Freddie started yelling that I like Henry! I don't!"

"Mhm," Carl nodded and pinched his eyebrows together, a smug grin across his face, because Isabella was such a bad liar. He started to get inside of a van.

"Where are you going?" Isabella asked and followed him.

"Just getting some extra gas," he responded and shut the van door. Isabella scoffed and walked around to the other side.

"I'll come with you," she hopped in.

"I haven't actually got a drivers license, you know? Daryl will kill me if I crash and we both die," Carl shook his head and looked at Isabella as if waiting for her to hop back out.

"You'll be dead. He can't kill you if you're already dead," She raised her eyebrows and grabbed the seatbelt. "Besides, I'm buckling in."

Carl safely drove them to an old gas station. It had clearly been abandoned when the apocalypse began, because the cars were all flipped on their sides or rusted.

He grabbed an old container to siphon the gas into and then they both began slowly walking towards the gas station. Isabella had her knife out just incase there were any walkers, but it was pretty quiet.

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