85. I don't want you to go.

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Isabella's Dixon blue eyes stared into Carl's Grimes blue eyes. That wasn't what made them brother and sister. They weren't by blood, but by so many other things, and they weren't going to be for much longer.

Isabella's face screwed up and she rubbed her eyes. Carl was going to die. She felt Daryl's grip tighten around her arm, that wasn't going to fix anything this time.

How were they supposed to carry on? Who was going to stand up to Gregory for her? Rick and Michonne's baby boy was going to die. Lori's baby boy was going to die.

Everyone was in silence for a moment. Everyone was in shock. Nobody expected this, Carl was supposed to be big now, he was supposed to be able to fight off walkers. He'd never fight one again.

There was an explosion from above them, nobody made a sound.

Rick shook his head and whispered. "I..I don't..."

"Dad," Carl interrupted him. Rick just kept on stuttering, tears running down his face. "It's all right. It's gotta be," he took a few breathes. "I wasn't sure if you'd make it back before...but just in case, you know..." he pulled some pieces of paper out of his pocket. "I wanted to make sure I was able to say goodbye," he held them out to Michonne, who shook her head, her eyes wide.

"No. It's them. It's them," Rick shook his head and pointed his finger to the side, then looked up at the top of the sewer. "They...they don't...it wasn't..."

"Hey," Daryl tapped Isabella's chin, making her open her eyes and look up at him. She wanted to cry so badly. "You're gonna be fine."

How could he say that? How could he say that Isabella was going to be fine when everyone was dying? Beth died, then Abraham died, then Glenn died, then Sasha died. Now, it was Carl's turn.

She just shook her head and leaned her forehead against Daryl's chest. He wasn't good in moments like these, so he just rubbed the back of her head and gave her a gentle kiss on top of her hair.

"I was bringing him back. His names Siddiq. We saw him at that gas station before..." Isabella could hear Carl explaining what happened to Rick.

Before we went back out there to help him again. Before we tried to put down some walkers. Before I shouted your name. Before I took your life away. Isabella thought to herself.

They were going to have to leave Carl and go to Hilltop. She heard Daryl say it. But she wasn't listening.

Isabella was completely spaced out whilst Carl said goodbye to Freddie. "Hey," Carl mumbled as Freddie kneeled down next to him.

"Hi," Freddie replied, and the he turned back around to Daryl. "I don't want to say goodbye," he shook his head.

"I know, bud," Daryl put a hand on Freddie's head, "but you gotta," he gave him a tight-lipped, sympathetic smile.

Freddie nodded and turned back around to Carl. "I'm really gonna miss you. I-" he started to cry at this point, tears running down his face. "I thought- I thought that Bells and you and I were going to be friends forever."

Carl smiled gently at that. "I don't wanna say goodbye, either. You're gonna have to take care of her for me, be the big brother," he tapped Freddie's chin and tried to make him smile. "Even if you are only a couple of months older."

Freddie let out a small laugh and wiped his tears, sniffling. "I promise."

Carl nodded and wrapped his arms around Freddie, bringing him into a hug. Neither of them were smiling anymore, infact, they were both crying.

Then Isabella remembered; she shouted for him. That walker crawled up to his stomach after she called for him and it knocked him to the ground. And her and Freddie just watched. They watched as Carl got his life taken

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