10. For Carl.

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⚠️ This chapter will be quite gory/gruesome⚠️

Isabella was out in the yard drawing, she wanted to come and help move the cars. However, she was told no by Daryl.

Her head was still recovering, it would just come and go every so often, it had been a couple of days. But it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the first day.

Isabella was drawing a flower that she could see behind the fence, though it was the wrong colour, it was red, but she had to use pink.

"Hey, little girl." A voice came from behind her.

She turned around and saw the other two prisoners, but being the curious eight year old that she was, she wanted to give these people a chance at least.

"Hi." She responded, smiling up at them.

The blonde one knelt down next to her, the other one stood back a bit, since he could see the group watching.

"I'm Axel, what's your name?" He introduced himself.

"Isabella." She told him.

"That's a pretty name, what are you drawing there, Isabella?" He asked, pointing to the flower on the page.

"A flower." She replied simply and kept on colouring.

Just as Axel was about to sit down next to Isabella. Rick, Carol, T-Dog and Daryl came up the hill. "That's close enough." Rick told Axel, warning him not to get any closer to Isabella. "We had an agreement."

Axel stood back up to his full height "Please, mister. We know that." He reassured Rick.

Daryl gave Isabella the okay sign again, holding his hand up slightly.

She nodded and gave it back, knowing that this time it meant you okay?

Glenn and Maggie came out from the watch tower, walking over to the rest of them.

"We made a deal. But you gotta understand...we can't live in that place another minute. You follow me? All the bodies...people we knew. Blood, brains everywhere. There's ghosts." Axel tried to reason with Rick.

"Why don't you move the bodies out?" Daryl suggested

"You should be burning them." T-Dog added, hand on hip.

"We tried. We did." Axel said

"The fence is down on the far side of the prison. Every time we drag a body out those things just line up. Dropping the body and just running back inside." The other man- Oscar- explained to the six of them.

"Look, we had nothing to do with Tomas and Andrew." Axel began to wave his arms around and walk towards Rick, Carol, Daryl and T-Dog, followed by Oscar.

Maggie and Glenn carefully edged up behind them, not wanting to cause any trouble.

"Yeah, we'll, you stay the hell away from that little girl, you hear me?" Rick said, gesturing to Isabella. When they said nothing, Rick repeated himself. "Do you hear me?" He said in a tone that was a hundred times more menacing.

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