61. Braver than me.

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Turns out, Freddie ran in there, like a dumbass. Then, got himself shot, like a dumbass. Basically, Freddie was a dumbass. But he was okay.

Isabella was sat on the curb, watching as Daryl fixed his bike. It had been taken when he was out for all them weeks and they had found it at the outpost.

"Didn't even notice. Got your bike back," Carol hummed as she sat down next to Isabella.

"Yeah," Daryl grumbled and leaned back, squishing Isabella in between himself and Carol. "Got another one of those?" He gestures to her cigarette.

Isabella shifted uncomfortably, Daryl noticed and waved a hand at Carol. "Don't matter. I don't want one no more."

Carol nodded. "Those people you met. The ones in the burnt forest, they took it from you?" She gestured at the bike.

"Yeah," Daryl mumbled.

"You saved them, right?" Carol looked down. But Daryl didn't reply. "Sorry. It's who you are. We're still stuck with that."

"No, we ain't. I should've killed them," Daryl shook his head. Carol didn't say another word before she started to get up and walk away. "Hey," Daryl called out.

Carol turned around and Daryl continued speaking, to both of them this time. "The ones that took you two and Maggie...what'd they do to you?"

"To me and Maggie? They didn't do anything," Carol answered before walking away.

"I- I shot one of 'em in the arm, before they took us. He died. So the older woman, Molly- I think. She was smoking, and- and she took her cigarette and-" Isabella stuttered. She wasn't crying, but he voice was cracking like she was about to.

"I felt it. I felt them all again," She looked down at the scars. "I heard him."

Daryl pushed her. She never spoke about what happened before all this, sure, they knew the rough outline. But everything else, every story behind each of those scars she kept to herself. "What'd he say?"

Isabella took a deep breath and looked down, she started to pick at her arms, so Daryl took her hand and held it in his. "When I was three, I knocked his drink over. I didn't mean to, just happened. Then he got mad, really mad. That's the first time I remember, but he did it before that. I know he did."

"He wasn't there, he ain't never comin' back neither," Daryl shook his head. "Don't matter no more, he ain't here and you ain't his anymore."

Isabella nodded and wiped a tear that had escaped her eye. She wasn't strong enough. She was strong, but it wasn't enough. Because no matter what happened, John wouldn't go the hell away.

Daryl had gone on a supply run with Denise later in the day. Isabella sat by Freddie's bed. "This is what you get for lying to me about those cookies."

"You can't be mean to me. I'm hurt," Freddie gave her a fake pout.

"Tough cookies," She replied and then laughed. "Ha! Get it? Because cookies."

"Oh yeah, comedy genius, Belly," Freddie nodded and gave a fake clap.

"Why'd you run in there anyway?" Isabella asked. "Pretty dumbass move."

"Because I thought Carol was in there. I didn't know," Freddie shook his head. "I just followed Jesus in. Why'd you go into the forest? Pretty dumbass move."

Isabella looked up. "Because I thought Carol and Maggie were gonna get hurt."

Glenn and Maggie walked into the infirmary. "Oh, hey," Glenn smiled and waved at the two kids.

"Hi, Glenn," Isabella smiled. She hadn't got much time with Glenn since they came to Alexandria, she missed him. She was curious about the baby. "What if the baby isn't really yours? What if it's someone else's and it's just chosen you?"

"I don't think that's how it works, hon," Maggie giggled.

"But what if it comes out and it doesn't look like you?" Isabella tilted her head.

"Then Maggie's got some explaining to do," Glenn laughed and raised his eyebrows. Maggie scoffed and hit him in the chest, neither of the kids understood.

"Hm. Okay," Isabella shrugged and turned back around. "Daryl was carrying you," She pointed out to Freddie.

"Well, I couldn't exactly walk," Freddie rolled his eyes sarcastically.

Isabella leaned over the back of her chair and grabbed some cookies from her bag. "And to think I brought these for you?"

Freddie's eyes widened. "Please, just one."

Isabella nodded and stood up, taking one out of the box and holding it just out of his reach.

"Belly! That's not funny!" Freddie reached his arms up and tried to grab it, but he couldn't get to it.

"It's funny to me," Isabella giggled and dangled the cookie higher. "Just reach! It's not that hard!"

Isabella jumped and accidentally dropped the cookie onto Freddie's bed as the door swung open. Abraham, Rosita and Daryl were practically dragging Eugene inside.

"What happened to him?" Isabella furrowed her eyebrows.

"Bit a dick and got shot," Abraham put Eugene's feet up onto the bed.

Isabella screwed up her nose and looked to Rosita, who just nodded. "Oh, yeah. He did." She said breathlessly.

Isabella noticed that Denise wasn't with them. But she was when they left. "Where the Doc?"

Daryl shook his head. That meant she was dead. They just kept on losing people, Isabella wanted to know more, but Daryl was clearly upset, so she didn't ask.

Eugene started to cough and woke up.

"You here?" Rosita pressed her hands onto his bed and leaned down slightly.

"Present," Eugene croaked. Why couldn't this man just use normal words?

"Good," Abraham nodded.

Isabella sat back down facing Freddie. "Looks like Eugene is stealing your spotlight."

"Seriously. What a copy cat," Freddie sighed and shook his head.

Isabella was sat in the house later that day, it was sunset and she was resting her head on Abraham's leg, just like she did when they first met.

"Why did you do that to Rosita?" Isabella mumbled. She wasn't acting mad, she just wanted to know.

"Remember how I told you anyone could love anyone? Well, I realised that I wanna be with Sasha," Abraham explained to her softly. Daryl was outside with Carol, burying Denise, Isabella presumed.

"But it made Rosita sad. She still loved you," Isabella looked up at him.

"I know. But just because it made her sad doesn't mean it wasn't right, you know," Abraham rubbed his hand on the top of her head.

Isabella nodded. "I don't like making people sad though. You must be braver than me."

"Nah, honey. You're braver," Abraham nodded to her. And for the first time since they had been out on the road, Isabella fell asleep, her head resting against Abraham's leg.


motivation hit me hard today fr

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