51. Care.

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Isabella opened the door to Carl's room, she had homework from Ashley.

"Carl what's...'line add squiggly line'?" Isabella tilted her head, she knew about letters, but what the hell were these thing?

"What?" Carl practically chuckled and walked over to her, taking the paper from her hands. "Ah, you mean one add five. That's six."

He handed her the paper back, but she didn't react. What the hell was a six, sure it was a number, but what did it look like?

Carl scoffed a laugh and took the paper back off her. "Does Ashley not teach you anything?"

Isabella shrugged. "Nobody's been going recently, she just gives us homework now."

Carl started writing down all the answers on the paper, and Isabella got easily distracted. She picked his hat up off his desk and put it on her head and then stood in the mirror.

Isabella stood in the mirror and put on a deeper voice. "Grimes, Carl Grimes."

Carl looked over and shook his head. "What the hell are you doing?"

Isabella turned around and did a more high-pitch voice. "Enid! Enid! Pay attention to me, Enid!"

Carl rolled his eyes, but a grin still played out across his face. He leaned over to her and picked the hat off her head, placing it back onto the desk. "Stop being mean, or I won't do your homework for you."

Isabella scoffed. "Rude."

There was some shouting from outside, Isabella and Carl furrowed their eyebrows for a minute and then rushed downstairs. Judith began to cry, so Carl went to shush her while Isabella stood on the porch to see what was happening. Rick and Michonne were back with a few of the others, but Daryl still wasn't back. Why the hell wasn't he back yet?

Isabella ran over to them and Michonne put her hands on the young girls shoulders. "Daryl's okay, he's fine."

Isabella nodded and looked around, breathing heavily. Why was her dad the one who was always out? It wasn't fair.

Some other members of Alexandria began to congregate and Rick began talking to the crowd. "You can hear it. Some of you saw it. They got back here, half of them. Still enough to surround us twenty deep. Look, I know you're scared. You haven't seen anything like this. You haven't been through anything like this. But we're safe for now. The panel the truck hit seems intact. We reinforced it just in case. Either way, the wall's gonna hold together. Can you? The others, they're gonna be back."

"They're gonna be back." Rosita confirmed with a nod.

Rick began to list the names off. "Daryl, Abraham, Sasha, they have vehicles. They're gonna lead 'em away just like the others."

Isabella couldn't take it anymore. She hated it. She really, really fucking hated it. "Why does my dad have to do all this shit for these people? Why don't you send one of these useless fuckers out there do it, huh?!"

Isabella looked around. "Why don't you bunch of assholes go out there and see what it's really like? Instead of hiding away like a bunch of pussies, god, my family is out there trying to help you and all you can do is sit here and cry. We've lost people too. You have to keep going on."

She tried to be nice, she tried so hard to be nice. These people did nothing though. In Isabella's mind, Judith did more than them and she was a baby.

Then, she felt guilty. These people were just scared, they were scared like she was at the start. Isabella hated her feelings, she wished she could be more like Daryl, he didn't care about whose feelings he hurt as long as he told the truth. But Isabella did care, that was her problem, she always cared so much.

Reflections - TWDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora