8. Unfamiliar voices.

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Isabella had spent a good hour and a half just lay on the bed, she wasn't complaining, the bed was the comfiest she'd had in about a year.

"One hour tops" She scoffed. "Bullshit."

She couldn't help but worry though, Hershel had gone with them and he was old. He might not be able to keep up. She knew that Glenn and Maggie would keep each other safe, love birds, and she knew that Daryl was more than capable of taking care of himself. Shane and Rick would be the ones making the calls, and they're pretty good at keeping people out of danger. T-Dog was a strong fighter, he put everyone else before himself. Plus, most of them had protective armour on.

When she heard the door to the cell block open, Isabella immediately jumped up and ran out of her cell, Beth, Lori, Carol and Carl all did the same thing. They saw Rick, Shane, Maggie and Glenn pushing a table with Hershel lay on it. Not all of Hershel though, his leg was gone.

"Daddy!" Beth cried out, rushing to him, but he was unconscious.

They rushed him into a room, moving him onto the bed. Isabella stayed out of the room, not getting in the way.

"He got bit." Rick told them.

"Oh my god, he's gonna turn." Beth breathed out, clearly distraught over the state of her father.

"Did you cut it off?!" Lori asked, confused by the whole situation.

"Yeah.." Rick mumbled.

"I need bandages!" Carol said, looking around.

"We used everything we had." Glenn told her breathlessly.

"Well, get more! Anything!" Carol ordered him.

"Carl, go get the towels from the back, right next to my bed." Lori told her son, Carl nodded and rushed off.

Isabella stood next to the doorway, not wanting to interfere. Not that an eight year old would be much help with an amputation anyway.

"I need to keep his leg elevated. Get some pillows!" Carol told them all, Isabella liked to see Carol take charge. Carol was really strong, she had even spoken to Isabella a couple of times.

"He's already bled through the sheets.." Maggie said.

"We can burn the wound to clot the blood. I can start a fire." Glenn said, to which Isabella furrowed her eyebrows. She didn't understand why they would need a fire for an amputation.

She could hear Beth begging and pleading with them, and Carol still taking charge with the situation.

"No, the shock could kill him." Carol told them all.

The shock from what? Being lit on fire? Isabella thought to herself.

Maggie was edging out of the doorway, Isabella could see her frame coming into view.

"He's gonna be okay, Mags, I promise." Isabella told her.

Maggie didn't even glance at her, she just took a deep breathe and nodded, not wanting to look away from her father.

Suddenly, Isabella heard some unfamiliar voices from the seating area just outside of the cells.

She wandered out and stood behind Daryl, but he didn't notice her.

"Todays your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go." He told them, aiming his crossbow at the ring leaders head.

Some of the men, looked down at Isabella, but the ring leader kept on looking at Daryl.

"What you got going on in there?" He asked Daryl.

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