95. Every life counts.

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"Who do you guys think killed Justin?" Henry asks, whispering as if everyone doesn't already know he's dead.

"I don't know. But whoever it was, I'm gonna make them a thank you card," Freddie mumbled.

"You can't say that, Freddie," Henry's eyes went wide. Him and Freddie never exactly got along, especially not with how confident Freddie had become.

"Tell my mom," Freddie scowled sarcastically.

"She's my mom too, you know. Not just yours," Henry pointed out.

"She was my mom before she was yours-"

"Shut up! It doesn't matter who killed him. He's dead and it's for the better," Isabella rolled her eyes, fed up of the two arguing.

Freddie and Henry both leaned back in their chairs. Freddie's hair had started to go brown in the roots, that's what happened when some people grew up. Isabella hoped that her hair would stay blonde, she didn't have a problem with any other hair color, but she felt like herself.

"Isabella," Rick called from the tent. She turned around and saw him waving his hand for her to come in, so she did just that.

"Yeah? What?" She asked, raising her shoulders. A bunch of people were in the room; Rick, Carol, Daryl, Maggie and Rosita.

"This was found by one of the Saviors, right where Justin's body was found," Rick held up the knife that Isabella had pressed into Justin's chest not even eight hours ago.

"Okay, and?" Isabella asked, taking on a tone of sass and defence.

"Well, it's one that the kids use for training. You sometimes teach Freddie and Henry, right?" Rick asked.

Isabella nodded. "Yeah. But I haven't for a couple of days."

Rick sighed. "Isabella, you're not in trouble. But I need to ask you something."

"Okay" she nodded and waited for what he had to say.

"Were you in Alexandria last night?" Rick asked, making Daryl step forward.

"The hell you talkin' 'bout, man?" Daryl got pretty close to Rick, trying to defend his daughter's name.

"Judith said she saw her," Rick shook his head. "Now, I'm not saying-"

"Judith is two, she's great but she isn't exactly a reliable source for us to go around making accusations just because a toddler said so," Rosita stood up. "Bells was with me through the night, she woke up because of a nightmare and we talked, right, Bells?"

Isabella nodded immediately. She knew that she wasn't with Rosita at any point through the night and was confused as to why she was covering for her. Isabella remembered that after everything that happened when Rick almost killed Negan, she thought the entire group hated her. After Daryl, Rosita and Eugene were the first ones to step up and say that Abraham would've been proud of her for doing what she thought was right.

"I wouldn't put it past her," Maggie scoffed.

"Maggie," Carol warned, making Maggie roll her eyes.

"You know, you're makin' it real fuckin' hard to see things from your point when you say shit like that," Daryl snapped, looking back at the woman for a minute.

Somehow, Isabella, Rosita, Carol, Daryl and Maggie all ended up shouting random things at one another.

"She was with me!"

"You really think a ten year old is gonna kill someone in cold blood?"

"She's done it before!"

"I didn't do anything!"

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