66. Maybe.

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⚠️mention of SA in this chapter⚠️

Isabella had put on one of the long-sleeved shirts and a pair of jeans. Isabella made sure that the laces on all of the shoes were loose, so that if she got the chance, she could slip them on without any trouble and run.

"Isabella," Negan's voice rung out in a sing-song tone. He walked into the room. "What we're you doing in the kitchen last night?"

"Looking around," Isabella mumbled and looked down at her hands.

Negan nodded, and then his face turned stone cold serious. "If I tell you to go to bed you..." He left the sentence open for her to finish it.

"Fuck you," She spat and stood up from the bed. Great, she lasted one day. And she'd already broken her act. "I'm...sorry," She tried to save herself.

"See, you're getting there. You said something wrong, you apologise, progress! Now...first ones free, like I said. Then, I ain't making no exceptions. Daryl gets a beatin' whenever you make a mistake," Negan smiled, as if this was a good deal.

Negan was about to leave when he got a call through on his radio. "Code orange."

Negan turned around, spinning on his heel. He had the most amused grin on his face that Isabella had ever seen. "Oh-ho-ho! Get up, you're coming with me to see this."

He grabbed her wrist and started pulling her through the hallways with him. The grin didn't disappear, and he had Lucille swung over his shoulder. The sight of the bat made Isabella want to throw up all over again.

Negan started to whistle again. That dreadful sound. He walked outside and then Isabella saw Daryl surrounded by Saviors. Negan walked into the middle of the circle and sighed, Isabella stood next to him. She wanted to stand next to Daryl instead though.

"Are we pissin' our pants yet?" Negan asked again. Isabella remembered that when he came out of the RV, when Abraham and Glenn were still breathing.

"Who are you?" Negan pointed the bat behind him.

"Negan," One of the Saviors answered.

"Who are...you?" Negan pointed the bat at another one of them.

"Negan," The Savior responded.

"Who are you?" Negan held his arms out to the sides.

"Negan," The surrounding Saviors replied in unison.

Negan chuckled. "You see that? I am everywhere. And this was your shot to prove to me that, that fundamental fact was sinkin' in, and you failed. Which sucks, because your life was about to get so much cooler. Tell him, Bells."

Hearing Negan use the nickname that Glenn started for her made her skin crawl. He couldn't call her that, only her family could. So, she stayed silent.

Negan clicked his tongue. "Isabella," He taunted in that same sing-song voice. "I'm gonna give you ten seconds."

Isabella shut her eyes tightly. It took everything in her to give one small nod.

"Gettin' so smart," Negan smiled as if he was proud. Negan moved closed to Daryl and started to poke Lucille at his feet. "Now, Dwight gave you some options. I don't think you get it yet. So I'm gonna break it down for you. You get three choices. One, you wind up on the spike and you work for me as a dead man. Two, you get out of your cell, you work for points, but you're gonna wish you were dead. Or three, you work for me, you get yourself a brand-new pair of shoes, and you live like a king! Choice seems pretty obvious. You should know, there is no door number four. This is it. This is the only way."

Negan paused and chuckled. Isabella could feel her heart pounding against her ribs. "Screw it," Negan mumbled and lunged at Daryl with Lucille.

Isabella's eyes widened and brimmed with tears. No, this couldn't happen. Daryl didn't even flinch.

He didn't flinch. That meant that he didn't care if he died. Daryl didn't want to be alive anymore, and Isabella's heart crumbled.

Negan never made contact with Daryl though. "Wow!" He whispered. "You don't scare easy. I love that. But Lucille...well, it kinda pisses her off. She finds it to be disrespectful. Lucky for you, she's not feeling too thirsty today."

Isabella felt one of the Saviors move up right behind her. His hand started off on her head, then it started to move down her body, his fingers tracing her spine. Her breath hitched in her throat, she didn't know what was happening, but she didn't like it. His hand rested on her waist for a moment, then it started to move down. Negan was speaking, but whatever he was saying was muffled by the ringing in Isabella's ears.

The Savior stepped back when Negan turned around, taking his hands away from Isabella. Negan grabbed onto Isabella's wrist again and started to pull her away. She tried to pull off of him when she heard Daryl getting beat.

"No!" She turned around and looked at the group, she saw blood coming out of Daryl's mouth. "No! Get off'a him!" Negan just kept pulling her away though.

Once Daryl was back in his cell, he started thinking about Isabella. He saw that man's hand travelling over her body. He saw her face trying to make out what was happening. He vowed to himself that he was gonna kill that man.

He started to think about Isabella again, if she had really been his daughter. She'd come home after school one day and show him a picture she made. It would've been really bad, but he still would've put it up on the fridge.

"Daddy! Look what I made!" Three-year old Isabella would call out to him. "That's me, you, and Uncle Merle!" She would point at each of the figures she had drawn.

"That's real good, sweetheart," Daryl would've knelt down in front of Isabella. "Who's that one there?" He would point at a young boy that Isabella had drew next to her, holding her hand.

"That's my bestfriend, he's called Freddie," Isabella would smile and bounce on her toes. "I met him today, we're already best friends."

Daryl would chuckle and nod. "Must be real nice then if he's your best friend, huh?"

Isabella would grin widely and nod.

Maybe he would've had movie nights with her at least once a week.

"Which one you wanna watch tonight, baby?" Daryl would look through the shelf of DVDs.

"Belle!" The four year old would shout.

"Belle? You wanna watch beauty and the beast?" He'd ask, and Isabella would nod. He imagined she would've had the stuffed tiger her whole life.

"All right..." He would grumble and turn the DVD on for her.

Throughout the movie, Isabella would singalong. She'd point at Belle and shout. "That's me!"

"Yeah, that's you, sweet girl."

Maybe, by the time Isabella had reached seven years old, she wouldn't have a single scar on her arms or her back. Maybe, just maybe, he would've made a better dad than John.


please leave a vote and a comment of what you thought of the chapter! it gives me motivation and I always appreciate it! thank you! <3

if anyone is interested I have a new book out called "Cross your heart" it's about Shane's daughter. I know that Shane is a dick and I am not changing his character in anyway, so dw I'm not gonna make him the hero.

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