38. Grieving together.

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Isabella was smiling, because they were going back and she was gonna get to see Daryl again. She would get to play with Judith again. She would get to annoy Gabriel again.

On the way back, she thought about what might have happened if they had saved the world. Would she have gotten to stay with Daryl or would she have been put in an orphanage? Would the group still stay in contact or would it go back to how it was before they all knew each other? Could Maggie and Glenn officially get married? If they could've , Isabella had hoped to be their flower girl.

Eugene was snoring loudly in the back. Glenn, Maggie and Abraham were up front while the other three girls had to listen to Eugene snooze. Isabella smiled as they pulled up by the church, but only Michonne, Judith, Carl and Gabriel were outside, and it seemed like the inside had been overrun with walkers, so where the hell was everyone else?

Isabella, Tara and Rosita got out of the back while the other three got out of the front, leaving Eugene to sleep.

Michonne wrapped Maggie up in a hug instantly and Maggie sighed. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Michonne smiled.

Carl walked over to Isabella and hugged her. "Missed me?" He teased.

"No." Isabella lied, she had missed him. "But I missed Judith." She cooed and touched the babies cheek, who lay on Carl's back.

"You're back." Michonne breathed out as she looked between the rest of them.

"Eugene lied." Glenn sighed. "He can't stop it. Washington isn't the end...where is everybody?"

Michonne smiled and touched Maggie's hand. "Beth's alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta. Some people have her, but the others went to get her back."

"Do we know which one?" Maggie asked, smiling through her tears.

"Grady Memorial." Michonne nodded and Maggie put her hands to her head in disbelief before hugging Glenn.

Michonne turned to Isabella next. "Daryl's gone with the others to get Beth."

Isabella smiled with tears in her eyes. "But- but he's okay? He's not dead?"

Michonne shook her head. "No. He's fine." She smiled.

Isabella nodded and took a deep breath, sucking the tears back, because she wasn't sad anymore. Hopefully, Rick had remembered to tell Daryl that Isabella was sorry.

"Let's blow this joint, go save your sister." Tara smiled sweetly at Maggie.

They all got in the fire truck, the same three in the front, but the others joining them in the back. Isabella didn't feel so guilty about the tiger anymore, Beth was gonna be okay. She would probably giggle and tell Isabella it's okay, then try to cheer her up. Some people at the prison had thought Isabella and Beth were sisters, they both had wide blue eyes and the same blonde hair. Isabella liked it when people thought that, because Beth really was like her big sister. As they rode along, she picked at the dry blood in her hair that stained it from when the bus crashed.

The truck pulled up and everyone hopped out, holding the guns up just incase there was any dangers around. Glenn took down a singular walker, but the rest were already down on the ground. Michonne sliced ones head in half as it emerged from some tents on the sidelines.

They all held their guns down and smiled slightly as the hospital doors opened. Rick coming out first, but he was shaking his head.

Something was wrong. Really wrong.

Next, Sasha and Theo, who just looked broken. Tyreese and Carol were walking side by side, he was helping her.

Then Daryl, carrying Beth. She wasn't moving, she wasn't moving.

Now, their hair was the same as there was a streak of blood through Beth's hair, like Isabella's. Daryl was crying, really crying. Isabella had never seen him like this before.

Beth was gone.

Maggie dropped her gun and fell to her knees just as quickly. "No!" She sobbed.

Isabella could barely stay standing, but she did. She didn't even realise she was sobbing until she was subconsciously wiping her eyes.

Now, they wouldn't get to braid Judith's hair together.

The group returned to the church. Isabella wasn't sure if it was in complete silence or if her ears were doing that weird thing again. She didn't care though. Her big sister was dead.

Once they got back to the church, they buried Beth. It was quiet, nobody really knew what to say. Everyone was just sniffling and trying to hold it in, for Maggie and Daryl.

Once it was over, Isabella sat on the steps of the fire truck, wiping her red eyes with her sleeve. Someone sat down next to her, she didn't bother to look.

"Rick told me you said you were sorry." Daryl mumbled. "You ain't gotta be. I'm sorry."

Isabella shook her head. "I shouted at you."

"Nah. I deserved it. You gotta stick up for yourself." Daryl put an arm around her, rubbing her shoulder softly.

"We didn't save the world. Eugene lied." Isabella sniffled.

"Fuckin' bullshitter." Daryl cursed and Isabella leaned into his side.

"Why did you say it? Why did you say you don't wanna be my dad?" She asked softly, she didn't want to cause an argument, but she needed to know.

Daryl sighed. "After I..I lost Beth. I was thinkin' way too much. I didn't know if you were a'right. I couldn't protect Beth." Daryl's voice cracked. "And I didn't think I could protect you."

"It wasn't your fault." Isabella mumbled, wrapping her arms around his torso and hugging him tight. He rubbed her back softly, reassuring her while she reassured him.

They stayed like that for a while. Grieving together. Neither of them could accept what had happened, they didn't want to, but they were trying to help each other to. Isabella didn't want Daryl to feel responsible for her, she just wanted him to be her dad.

She wanted to go back and change everything. Back to when she was born and have Daryl as her dad instead of John, but that would never happen.

The truth was, Daryl wished for it too.




chapter 33. To the survivors. is literally the bridge to 'the moment I knew by' Taylor Swift:

"What do you say, when tears are streaming down your face
In front of everyone you know?
And what do you do when the one who means the most to you
Is the one who didn't show?"

sorry it's a shorter chapter 💕

please leave a vote and a comment I appreciate it and they give me motivation! thank you! <3

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