11. Screams.

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Daryl had put Isabella down, keeping a hold of her shoulder as he wanted to keep her steady. He knew that after what she went through, she wouldn't be the most stable. He waved his hand in front of Rick's face. "Rick, you with me? Rick?"

Maggie passed the baby to Carl and Hershel spoke "Let me see the baby."

"What are we gonna feed it?" Daryl asked as he moved over to Hershel, pulling Isabella along with him. "We got anythin' a baby can eat?" He asked.

Hershel inspected the girl for a moment. "The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula, and soon or she won't survive."

"Nope. No way. Not her." Daryl said, gesturing to the baby. "We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run." He said, putting his crossbow over his shoulder, once his hand left Isabella's shoulder, she became a little wobbly.

"I'll back you up." Maggie immediately stepped up.

"I'll go, too." Glenn said.

"Okay, think where we're going. Beth." Daryl tapped Beth's shoulder and brought her a couple of meters away from the group.

"Kid just lost his mom, his dad ain't doing so hot. Eight-year old just delivered a baby."

"I'll look out for 'em." Beth said, nodding.

Daryl put both of his hands on Isabella's shoulders. "I'll be back real soon, 'kay?" He confirmed, to which she gave him a weak nod.

Beth put her hand on Isabella's head, the braids she had done were messy now.

"You two get the fence! Too many pile up, we got ourselves a problem." Daryl said. "Glenn, Maggie, vámonos."

"Rick!" Isabella shouted as she saw him pick up an axe and start heading towards the cell block.

"Get the gate! Come on, we're gonna lose the light!" Daryl said, already running off to the gate.

Maggie got onto the back of Daryl's moterbike, usually Isabella would be thinking about how jealous she was, but alls she could think about was how she killed Lori.

Carl had brought his younger sister into the cafeteria area, where him, Hershel, Beth and Isabella all sat down.

"We lost T-Dog..lost Carol..lost Shane." He explained.

Isabella didn't even look up, it's like the words weren't processing, the only thing she could hear was Lori's scream as she took her life from her.

Isabella felt this overwhelming duty to protect the girl. If the baby were to die, Lori would've died for nothing. Isabella would've killed her for nothing.

Hershel got up and walked out, leaving Beth with the three kids. "You want me to re-do your braids?" Beth asked Isabella in a soothing voice.

Isabella glanced at her and nodded, so Beth handed the baby to Carl and walked around to the back of Isabella, she started to undo one side and run her fingers through it, just like she had done the previous morning, when four members of their group weren't dead.

"Your hair is really pretty." Beth told Isabella, separating her hair into three different sections.

"Thanks.." Isabella mumbled.

The baby started to cry, and once again. The screams of Lori Grimes invaded Isabella's mind, the way Carl shouted at her.

Could I have done more?

Could I have saved both of them?

Did she hate me for hurting her in her final moments?

Does Carl hate me?

Does Rick hate me?

What if I cut the wrong thing and that's what made her die?

All of these thoughts were too confusing for her young brain, so she pressed her palms into her eyes and tried to forget what she had done, but it would be with her forever.

It had now been a few hours since Daryl and Maggie had left, it was dark out now and Isabella was worrying about them. They couldn't lose anymore people than they already had.

The baby was still crying and Isabella's head was spinning, until they heard footsteps running down the stairs.

She lifted her head up and saw, Maggie, Glenn and Daryl all coming back in. Glenn had been on watch for the two of them to come back.

"How's she doin'?" Daryl asked, rushing over to Carl and looking at the baby.

Daryl gently shushed the baby as he took her from Carls arms, she was still wrapped in the flannel that Carl took off for Isabella to carry her in.

Axel and Oscar came in as well, but that was the least of their concerns right now.

Daryl took a bottle of formula from Beth and gently started to feed the baby. "Come on, come on." He encouraged her gently.

Finally, she stopped crying. Daryl smiled as he looked around "She got a name yet?" Daryl asked Carl, who shook his head.

"Not yet..but, I was thinking maybe Sofia, there's Carol, too and Andrea, Amy, Jacqui, Patricia, or..Lori, I don't know." Carl started to list off all the people that they had lost over the past year or so.

"Yeah...you like that? Huh? Lil' ass-kicker." Daryl said. "Right? That's a good name, right, Bells?" Daryl said, prompting Isabella to get involved in the conversation.

"Damn, right she is." Isabella confirmed with a nod, and everyone laughed for a moment.

"Lil' ass-kicker. You like that, huh? You like that sweetheart?" Daryl spoke to the baby.

The next morning, Daryl took Isabella to visit the graves. He put a flower on carols, presumably something special to them. Isabella nodded a silent im sorry to the graves, she wasn't sure which one was for Lori, but she felt bad that she couldn't save all three of them.


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