6. Sarcasm.

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The group had been travelling for months. Lori was distant from Carl and Rick, she was about 8 months pregnant now, but Isabella had no idea she was even pregnant until someone brought it up.

Shane kept on trying to take care of Lori, but she wouldn't accept anything of him. Isabella thought this was a bit weird, since Shane was only trying to be nice. However, Lori would only accept help off of Glenn, Beth, Maggie and Carol, it's not like many other people were trying to anyway.

Isabella could barely look at Rick, she tried to understand but she couldn't get that gruesome picture from her memory to go away.

Daryl had been taking care of Isabella for the last 8 months, always making sure she had eaten, going back into the forest for that damn stuffed tiger if she ever dropped it. He had taught her how to use a handgun, she wanted to try out the crossbow but Daryl said she was too little.

One day, Rick and T-Dog had spotted a house in the distance, they all got their weapons at the read. Even Carl with his gun, Isabella thought his gun looked a bit stupid because of the huge silencer on the front, but said nothing. Carl wouldn't stop bragging about how cool he was now.

Rick, T-Dog, Daryl, Carl and Shane all entered the old building, clearing out any walkers that they could see. Whilst Glenn and Maggie went around the back.

"Why cant I go in?" Isabella complained.

"Because you're too little, sweetie." Lori explained, earning an eye roll from Isabella.

"Because he's a boy and I'm a girl." Isabella mumbled, to which nobody heard.

They got a signal from Rick to come inside, so they all did. It smelt awful, there were dead walkers, Daryl was plucking feathers from a small owl whilst Carl raided the kitchen.

Isabella sat next to Beth, she watched as Carl came in the room and placed down two cans of dog food. Everyone eyed it disgustingly, especially Beth who just couldn't hide the look on her face. Carl opened his bag and pulled out a can opener, he began opening the cans of food. He barely could open one before Rick picked it up and threw it at the wall, diverting everyone's attention to him.

"Psst." T-Dog said, stood by the window.

Everyone looked up and then as they noticed the walkers, they all grabbed their weapons and headed the hell out of there.

Daryl nudged Isabella in the same direction as Glenn, Maggie and Hershel. She took this as a sign to get in the car with them, so that's what she did, making sure Daryl safely got on his bike and could get away.

Carl wandered off to Rick for a moment as the rest of them gathered around the hood of the car, Maggie rolling out a map. Isabella's chin rested on the bonnet, since she wasn't tall enough to see higher than that, though she had grown a couple of inches. She was pretty sure that she was eight now.

"We got no place left to go." T-Dog stated.

"When this herd meets up with this one, we'll be cut off. We'll never make it south." Maggie said, pointing at two points on the map.

Isabella really admired Maggie, she was so badass yet still so sweet towards her.

Daryl began to talk from beside Isabella. "What'd you say? That was about a hundred 'n fifty head?" Looking at Glenn.

"That was last week. It could be twice as many that by now." Glenn told him.

"This river could have delayed them. If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear through right there." Hershel said as he traced his finger across the map.

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