111. Red snow.

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Freddie and Isabella couldn't stay at the Kingdom after what happened. It hurt their hearts. Everyone looked at them like there was something wrong with them, some people had even yelled at Freddie for not doing more to help them.

It really fucked Freddie's head up, having to pick between two people who he held so dearly to his heart.

It fucked Isabella up pretty bad too. She was in that barn to die. She was supposed to die alongside everyone else, but she made it out when she wasn't supposed to. Gage had accused them both of bargaining with the whisperers.

Freddie couldn't bear to look Carol in the eye after what happened.

They both sat in a cabin in Alexandria. It was winter and they were all snowed in. Isabella was waiting for Daryl to get home, but Freddie just felt worthless. There was nothing going for him anymore. His brother was dead, he was pretty sure everyone else hated him.

"I swear to God," Negan started talking, "I have memorized every square inch of this room. And it still feels like a party!" He laughed at Gabriel.

"A never-ending party from hell," Rosita added, untightening his handcuffs. Freddie looked at Isabella and sighed.

"I mean, sure, all right," Negan chirped. "It smells like a goddamn barn in here, you're all bored shitless or depressed, but-"

"Language!" Judith yelled. Isabella managed to scoff a laugh.

"Sorry," Negan held out his hand. "Sorry, kiddo," he turned back to Gabriel, Rosita and Siddiq. "But, I mean, we've got ourselves this hot little love quadrangle here to entertain us. It's like Christmas to me."

Siddiq piped up. "Well, maybe they're just as miserable at Aaron's or Barbara's," Rosita hummed in agreement.

"Gabe," Negan said, making the man's head turn to him, "your girl's doc is also your girl's baby daddy, which kind of begs the question, do you ever wonder what the hell was going on in there when she has her appointments?"

Isabella rolled her eyes. "Stop torturing them," she sighed. Negan chuckled.

Gabriel walked toward Negan, holding out a hand. "Isabella is right. You could try to be a little less predictable."

Negan let out a hiss of air. "That hurts, Gabe, truly."

"You know, we're all grown-ups here-" Gabriel began.

"We're not," Freddie pointed to himself, Isabella, Judith and RJ. They all nodded in agreement.

Gabriel shook his head and dismissed Freddie silently. "And none of us would ever let that ruin the longstanding friendships and mutual respect we have."

"You know what? You're right," Negan nodded, but it was obvious he was going to make another snarky comment. "That is a very mature attitude, Father...not the father."

Isabella had to look down and cover her mouth. She couldn't audibly laugh at one of Negan's jokes, but, God, did she wish she had thought of that before he did.

"Ha! Is that unpredictable enough for you?" Negan asked and Isabella started actually laughing, Freddie looked up from his fingernails and smiled a little.

"Is something funny, Isabella?" Gabriel asked, deadly serious.

Isabella shook her head and waved a hand. "No. He's not funny, just that joke was so good," she managed to compose herself but burst out laughing again when she noticed Eugene laughing too. "See!" She pointed at him. "He's laughing too!" She said through her giggles.

"You two need to eat," Siddiq held out two cans to the pair of teenagers. They hadn't eaten in days, and that was the first time they had smiled or laughed since the barn.

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