69. A look.

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"Take a look," Negan nudged her head towards the dead corpse laying on the floor next to her. Isabella couldn't look, she just couldn't. "Take a look!"

Daryl got up and swung his fist at Negan, knocking him to the ground. Two of Negan's men came out and pushed him to the floor, holding either of his sides down.

"No! Stop!" Isabella choked out.

Negan chuckled and rubbed his chin, he turned to the girl. "Should've just taken a look."

He slammed the bat down onto Daryl's head.

"No!" Isabella's sobs came out as elongated gasps for air. "Sto- stop! Please!"

Daryl had blood running down his face. He looked up and tried to say something, but Negan just hit the bat down on his head again. He was dead.

A voice came from the end of the line and Isabella's head whipped around. Glenn, with his eyeball popped out and his head half caved in. "Maggie, I'll- I'll find you-" Negan hit him again.

Isabella's head whipped around again when she heard Carl cry out. "Dad!"

Negan was stood over him, his hat was on the floor and the entire right side of his face was falling apart. His eyepatch had been torn apart.


Two shots, Isabella turned and saw Michonne and Rosita laying dead next to eachother.

Negan started to walk towards Freddie from straight ahead.

"No! No! Stop!" Isabella begged. "Please!"

"All because you couldn't take a look," Negan scoffed, rising the bat above his head.

"Shh, shh," Rick mumbled into the girls hair, cradling her against his body and slightly rocking her. "You're fine."

Isabella was sweating and shaking and crying. "Are- am- are they okay?"

Rick nodded. Freddie was stood in the doorway, he hadn't got chance to reunite with Isabella when she had gotten home.

"Are you okay? I, um, I put your pictures back together," he held out the pictures. He'd put a piece of tape on the back and stuck the pieces in the right order.

Isabella nodded. "Thank you."

Freddie walked forward and put them down on her bedside table. Rick was still holding her head close to his chest, rubbing her cheek and trying to steady her breathing.

The boy leaned down and kissed Isabella on the top of the head. He'd seen Daryl do that when she was crying, maybe it would help to calm her down.

"Why couldn't I just look?" Isabella sobbed. More to herself than anyone else.

"Oh, sweetheart..." Rick mumbled and kissed her hair again. "It wasn't your fault."

Isabella shook her head and sobbed into Rick's sleeve that covered her face.

"Nobody blames you," Freddie sat down by her on the bed.

"They don't," Rick agreed with him.

Isabella nodded. "They do. Glenn is dead because I couldn't look, and now Maggie is dead too."

Rick stroked the side of her face. "Maggie isn't dead."

Isabella stopped sobbing for a minute and looked up at Rick. "She isn't? But Gabriel said-"

Rick smiled gently at the girl, not a happy smile but a reassuring one. "Gabriel made it up. We couldn't let Negan get to Maggie."

Isabella nodded in understanding now. "Is- is the baby okay? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, they're both fine," Rick uttered.

Isabella nodded and looked back down, the tip of her nose touching the fabric of Rick's sleeve.

Rick had stayed with Isabella the whole night, making sure that whenever she began to stir in her sleep, he'd calm her down.

Isabella sat downstairs with Carl and Freddie now. Rick was making them toast, but the Fruit Loops still sat on the counter across from them. The Saviors had taken Glenn and left just the scraps of him behind.

Rick put the toast down in front of the three. Carl and Freddie started to eat slowly, but Isabella didn't want to touch it. "I'm not hungry."

Rick sighed. "You've gotta eat something?"

"Can I have something later?" Isabella asked. Rick looked behind her at Michonne, who was playing with Judith on the couch. Michonne gave a nod, so he did too.

Isabella hopped off the stool. She was still thinking about Davey, but there was one person she could talk to about that. "I'll be back later."

Before anyone could reply, she was out of the door and walking towards the other house. Rosita was sat on the curb. Just who she needed. "Ro?" Isabella croaked.

Rosita smiled softly and held her arms out for the girl. Isabella quickly accepted the hug and sat by Rosita, wrapping her arms around the woman's torso.

"I'm sorry..." Isabella mumbled. "I didn't know- I should've-"

"It's okay, they wouldn't blame you. You know that," Rosita told her gently.

Isabella nodded. But she didn't believe her. "One of the Saviors. He- I don't know."

"What? He hurt you?" Rosita pulled away from the hug but kept a hold on Isabella's arms.

Isabella shrugged, she didn't know. He hadn't hurt her, but it felt like he was going to. "He said to relax, but he was unbuckling his belt."

Rosita's heart fell into a pit in that moment. "Isabella, if something like that ever happens again, you kick and scream and you shout. Promise me."

Isabella nodded. She didn't fully get it, but Rosita sounded serious. "Okay, I promise."

"Good, now give me a hug. I've missed yours," Rosita wrapped her arms around the girl again and squeezed her tightly.

Isabella hugged Rosita back tightly.

Tara had arrived back. She didn't know about the Saviors. She didn't know about her girlfriend. She didn't know about Glenn and Abraham.

Freddie and Isabella were sprawled out. Isabella over the couch and Freddie over the chair. Maybe she felt a bit better, or maybe it was just because she was home. It wasn't the same anymore, though.

"Has Carol come back yet?" Isabella asked the boy, who shook his head in response.

"No. We don't know where she is, like...at all," Freddie sighed. "Do you think she left because of me?"

"What?" Isabella propped herself up on her elbows.

"Because I called her 'mom' by accident," Freddie couldn't even look Isabella in the eyes and his face was turning red like he was embarrassed.

Isabella shook her head. "Probably not. Other kids have done that by accident before and she's never left."

Freddie nodded. "Who was that?"

"Oh. Some girl called Lizzie. Carol killed her," Isabella explained casually.

"Oh," Freddie swallowed. "Delightful."


please leave a vote and a comment of what you thought of the chapter! it gives me motivation and I always appreciate it! thank you! <3

chapter 3 of 'cross your heart' is out now!


ik its a short chapter but I love every scene in here

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