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-1 week later-
Today is the match against City in Manchester. Gareth returned home yesterday so Amelia is travelling alone up to watch them. They've got a match against Chelsea next week then it's a break until the World Cup. Even though Jordan isn't going to be playing they're travelling with the England team to Qatar to watch and stay with them.
The kick off is at 3pm, all week the city lads have been saying how excited they are to have Amelia, Noah and Kendall at the match.

A_Henderson: Sometimes the smallest things take up most room in your heart❤️ 27k likesJHendo: You and our children are my whole world❤️Madders_J: Kendall does not look happy here😂 but it's so cute how Noah trying to get to her🥰Jackgrealish: See ...

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A_Henderson: Sometimes the smallest things take up most room in your heart❤️
JHendo: You and our children are my whole world❤️
Madders_J: Kendall does not look happy here😂 but it's so cute how Noah trying to get to her🥰
Jackgrealish: See you all soon🥰
Declanrice: Beautiful babies❤️
KWalker: Noah's adorable trying to get to Kendall as she's crying🥰
Alex_Ox: Noah's such a gentleman🥰
JStones: Adorable 🥰
GSouhtgate: My beautiful grandchildren. love and miss you all. I'll be watching the match at home. Good luck all❤️
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Amelia POV:
I arrive at the Ethiad, I get stopped at the entrance to the family section as they say I can't take the pushchair. I look at the security guard and say "my daughters 11 days old and I've got my toddler I can't carry everything. I've never had a problem before." He shakes his head "that's not my problem. You're lucky i'm even letting you in this section. It's not for fans." My eyes go wide. "I'm more than entitled to be in this section, I'm not just a fan. I'm Jordan Henderson's wife, my pass allows me in this section." He laughs "I don't care about that, you either remove them from the buggy or don't come in." I get tearful about it and all of a sudden, I feel arms around me. I look up and it's Phil's wife, "hey you okay Amelia?" I shake my head "I'm not allowed the buggy in the section, I can't carry Kendall and the bags and Noah." She hugs me as the tears fall, "do you have a carry car seat for Kendall?" I nod "not a carry one, it's only an Isofix one" She smiles "I'll help you to the stands with Noah, while you carry Kendall. But I'll wait with them here while you take the pushchair back. We'll speak to the city lads about him later" she says looking directly at the asshole security guard. I look up and say "she's got a buggy there" pointing at another lady he nods "she's a home fan so she's allowed." Me and Becca are fuming he adds "and you're threats about the city lads don't mean much what is one player going to be able to achieve." Becca laughs loudly "it won't only be one, try 5. You know all 5 that play for the England team." He rolls his eyes, they ain't going to be bothered about a Liverpool fan." She smirks "they will be very bothered when you've made her remove their nephew and 11 day old niece from the buggy." He smirks and says "I'll take my chances, I'll be in the tunnel afterwards."
The match finishes 1-1 to City, Noah's fell asleep and so is Kendall, I manage to carry them both to the tunnel. It's so hard walking like this and I feel a terrible mum and I'm in a bit of pain, I stand in the tunnel and the tears fall.
Soon I have Liverpool and City boys running towards me. "Ames, what's happened? I can't get Jordan yet as he's on an interview." Robbo says and Jack adds "where's the buggy? Why are you carrying both children, you only have birth 11 days ago. Give me little lady." Robbo says he'll take Noah who's fast asleep.
As soon as the children are taken I just cry, Trent and Alex hug me. "Ames talk to us" Kyle says and Becca comes over. "I can help." She explains everything, all the city lads eyes widen and Jack says "which one is it Becca?" She points over to him and Jack says to Trent and Alex "can one of you take Kendall please. I ain't having this. He can't discriminate because she's not a city fan. Also this is my family he's messing with." The other City lads agree. James Milner says he's going to get Jordan.
Jordan POV:
I'm finishing up with my interview and I can see James waiting for me and he looks worried about something. As soon as the interview finishes I run over and he says "You better come Hendo it's Ames." I run into the tunnel with him, I see her crying. I hold her in my arms as I see all the City lads run off to a security guard. Becca explains it all to me, and I'm fuming. "I need to tell boss so he can take it further." They all nod and then I see the city lads getting louder so I run over there as Pep and Klopp are heading over there too.

Jack POV:
We all head over to the guard. "Good game lads" he says and I shake my head "don't even fucking think about it. Where do you see it as acceptable to refuse someone with a buggy because they're an away fan." He shrugs "priority to home fans ain't it" his laid back attitude and him not caring angers us all even more. John says "No! All fans are treated equally and you saw it okay to make a woman take her toddler and 11 day old baby out of a buggy" he shrugs "if she can't deal with the children or want to carry a young baby then don't come to a match" I shake my head and then he adds "I'm not sure why you all care she wasn't your family and I'm your side!" I shout "she is like a sister to us, but it shouldn't matter what  team someone is supporting they should be treated equally."
Both managers come over with Jordan running over. "what is going on?" Boss says. Kyle says "this guard discriminated against Jordan's wife because she wasn't a home fan. He refused her to take the pushchair through, he let one of our family's through with a buggy but told her for her to be allowed to enter the area, she'd have to take the children out. Noah would've been okay, well it's not but he's one and half so can walk but she had her 11 day old daughter with her. She ended up having to carry both as her son fell asleep. She gave birth 11 days ago and didn't need all of this. Phil's wife, witnessed how rude he was and how he was very intimidating." Pep looks shocked and looks straight at the guard and says "that is not on. I will personally ask sure you're fired for this." He looks at us lads "boys back to your families please." He then looks at Klopp and Jordan. "I am so sorry. Jordan please give your wife my most sincere apologies and I can't guarantee it will never happen and congratulations on your new baby." They shake hands and we head back to Amelia.

Jordan POV:
After Pep leaves with the guard, Klopp looks at me and says "Let me meet little baby Kendall, I missed out last week due to interviews. Let's go make sure Amelia's okay." I nod and we head over. Amelia's calmed down and she's shocked when she sees boss. "Amelia, firstly I've come to apologise for what happened and I promise you Manchester City will deal with it, I will also chase them up on the outcome of the situation. And make sure it isn't happening to fans as well." She nods and thanks him. He then says "I've come to meet Liverpools newest addition, I see our other little budding footballer is asleep so won't be joining us in the changing rooms today." We all laugh as Trent gives him Kendall, it's a lovely moment as it shows we're all one big family.

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