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Amelia POV:
We head to breakfast the next morning, and before we can speak to the lads, I need to ask my dad. I walk over with Noah in my arms, "dad, can I have a quick word before you head off" he nods and looks worried. "Can I marry Jordan here? Like we speak about it and we want to have our wedding here, like while we're here, maybe just after internationals finish, everyone who we'd invite is already here and this is the place we met and fell in love. If it wasn't for here, we wouldn't be with each other now." I take a deep breath and wait his answer. He grins at me and says "of course sweetheart, I'll talk to the right people and extend the stay by a little while. That's lovely. When you telling the lads?" I hug him tight and then say "after I've spoken to you we'll tell them but one more thing. Will you walk me down the aisle?" Tears come to his eyes, he nods and hugs me "I'd be honoured darling"
I head back over to where everyone is sitting. I sit down between Jordan and Mads, I nod and smile at Jordan telling him dad said yes, but then I hear "uncle mads is having cuddles now, we'll let mummy and daddy eat their breakfast while it's hot" I hand Noah to James and thank him, but then I stay standing and Jordan stands with me. Jordan says "lads, while your all here. Who would be willing to stay here for a couple of extra days after matches finish?" They all look confused and then Ben says "it's not a problem as league don't start for 4 weeks after but why?" I grin at Jordan and he says "well lads consider this your invitation to mine and Amelia's wedding. We're going to have it here, the place we met and fell in love. And because I can't wait for her to be my wife, we're gonna do it in 4 weeks when matches are over." The room erupts into cheers then I add "you're all welcome to plus one's, please invite partners and your little ones"
Madders is the first to hug me, "I'm so proud of you, you know that." I smile and hug him again. Then Mason and Dec come over and hug me. "While I've got you 3 with me. Obviously don't feel obliged to say yes but will you be my brides-men, obviously you can't be bridesmaids but you get what I mean" they all look shocked and then Mase says "are you sure Ames?" I nod and look at all of them and say "you 3 have been a big part of my journey getting to where I am and you've all been there when I've needed you. So is that a yes" they all nod and we have a group hug.
After all the hugs are over with and the boys head to training I call Katie.
K-Hey Amy, you okay?
A-yeah I'm good, just wondering if you're free in 4 weeks.
K-probably, isn't that when camp finishes?
A-yeah, but it's also Jordan and I's wedding day. We've decided to get married here at SGP, so I was wondering if you'd be my maid of honour. Plus help me plan and find a dress.
K- OMG! I'd be honoured Amy. And of course. How about dress shopping tomorrow?
A-Sounds like a plan. See you tomorrow
K- Please tell my husband to answer his messages when he has a break please.
A-will do, they've got a break coming up I'll tell him.

I head back pitch side, I take Noah back from Dad and tell him all the current plans. He looks at me and says "take my card tomorrow. I'm buying your dress." I go to argue but he won't take it so I just hug him and thank him lots.
Soon the boys are called over for a break. Jordan comes over kisses me and takes Noah for a cuddle. We're all sitting talking and I say "Haz, your wife says I got to tell you to reply to her messages." He laughs and gets his phone out the bag "oh shit, yeah didn't realise I had 4 messages from her."  All the boys laugh joking around about him being in trouble.
Jordan POV:
I know Ames has asked Mads,Dec and Mase to be her brides-men so I decide to pick my best man, which is hard as I love all these lads. I go over to Jack and Ben, "boys can I have a quick word" they follow me to the side but look worried. "Lads it's nothing bad, I just wanted to ask if you 2 will be my best men at my wedding?" Their eyes widen in shock "mate is love too" Jack says and then Ben adds "me too lad" I hug them both and we head back sharing the news. We head back to training and Amelia takes Noah for a walk around.
By 6pm, we're all changed and heading down for dinner. We walk in and get food heading to sit with  the others. It's a lovely evening, we all laugh and chat about the wedding and the boys get excited about writing an embarrassing speech. Then Mads says to Ames "so how does it feel that you'll officially be a Henderson?" She grins and says "I can't wait. I'm super excited." They all say aww and by the time dinner is over. Amelia and I decide to have an early night, knowing we both just want each other.

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