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Jordan POV:
The week since winning the Euros has gone past so quickly, we had the parade and interviews, spending some deserved time with Ames and Noah. Today I fly out with the lads to Greece.
We're in the car as Ames is dropping me at the airport and staying with Gareth while I'm away. We've left Noah with Gareth, it was hard saying goodbye but he didn't understand what was happening. Amelia's been really quiet the whole journey, I place my hand on her thigh while she drives, "babe, what's wrong?" She shoots me quick smile "nothing babe why?" I giggle "I know you too well to know you're lying, you've barely said a word this whole journey." She shrugs "just gonna miss you that's all" I squeeze her thigh "I'm going to miss you too, but it was your decision that I came" she laughs and rolls her eyes "you deserve it but I'm still going to miss you lots, make sure you come back to me" I smile and realise this is the reason she's quiet "baby, you're my wife of course I'll come back to you, is that what you're worried about other girls? Do you not trust me?" I say and I'm quite offended she shakes her head "it's not that I don't trust you, it's just you're in a lads holiday, you're going to be really drunk and there's going to be lots of pretty girls there who will want you. It's just it's happened to me before when partners go on lads holidays" she says as we pull up to the airport doors. "I do trust you Jordan, I love you. I'm just getting over past wounds which this triggered" I sigh "fine, I get it I suppose." I get out the car and head to get my suitcase, she gets out the car and says "are we okay?" I shrug "yeah" she raises her eyebrows "doesn't seem like it to me." I sigh and say "it just feels like you don't trust me, that's all. I'm going with the lads, who most are married or in a relationship." She looks at the floor, and I know she's crying, I lift her chin up, and wipe her tears "it's a week babe, you'll be fine and we could use the break. I think we need it as we never argue or get like this." She cries more and says "a break.. like a break break?" I shanks my head "no not a break from the relationship but a break from eachother, I mean I'll still call and text you daily. And I'll miss you like mad but by the time we're home we'll have so much to talk about. I love you Amelia. forever and always" I see a small smile "I love you too Jordan. Always" I kiss her and give her a hug as I walk into the airport. I look back and wave, I can see she's crying but she gets in the car and drives off. I soon hear "that looked rough mate" I see Harry K next to me, I shrug and say "it was a bit mate, we had a little argument on the car" he pats my shoulders and says "I don't want to pry but what happened, I may be able to help" I nod "She was quiet the whole journey to the airport, when I asked her what's wrong, she said she'd miss me and to come back to her. When I said she's my wife of course I would. I asked her if she didn't trust me and then she said she did but I'd be on a lads holiday, drunk with girls who would want me and that it's happened before, I just thought she trusted me more" Harry looks at the floor and says "did she ever tell you about her ex she got with when she was 21?" I shake my head "she don't like talking about past relationships." He nods "she got with a guy called Brad at 21, they were serious just before her 23rd birthday he went abroad for a stag do with some lads. On her birthday she got sent a video of him and another girl, it turns out he went away and cheated on her. They'd been together a long time, she lived with him and saw a future with him. It broke her heart, she was so torn up about it. It's probably why she's a bit guarded, it's probably brought back a few bad memories." As I listen to Harry, I instantly feel shit about it all, "I didn't know Haz, now I feel shit" he hugs me just as the other lads come into view "talk to her, all she needs is love and reassurance. Plus it's different this time, you're married with little Noah." I nod and we greet the other lads. Chilly hands me a beer and we all cheers to lads holiday and winning the euros.
Just before we board the plane I text Amelia.
Ames, baby, I'm so sorry for how
I reacted in the car. I should've
listened to you more and understood
it brought back bad memories. Harry,
told me about Brad and I honestly had
no idea. I promise you baby, that you're
the only woman I'll ever love, I'll only
ever want and need you, it's always
gonna be you, it always has been. I love
you so much and I'm going to miss you
loads. I love you my beautiful wife❤️ Xx

J, I'm sorry for how I reacted
and I'm sorry for not explaining
properly. I love you so much
and never want to lose you. I've
just been struggling mentally a
little bit but I think the week with
Dad is going to really help me.
I'll call and text you daily. Have
fun with the boys and relax.
You deserve it. I love you❤️ Xx

Receiving Amelia's reply so quickly and knowing we are okay before getting on the plane, makes me a lot happier. Once we're on the plane, we're all buzzing and can't wait to get to Greece. I sit in my seat and stare at my wedding ring, the last time I was away from Amelia she struggled, I know this time is only a week but we're all here. I'm going to miss her and Noah so much. "They'll be fine lad. I promise" my thoughts get broken by Madders sitting next to me. I smile "I just didn't realise it would be this hard you know" he smiles at me and says "leaving wasn't ever made to be easy, but you'll be home in a week. I'm sure she'll go out with Kate while we're gone and probably get very drunk" I laugh then say "poor Gareth on that one" we both laugh and then we have to belt up for the plane to take off.

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