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Jordan POV:
I've just finished my PT session with Chilly, Jack, Harry, Mase and Dec. We're walking back to the gym and I say to Dec and Mase, "boys don't be too harsh with the dare yeah" they both laugh at me. "What do you take us for" then Jack adds on "boys, you do give proper harsh dares" we all laugh and walk into the gym.
Gareth calls me over, I look at the boys and they laugh as this will be the first time one on one talking to Gareth since I found out he heard me and Ames. I walk over and he looks worried. "What's up boss" I say and he says "don't worry but Amy came over feeling unwell, Madders took her to your room for a nap. When he came back down he told me she's asked that we finish training before disturbing her as she'll just be napping" he pats my shoulder as I stare at the floor. "Is she okay though?" He nods "I think so, I think it might just be a 24 hour thing, well I hope anyway" I nod back at him. "I hope so too."
I head back to the boys towards the running machine. I've lost my laugh, my smile and all I can feel now is worry. I head over and Ben says "woah man, what happened? You okay?" I shrug my shoulders then say "I'm okay, but whilst we were at the PT session, Ames came over unwell, Madders took her to the room for a nap. She don't want me up there until training is finished" I stare at the floor and Jack hugs me, he then says "Mate, it's probably safer at training, we all know how Ames is when you wake her up from a nap" I nod knowing he's right.

It's now 4:30pm, I head upstairs with Gareth behind me as we get to our room door, we hear Amelia being sick. We both rush in and I head to the bathroom holding her hair which she's trying to do. I take a hairband from the side and put her hair up. I rub her back, handing her my bottle of water. "You okay baby" I say as she lays her head on my legs. "No, I'm sick baby, I love you but please both of you need to leave. You've got games coming up, you can't catch it from me." I nod at her and Gareth speaks up "she's right you know Jordan, maybe pack some clothes and we'll find you a spare room, I can't afford for you to come down sick or pass it on to the team" I nod at him knowing he's right. I kiss her forehead, "I'll check on you everyday baby I promise" I realise she's fell back to sleep. I lift her up and carry her back to bed. Placing a bin at the side for her. Gareth grabs my bag and helps me pack some stuff, I'm deflated and so upset having to leave my girl when she's sick. "Jordan, I know it's hard but she wouldn't want you missing out on the euros, as you've caught her bug." I give him a small smile, "I know but it's awful seeing her ill. I just want to take it all away" he nods back at me "me too, if she doesn't feel better by tomorrow. We'll get the doctor to see her" i zip my bag up, as Gareth squeezes her hand saying "we'll check in soon, darling" He heads to the door, I walk over and kiss her forehead "I love you beautiful, get well soon. I'm gonna miss you."
I walk out of the room with Gareth, feeling so sad, I have my bags in my hand and then I hear "what happened?" Jack says, I look up and see the boys all looking at the bags in my hand. I go to speak but Gareth pats my shoulder and says "Amelia, isn't well, she's started being sick and got a temperature. As precaution, Jordan is temporarily going to sleep in a different room, so he doesn't get ill, Amelia will stay in a hotel hotel and stay in weher room until she's 48 hours clear of sickness. She is aware of it and actually made sure we both left as she doesn't want any of us getting ill before our matches" the boys all look sympathetically. Then Ben says "I've got a spare bed in my room, I may not offer what Amelia does but it means you won't be sad and worrying on your own" I giggle a little as all the other boys laugh. "Thanks Ben, that'd be great." I say. Gareth heads to his office as I put my bags in Bens room and head to get dinner.
It's 11:30pm and I'm laying awake, Ames text me earlier telling me goodnight and she loves me, I already miss her in my arms. She's only next door, but she's ill, I keep hearing when she runs to the bathroom, she hasn't for a while, I think she's asleep. After overthinking everything for a couple of hours, sleep finally takes over.
8am the next morning, I feel Ben shaking me awake. "J, Mate wake up. We got to get breakfast and we're leaving at 10 for the match today" I open my eyes and sit up. "Thanks chilly, I'll get ready now." About 15 minutes later, I'm up ready for breakfast. We head downstairs and I sit with the lads but I'm not very social, I'm so worried about leaving Ames here whilst we play our match.
Breakfast is soon over and Gareth tells us the coach will be here in 30 minutes so go get what we need. He pulls me aside "Jordan, one of our Doctors is staying here to keep an eye on Amelia, they will call me if any problems but they've given her some anti-sickness medication and said she's just sleepy." I nod back at him "thanks I was worried" he pats my back "I know you were, now go get what you need for the match." I laugh with him and soon we're on the coach to Wembley.

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