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Amelia POV:
These last few days have been awful, like honestly I never thought it would turn out like this, well part of me expected it but I think I always hoped she'd put me first.
I get out of the Uber at St George's Park and head to the reception. There's a really stuck up looking woman behind the desk. "Hi, I'm looking for Gareth Southgate, I need to see him I'm.." before I can finish my sentence she interrupts and says "if you don't have an appointment with him you can't be let through" I'm just about to argue back when I hear "Amelia is that you?" I turn around and see Harry Kane. "Hey Haz, how you been? I'm trying to find dad, she won't let me through" I say and he laughs. "I'll take you up." The receptionist goes to argue with Harry but he looks at her and says "it's Gareth's daughter, she's allowed through."
Whilst walking to dads office we get talking, Harry's always been like a brother to me. He's the only England player I know.
We stop outside a door, he says goodbye. I knock the door and hear "come in" I open the door and my dad looks shocked "Amy, what you doing here. I mean it's a great surprise" he gets up giving me a hug, it was only once I was in his arms that the tears started falling "oh Amy,what's happened darling?" I look up at him "mum kicked me out can I stay with you" he instantly nods "of course, anything for you. I'll get you a room sorted. We will be here for quite a while but you can join us with training."
Me and dad get chatting and I catch him up about how my mum picked her new partner over me and threw me out.
After a couple of hours talking, he tells me to leave my case in his office until later and to head down with him so I can meet the team. Walking behind my dad on to the pitch, I feel lots of eyes on me. "Boys, I'd like to introduce you all to my daughter Amelia. She'll be staying here with us from now on." All they boys introduce themselves, the last one to come up to me is a very nice looking man, "hey I'm Jordan Henderson, you joining us for training today" I smile at him "yeah I just might you know." I smile at him and laugh. This guy has literally said like 10 words to me and he's given me butterflies. The rest of the training session is a laugh, all the boys wanting to be on my team but honestly all I could think of is Jordan.
Once the session is finished, my dad says "Jordan can you take Amelia round the place for a tour please. I would but I've got a meeting. Amy come find me later for your room key" I nod "okay dad see you soon" I set off with Jordan. "So Jordan tell me more about yourself" he smiles "Well, I'm 30 years old, love football, love playing for England and my favourite colours red" he giggles and adds "I'm not sure what else you want to know, tell me about you" I look down at the floor then say "I'm Amelia Southgate, I'm 26 years old, single and my life's a complete mess right now" I say the last bit quite sadly, "hey where's that beautiful smile gone" He says and I smile at him and he smiles back, seeing that smile makes me happy. "Hey so the tour is over we're back at your dads office, but before I go would you like to come to dinner tonight. Me and the lads are going out and I was wondering if I can I bring you with me?" I nod "I'd love that Jordan thank you" I hug him and he walks away before shouting "I'll meet you in reception at 6" I laugh then walk into my dads office.
I've got my key for my room and I'm on the same floor as the players but I don't mind as I'm hoping to become good friends with them.
It's 5:45 and I'm ready so I take a few pictures then head downstairs.

A_Southgate: Dinner out tonight 💖 SGP has amazing places for pictures😍7k likesHarryK: See you there Amy xJHendo: this is why you're late

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A_Southgate: Dinner out tonight 💖 SGP has amazing places for pictures😍
HarryK: See you there Amy x
JHendo: this is why you're late. I thought you'd stood me up. Looking amazing xx
(Reply to Jordan)A_Southgate: I wouldn't stand you up. I'll be there 2 minutes J. Xx
Jackgrealish: Looking good Amelia x
User1: I actually low key ship Amelia and Jordan. They'd look a really good couple x
GSouthgate: You look lovely darling. Have fun x
User2: is she staying at SGP?

"See told you I wouldn't stand you up" I say with a grin as I walk towards Jordan. He laughs "you had me worried for a while, you look beautiful by the way" I blush and go shy, I look at the floor then say "you look handsome too." We head to the car, he opens the door for me like a real gentleman, during the car ride we sing along to songs on the radio, he makes me laugh with his jokes.
We park up and he says to wait, he gets out and comes around and opens my door for me. "Such a gentleman" I say pecking him on the cheek as I get out the car.
We walk in and all the boys are already there. We sit down and chat, they're all so lovely. I find out more about them and realise I get on really well with them all, the meal ends and we all head back. I forgot my coat so when we walk out the restaurant it's a bit cold, but Jordan gives me his jacket, to keep me warm. "Thanks J" I say smiling at him, when we get to the car he does the exact same opening the door for me, it really makes me smile.
We talk more on the way home and I open up telling him in basic why I'm here and now living with my dad at 26. He's shocked to hear it but says if I ever need to talk he's always there. I've only known him a day but I'm getting feelings already, as we walk back into SGP I decide to ask the ultimate question "so J, Are you single" I say and he grins "I am single yes, but there is someone I have my eye on" I look at him, my heart feeling a bit hurt "oh yeah who's that then" he laughs "well she's beautiful and funny, I've only known her less than 24 hours but she gives me butterflies and makes me smile and laugh." I look at him and smile, he pulls my hand pulling me into a hug, "it's you, I know you might not feel the same like I said I haven't even known you a full 24 hours but since talking to you I've been so happy and you're all I've thought about all day" I grin at him "you too, I do feel the same J" he hugs me again. "I'd really like to get to know you better Amelia, obviously I'm not one for dating for the sake of it, when I'm with someone I'm in it for the long run." I kiss his cheek, "I'd love to get to know you better. I agree with wanting it all to mean something"
I go to sleep with a smile on my face.

Southgate's daughter- A Jordan Henderson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now