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I get out of the taxi at dads house, he's waiting outside for me. I run to him and fall apart in his arms. He walks me inside trying to calm me down. Before I get chance to talk to him I feel sleep take over and I fall asleep cuddling him on the sofa.

Next time I open my eyes daylight is coming through the window, my heads banging then I remember last night. Tears roll down my cheeks. "Morning sweetheart, here's some orange juice and painkillers. I presumed your head would be a bit painful, we do need to talk though" I smile and nod at my dad "I know we do dad. I think I'm ready if you've got time now, if you're busy we can do it later" I say and he comes and sits next to me. "I'll always have time for you sweetheart. You just start talking and I'll listen to it all before responding." I nod and know this is gonna be hard. "Well, I haven't been fully truthful dad. Please don't hate me and don't get mad, the reason mum kicked me out was because her new boyfriend tried to kiss me and wanted me to do more with him. I ran out of the room and told mum but she blamed me and believed him when he said I come on to him, she called me loads of names and told me to leave and never come back. She picked him over me. I came to you and thought it was a fresh start and I could move on from that but it hurt me more mentally than I realised. Obviously, I met Jordan, he makes me so happy and I fell deeply in love with him, but I've been getting lots of hate because of it, people saying I'm a gold digger, I'm not good enough for him, he's using me because your my dad etc.. then last night I went out with Dec, obviously I'm with Jordan and he's with Lauren so we went out as friends, Jordan was invited but was tired, as soon as we got there the cameras started and within minutes stories were out accusing me of cheating with Dec. I put instagram post up, I think it was to try and prove that Jordan knows and it's not a secret meet up. Then the comments and messages came in and then I got a really horrible message from mum, and I was already at the bar so I ordered and downed as many shots as possible before Dec got back from the toilet, I wanted to numb the pain but all it caused was, me to believe all that's being said and made me think I couldn't go back to Jordan. I came to you and told Jordan over text that I wasn't coming home." I'm now sobbing and he holds me tight "darling, you should've talked to me. I wish you'd have told me the truth about your mum when you first got here but that doesn't matter now, have you told Jordan about all the hate you've been getting?" I shake my head "no he's got enough stress with football, he's better off without me." I cuddle dad tight and let all the pain out through my tears. "Amy, what did the message from your mother say?" I can't bring myself to speak about it so I open the message and let him read it. His eyes go wide and I know he's angry. "Amy, you do not listen to anything she has said in this message. You are a beautiful, clever girl, who's made me so proud. You've always got me, no matter what. And your with Jordan because you love him and he loves the bones of you. He's a lovely lad and honestly, he doesn't need to use you for progression in football, he's a great player already. I never wanted you to date a footballer but the one you fell for is a great guy. Plus all them lads are your friends, your like a sister to them,they love you, however, I don't think you'll ever take best friend spot with Declan though, I think Mason has that spot locked up" the last sentence of dads makes me smile. "That's what I like to see, a smile" he says.
We spend the next 3 hours talking and cuddling on the sofa watching a film.
Once the film finishes I sit up "dad, can I stay here until England camp please. I think I need time to heal mentally. Camps in 5 days so I'll talk to J then." He smiles sympathetically at me "of course you can darling. It's your home always. But please at least text Jordan to tell him, and maybe message Declan, he's worried about you too. I spoke to them last night just before you arrived." I nod and snuggle back into dad as we watch the second movie.

Soon it's dinner time and I decide to send Jordan a text while dads cooking.
Hi J, I'm really sorry about last night.
I've decided I'm going to stay at
Dads until England camp, I promise
I'll talk to you and explain everything
when I see you there. I just need time
to heal and sort my head out. I do love
you and hope you don't hate me xx

I could never hate you Ames, I love you
too. I need time too as this has really
hurt me. I'll bring your clothes that are
here with me to SGP. I just wish you
felt you could've spoke to me...

I'm sorry you feel like that. I promise
I'll explain everything when I see you.
I just need time. Xx

I need time too Amelia. You hurt
me lots by just leaving me,
I'm not ready yet.

Please just remember I love you xx
That conversation could've gone better. I hate myself so much right now, I can't lose him but I need to heal myself or it's never going to work. I decide to message Dec next.
Hey Dec, I just want to thank
you for last night, I'm so sorry.
I'm staying at dads until England
camp to try and sort my head out.
But I think I may have lost J.
I promise I will explain it all to
you soon. Love ya x

Hey Mini S, you don't need to thank me,
you're like a sister to me, my girl bestie.
I'll be here for you anytime.
Tell me it all when you're ready.
And you haven't lost Jordan,
he's just hurting but he loves you.
I promise you. I don't live too far
from your dads if you ever need me.

I'd love a movie night with ice
cream right now but won't Lauren
be upset you coming to me?

I'll be over in an hour, I'll shower
and go get the ice cream, Lauren's
gone on holiday, she's not coming
back.. to me anyway I'll explain it all to
you when I see you x

Maybe buy lots of chocolate too
as we both have relationship problems.
I'll let dad know your coming.
Dinners cooking did you want some.
Dads home made curry? X

Yeah of course,
his curry is amazing.  X

I walk to the kitchen dad had cooked lots of curry like usual. "How did the conversation go sweetie" I smile and look at the floor. "Not the best dad but Decs coming over for movie and ice-cream. He's got some problems so he's going to talk to me, it'll take my mind off mine. I said he could have some curry and he got excited as he loves your curry" dad starts laughing "yeah I cooked it for the boys last year and they've been asking for it ever since."

Southgate's daughter- A Jordan Henderson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now