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-4weeks later-
Amelia POV:
I've been home for 4 weeks, dads been amazing with helping me. Jordan's been working so hard, he's been training everyday. He's played one premier league match but today he's got the champions league final. I'm so excited as we're going to surprise him. I've been watching all his games on tv but this is one match I wanted to make sure I was at. The pain is a lot less and I'm allowed to be mobile, I'm still on crutches and have my leg in a boot. It was a cast while I was in bed rest but now I'm mobile they changed it to make it lighter as I'm 27 weeks pregnant.
Dad, Noah and I arrive at Anfield, I'm so excited to be out again also because in 2 days Jordan and I will have been married a whole year. We get to the stands some of the other family members ask if I'm okay, we head to sit down ready to surprise Jordan. I've told Trent I'm here and he's going to point to us when they walk out.
We here the song of You'll never walk alone, start as the players walk out. I stand up so Jordan can see me.
Jordan POV:
We're just about to walk out the tunnel, the musics started and we can hear the atmosphere already. "Let's go lads, we can do this. Let's go out there and do our best and win. Most of all lads, enjoy this experience and have fun out there doing what we all love and are fucking good at" I say to the team. They all cheer and we start walking out, As we line up on the pitch ready to shake the other teams hands. Trent is next to me, he pats my shoulder and points to the stand. I look up and see Amelia, Noah and Gareth. She smiles and waves at me, I make a love heart with my hands and blow a kiss.
Before the match starts the team group together in a circle and Robbo says "We got this lads, we've also got a very important person watching as Amelia is in the stand, first game back for her to watch after everything, we better make it a good one." We all cheer and as we separate, I hug Robbo, "thanks mate" he laughs "can't have her disappointed can we? I mean she's the captains wife after all" The whistle blows and the game begins.
Amelia POV:
I watch with dad, Noah's fell asleep in his pushchair, I'm so anxious for them it's a big match. At half time the score is 1-1, Tsmikas scored for Liverpool.
The second half starts and all is to play for, At the 60th minute, I see Trent get the ball and kick it towards the goal, the keeper saves it but Jordan gets the rebound and kicks it in the goal. It goes in and the stadium goes crazy. We all cheer, Dad jumps and cheers with Noah in his arms, Jordan kisses his wedding ring and makes a love heart to the stand then the whole team hug him. At 90 minutes the whistle blows and they've done it, Liverpool have won the champions league.
Jordan POV:
We've done it, we all can't believe it. I'm so tearful about this win, I mean I've won and my family is here watching me. Trent runs over and hugs me "we done it lad!" I grin "I can't fucking believe it lad" he then says "Amelia and Noah were here to see it aswell." It then hits me and the tears fall, as I realise that, 4 and half weeks ago when I received that phone call and saw her in that hospital bed, we didn't know if she was going to wake up and this moment would've been so different but my wife is here with my son and carrying my daughter, they're here to watch me. As the tears fall the whole team cuddle me, Trent's told them what comment made me cry and Robbo says "She weren't ever going anywhere lad, she's got too much keeping her here. Let's get this trophy and then they can come on the pitch." I nod and we collect the medals and trophy.
As they allow the families on to the pitch, I see Noah run towards me and I pick him up and swing him around cuddling him. I run to Amelia and Gareth, "Surprise baby" she says and I hug her and kiss her "it means the world to me that you're here I mean are you okay to be?" She smiles and tells me to stop worrying, Gareth hugs me and congratulates me. He tells me he was glad to experience this win with me, he tells me he's proud of me and it means so much, as Trent comes over to see them, followed by the rest of the team making sure she's okay. I get called to an interview, I tell them I'll be back and head over.
I-Congratulations Jordan, what an amazing game.
J-Yeah, we're all buzzing with the win. I mean the other team played well but we're just so happy to add this trophy to our cabinet.
I-We've seen today has been emotional for you, after the match you seemed upset or was that overwhelming emotions of the win?
J-It was overwhelming emotions but not directly because of the win. 4 and a half, nearly 5 weeks ago my wife was in a car accident, luckily her and the baby are okay now but at the time they sedated her to let her injuries heal and keep her strong for the baby. She surprised me in the stands today with my son and father-in-law, the emotion was that everything could've been so different and she wouldn't have seen the win.
I-Wow, I'm glad she's okay and please send her our love. We did notice the crutches and the boot, I suppose that also explains the goal celebration.
J-Yeah exactly it's all for her
I-Speaking of her, you say your father-in-law came to see you, obviously that's Gareth Southgate. How are you finding it being retired from international football?
J-It's not been long enough to know yet but it was the right decision made at the right time. I'll still be involved with the team and we're travelling with them to the World Cup.
I-We wish you all the best in the future and we'll let you get back to celebrating with everyone.
J-Thank you.



Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

JHendo: We only went and done it❤️🎉🍾Today was an amazing day and I'm proud of the whole team

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

JHendo: We only went and done it❤️🎉🍾
Today was an amazing day and I'm proud of the whole team. Dreams really do come true❤️
Also a massive thank you to my beautiful, amazing wife who surprised me in the stands today and came to support us. Only nearly 5 weeks after the accident and you're back on your feet supporting me. I'm the luckiest husband ever. I love you❤️❤️
A_Henderson: Wouldn't miss this for the world. I'm so proud of you. I love you too❤️❤️
Declanrice: Well done boys. Deserved🙌🏼 Glad Ames is back mobile, in time for the West Ham game in 3 weeks🥰
LiverpoolFC: ❤️❤️
A_Robbo: like I said before the match. Got to make sure we impress the captains wife😜😂It was lovely to see you in the stands Amelia❤️
(Reply to Robbo)Ames: It was lovely to see you all too. Proud of you all❤️
Masonmount: Proud lad🙌🏼 Well deserved❤️
Madders_J: Proud of you Hendo🙌🏼 It was a great match and deserved🙌🏼❤️So great to see Ames is getting better. I hope to see her in the stands when you play us in 10days🥰❤️
(Reply to Madders)Ames: Just try and stop me but I'll be in my Liverpool top😜❤️
(Reply to Ames)Mads: I'll let you off this time😂 Seeing you in that stand and seeing you're okay is all I need, doesn't matter what top you have on this time... Next time, I will moan at you for your top choice😜🥰❤️
User: Amelia's accident sounds like it was bad🤨
HarryK: Deserved❤️
Jackgrealish: Well done lads. Deserved win🙌🏼❤️
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