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*5 weeks later*
Amelia POV:
It's been 5 weeks, I'm now 14 weeks pregnant. Jordan's been training really hard recently, he's been working long days, leaving early mornings and returning later in the evening, a lot of his matches have been away, I've not attended many of them as I've been struggling with feeling exhausted, sick and achy due to the pregnancy, this time round is really hard. Emotionally I'm struggling, with Noah turning 1 next month, he's more active and it's been overwhelming, also barely seeing Jordan has changed his behaviour and made him a lot more clingy to me. Jordan and I haven't been on the best of terms recently, we've barely spent any time together and I'm so tired when we do as Noah isn't sleeping through, he keeps waking up and I'm up all night with him. I haven't asked Jordan for help as he's had so many matches and training, it's his career he's got to focus, but I feel like I'm drowning, I feel lonely and exhausted.
Unfortunately none of Jordan's most recent matches have been against any of the lads, so I haven't seen any of them in ages, and I haven't seen my dad either, it's been pretty lonely up here, I've avoided social media for a while as I was getting lots of hate for not supporting Jordan.
Jordan starts training with the England team again next week, we're meant to be heading to SGP in 3 days, I'm excited to see Dad again and all the other lads. I'm hoping Jordan and I are talking a bit more by then.
It's currently 8pm, Jordan was due home about 5 coming back from an away match they played yesterday, I cooked us a nice meal and thought he'd want to do bath and bed with Noah as he's finished matches until next week, but I received a text at 4:45pm saying he's going out with the lads to celebrate the season finishing for the international break. I cried when I got the text as I put so much effort into dinner and he knew I was cooking too. Once I settled Noah, I put a film on and had a tea, by 10:30pm, there is still no sign of Jordan coming home. I leave his food in the microwave and leave a note, I'm angry with him and decide I'm going to make it clear.
'Your food which I cooked for us all to eat together as a family is in the microwave. I've gone to bed, go to sleep in the spare room or on the sofa tonight. You've really upset me and I'm angry right now!'
I tape the note where he will see it, lock up and head to bed, crying again in bed. The tears are from being angry at Jordan, feeling ill, tired and sick all the time, being exhausted and not having a break. I manage to shower once Noah is in bed and clean the house when he naps, that's the only time I get with myself.
-3 days later-
Jordan and I haven't really spoken since the note the other night. We make small talk but it's been really awkward, which is just emotionally draining me. The drive to SGP is long and quiet, we arrive and looks like we're one of the last ones. I get Noah out and as we walk in I see dad, I run up and hug him tight "I've really missed you dad" he squeezes me tight "I've missed you too, we're talking later, I can see somethings up you looks so down." I smile to hold the tears back "I'm okay, being back with you and the lads will help" he nods and takes Noah. I see the other lads. I hug them all and I see Mads and Dec, they both look at me and seeing my closest friends, I struggle to hold back the tears. They run up and hug me and I start crying, James says "right you, let's go away from everyone else and you're going to talk to us okay?" I nod and we head to a quiet room.
"Ames, what's been going on? We've barely heard from you in ages, you haven't been online, and you look exhausted and so sad." Dec says as James holds me while I cry. Once I stop crying I say "Everything is falling apart" I explain it all and they're both shocked, "it don't sound like Jordan. I know they've had lots of fixtures and they've all been away but he's never acted like this before." James says and I shrug "for the last 6 weeks nearly there's been times I've felt so lonely, I've not felt like I've had my husband, I've been doing everything and the last straw was the other day when league finished" I explain all about the dinner and they're shocked too. Then I hear "Well hearing all that saves me from asking later. Thank you lads for being here for her, can you give us a minute?" They both nod and hug me as they leave. "I'm sorry dad" I say as I hug him and cry, he says "what are you sorry for darling? You have nothing to apologise for, I wished you picked up the phone and called me if you felt like this" I nod and then say "but I'm an adult dad, I had a child and made my life I should be able to deal with it all" he giggles and sympathetically says "darling, everyone needs help sometimes, and you shouldn't have to do it all alone. It's going to feel like hell trying to parent a cheeky one year old, grow another child, be an adult all while fighting emotional and mental battles. It's okay not to be okay and it's okay to call when you need help. However, I will be having a word with my son-in-law, Football doesn't start for 2 days so until then I'm still in family mode." I give a small laugh and he hugs me telling me, take time to sort myself out, Noah is with Mason and the others, he's going to pull Jordan for a chat.
Jordan POV:
I'm in the main room talking to some of the lads, Noah is laughing and playing with Mason and the others, he loves them all. I can't see Amelia anywhere, but I can't see Mads or Dec either, so I presume she's with them. I need to talk to her at some point. Then I see Gareth, he don't look too pleased, he says "Jordan can I borrow you please?" I smile "yeah course" we walk out the room and he gets straight to it and says "what's going on? What's happened between you and Amy?" I look at the floor, "we've not been too great to be honest" he nods "I gathered by the fact she cried as soon as she saw Declan and James, also the fact she's cried on me too. And with what she's told me I'm shocked, Your family Jordan, like I said to Amy, football doesn't start for 2 days so I'm still in family mode so that means sorting this out, this doesn't seem like you Jordan, talk to me" I nod and explain it all to Gareth.

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