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Jordan POV:
I wake up and my head is banging, luckily we've all got a day off today. I look at my phone and see another message from Amelia.
Jordan I know you've read and ignored my last message. I also saw the headline about you going out and getting pissed. You know none of it is true, you know he's like a best friend to me, he's a brother I never had. I was upset and he comforted me. Please text me or call me soon. I love you xxx

I read the message and lock my phone, with a sigh, throwing it down in the mattress. Then I hear "you gotta talk to her at some point bro. You know it's all lies, you also know neither her or Mads would do that" Trent says to me, as he sits up in his bed. I sigh knowing he's right "I'm just not ready yet lad" he giggles and says "You have a ring in your suitcase to propose to her, on your 1 year anniversary which is a week before you find out the gender of your baby. What are you not ready for? Ames is a lovely girl, she's probably really upset over this" as Trent finishes, my phones ringing and it's Madders.
J-Alright Mads
M-No lad I'm not, first of all I want to clear up that none of that shit in the paper is true. Ames was getting upset, I hugged her as she started crying, she's like a sister to me. Honestly, also you know I'd never do that to you and you know Ames would never cheat on you. She's been a mess since you left.
J-What do you mean been a mess? When I've spoken to her she hasn't said anything
M-She wouldn't have lad, she didn't want to worry you. You know the day we took her out and ended up on the search for Malteaser ice creams, well Gareth called us the night before, as she hadn't left the bedroom since you left. When we went shopping yesterday that was her first time out the house properly in 2 weeks, Me and the lads text her daily asking if she's okay, all we get back is I'm fine, but that's it. We haven't seen her or properly had a conversation in the last 2 weeks. The one time she does go out, this happens and you decide ignore her. Jordan, she's in a bad way.
J-I didn't know any of that though
M-Mate that shouldn't matter. You love her and trust her, yeah?
J-Course I do more than anything. These weeks have been so hard... I've fucked up ain't I?
M-A little, yeah mate, but you can still fix it though. I got to go but I'll see you when you're back lad.
J-Thanks lad, sounds good and please make sure my girls okay.
M-Always mate.

After my phone call with Mads I know I need to sort this, I don't know why I reacted like I did. I know she would never do that to me. I try calling her multiple times and she doesn't answer. I decide to call the one person that probably hates my guts right now but I need to make sure my girl is okay. I call Gareth...
G-Good morning Jordan
J-Morning Gareth. I'm so sorry I fucked up. Is she okay?
G-I'm glad you're aware of your mistakes. She's not okay no.
J-I've tried calling her but she's not answering I need to apologise.
G-She's in the shower right now, I'll get her to call you when she's out. She didn't deserve any of this.
J-I know, I've missed her like mad. I'm hating being away from her.
G-She's struggled too you know that
J-I do now, I only found out from James today. She's not told me any of it.
G-Sounds like her to be stubborn. She made me promise that I wouldn't tell you either. Anyway, is everything sorted for your proposal?
J-Yeah, I'll just need your help distracting her the day of it, so I can get it ready.
G-The day you come home?
J-Yeah, I've told her I'm coming home the day after.
G-Well talk about it over text I've just heard the shower finish. She'll call you in a bit. Good luck, you're doing really well out there. Goodbye
J-Thank you. bye

I feel a bit better after that but I won't be fully okay until I've spoken to Ames. I lay in the hotel room waiting for her call.

Amelia POV:
I feel more refreshed after the shower, I see missed calls from Jordan on my phone and before I can call back, my dad knocks. As I let him in he says "I've spoken to Jordan" I look at him "he called you" my dad nods and smiles "he tried calling you and you didn't answer he was worried and wanted to speak to you, I said you could call back after the shower." I look at the floor "I don't know dad" my dad hugs me and says "he knows he's messed up, he's already spoken to James this morning and had an earful off of him too, James also told him how you've really been. You should've told him darling." I nod knowing he's right. I tell dad I'll call him now, he leaves me with a drink he brought up for me. I click FaceTime to Jordan and hope he answers.
J-Hello beautiful. I'm so sorry.
A-Hey J, none of that was true, what they said.
J-I know baby, I know you'd never do that. I should've answered you, I also should've pushed you more to tell me the truth about how you've been.
A-I'm sorry babe, I didn't want to ruin your time there.
J-Your my girlfriend who's carrying our little baby, I don't care where I am I always want to know how you are truthfully.
A-Truthfully I'm a lot better now I've spoken to you and sorted it out, how's your head?
J-Banging babe, I deserve it though. I've been struggling too and I should've spoken to you instead of trying to drink away my feelings.
A-We've all been there done that. I miss you J like so much.
J-I miss you so much too, and I saw the picture of your little bump. It's beautiful like you. How is little baby H?
A-Missing their daddy just like me.
I put my phone to my belly and Jordan talks to our little baby. The moment is so adorable. Soon we hear his door being knocked by the staff, saying they're having a meeting.
J-Ames baby, I've got to go. I promise to text you and I'll call you later.
A-okay baby, I love you and miss you so much
J-I love you more than anything and miss you like hell. Please remember I love you always.

We hang up and as much as I feel better that it's now sorted between us, I start crying as it just makes me miss him so much more.

A_Southgate: I'd give anything to be held in your arms right now

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A_Southgate: I'd give anything to be held in your arms right now. I miss you more than anything and I love you more than words can say. These last few weeks have been so hard but seeing you soon, makes it allow worth it. @JHendo
JHendo: I miss you more than I could ever imagine I would. You're my world. I love you and our little baby H so much. ❤️❤️
Madders_J: Love you both lots. Also may cause shit but I've found Malteaser ice creams, did you want some?
(Reply to Madders)Jordan: Take them to her bro. Don't forget the fruit salad.😂
Declanrice: @madders_J I'll get fruit salad and meet you there, with Mase. Actually go GC.
GSouthgate: Lovely post darling. Love you both x
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