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-1 week later-
Amelia POV:
Today is their first match day of the qualifying matches. I'm driving down myself today, as I wasn't ready for the time they were leaving. I'm really excited and Katie and Fern are going to todays match so I get to see them.
I'm in the car and Noah is getting agitated so I stop at a services to feed him, hoping that he'll sleep for the second half of the journey.
Kick off is at 3pm, it's currently 2pm and I'm in traffic, my sat nav says I'll get there dead in 3. Jordan isn't answering his phone so I decide to call dad.
G-Hello darling is everything okay?
A-I'm in bad traffic dad and think I'll be late, I've tried calling J but he's not answering his phone. Are you near him?
G-I'm on my way to the dressing room now, give me a minute. Is everything okay though?
A-Yeah I had to make a stop as Noah needed lunch and was really agitated. I was at the services longer than planned as Noah wouldn't calm down.
G-It's okay darling these things happen, here's Jordan anyway.
Jordan POV:
Gareth walks into the changing rooms on the phone. Soon I hear "Henderson, it's for you." I thank him and know it's Amelia.
J-Hey baby
A-Hey, I just wanted to say I think I'll miss kick off, I'm in traffic. I had to stop for Noah and now I'm running late.
J-It's okay baby, don't worry about it. Drive safe. Is Noah okay?
A-He is now, he's falling asleep. I'll eat you go as you'll be heading to warm up soon. Good luck to you and all the boys. I love you
J-I love you too

I hang up and give Gareth his phone back, he says "I'll keep an eye out for her" I nod it's like he knew what I was thinking. I look at the lads who all look confused and say "Ames is stuck in traffic and going to be late." They all offer me a smile as we head out to warm up.
After we warm up, we line up to sing the national anthem, I keep looking in the stands to see if I see Ames and Noah but no sign yet. As we're walking over, Madders says "Gareth's keeping an eye out for her, I know she'll be here as soon as she can, but she'll want you to focus on the game not if she's here or not" I nod knowing he's right.
The whistle blows and I have one last look, as I do I see her and Noah walking to sit next to Kate and Fern, the smile reappears on my face and I feel a lot happier.
Amelia POV:
I arrive just as the whistle blows, I see Jordan look up and he seems relieved that I'm here now, I look down towards my dad and mouth "I'm sorry" he smiles and waves. I sit down next to Kate and Fern, then I hear "Didn't think you were going to show" I laugh and say "traffics a nightmare, had to stop at the services as he was on one. I don't normally stop but it made me so late, I think I'll stick with the coach from now on" I laugh and we get chatting and catching up.
At the 35th minute, we see Ben pass to Jordan who passes it over to Jude and he shoots it in to the goal. We all jump and cheer, England being 1-0 up. The play continues and Fern says "So how have things with Jordan been since you arrived?" I smile "a lot better than they was when I spoke to you. We talked it all out and he apologised. It was hard when we first got here. I was broken" They both look worried and gesture for me to continue, "you see, the days before we came to SGP, we had barley spoken because of everything like I explained. The evening he missed the dinner I'd cooked for us all, I left him an angry note as I was really mad at him, told him to sleep in the spare room or on the sofa but not to come to bed. The next day, we only spoke when necessary like because of Noah, then the day after that we drove to SGP in pretty much silence, I was so upset, I refused to cry in front of him. You see Noah had not been sleeping, the pregnancy was making me ill and then Jordan on top of it all was too much. I hugged my dad and he knew something was up but I held it together until I saw Dec and James then I broke, they took me aside and made me tell them what was wrong, then dad heard, he spoke to Jordan and Jordan ended up in a heart to heart and crying to him" they look shocked "wow, you two are all good now though yeah?" Fern asks and I smile and nod "a lot better now."
The second half kicks off and within 3 minutes HarryK has put the ball in the net, the stadium erupts and atmosphere is amazing. The other team try and attack but all their shots get defended before getting on target for goal. By the 60th minute, we see one of the other players take Bukayo out, as the foul was in the box, England get given a penalty, Harry Kane takes it and scores, increasing the score to 3-0, everyone is buzzing. After the penalty the substitutions are made and Jordan comes off, as he does he waves and blows a kiss to me. Both teams play well but England are on fire, at the 88th minute, the ball gets played to Mads, he passes it through to Emile, who can't quite get a shot but passes it back to Mads who is in a good space, he shoots and scores taking it to 4-0. Everyone is so happy, it's the best start to the international games they could ask for. The final whistle blows and the stadium erupts with players, staff, families and all the fans celebrating their win.
I say my goodbyes to Kate and Fern as we make arrangements for shopping soon, I head to the changing rooms to see the lads and dad. I knock on the door and open it "you better all be dressed" I say, Jordan runs to me and hugs me right kissing me then cuddling Noah. The others all do the same, I get to Mads and say "well done on your goal I'm so proud" he grins and hugs me again. Jordan is back by my side and Noah's having his cuddles. It's gets decided that Jordan, Jack and James are coming back in the car with me. I insist they don't have to but I think it's because they want to stop at the drive through.

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