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We've been at SGP over a month now, it's now middle of November, I've been with Jordan for 6 months in total, without our little break. It's going so good, we're both so happy.
Even though I haven't told him it's my birthday in 2 weeks at the beginning of December. I can't believe I'll be 27, it makes me feel old. I haven't told any of them about my birthday, the only ones that know are dad and Harry.
I'm walking over to the pitch and they're all on a break, I walk behind Jordan, putting my finger on my lip so the boys know I'm surprising him. "Guess who" I say as I place my hands over his eyes. He spins around kissing me and giving me a cuddle. "Nice of you to join us" he laughs as all the boys wind me up as I'm late. I see my dad walking over, "thanks for joining us Amy. Enjoy your lay in" I laugh "I did dad thank you" I say as I give him a hug. "Oh Amy, I need you to tell me later things you'd like for your birthday, I've got to make sure they arrive in time, we've only got 2 weeks"
I close my eyes and wait for Jordan to say something and he does "2 weeks, Ames when we're you gonna tell me it's your birthday" I grin at him "I don't like birthdays they make me feel old" I finish by putting my bottom lip out to look sad. My dad laughs and before Jordan can respond he says "makes you feel old, think about how old it makes me feel" I hug him and say "your not that old dad." Dad goes to talk to the other coaches, all the boys are now looking at me disappointedly, shaking their heads. "What" I say holding both hands up. "You didn't tell us about your birthday" Dec says. "What we're you gonna do just tell us on the day, when your dad gave you gifts. We need to get you presents too" Madders adds, I laugh and say "I don't need presents, birthdays aren't that important" they all laugh then Jack says "perfect reason for a party though" they all cheer then I say "sorry I didn't tell you all. Am I forgiven?" They all hug me and say yes. Then I'm in Jordan's arms, "I'm sorry J" he smiles, "I know you say you don't like birthdays but from this one onwards I'm gonna make sure you love them" he lifts me up and kisses me.
We're soon interrupted "glad you guys have made up or whatever but back to training, Amy you've got catching up to do" my dad laughs. "Im heading to the gym" I say as I walk toward the gym, I put my headphones in and do my workout.
3 hours later I see the gym door open. I pause my music and take out my headphones. Jordan walks in "baby trainings over with now" I smile at him as I walk towards him, I lean up and kiss him and say "I need a shower, want to join me?" he grins at me "you bet I do. I do need to ask you something later though" he says and I look at him confused, but soon he's taking my hand and we're heading back to the room for our shower.
40 minutes later we're out and dressed ready for dinner. "What did you want to speak to me about babe" I sat and he looks at me and smiles "has something happened between Mase and Dec? They seem different recently and I know you've been talking to them." Shit, this is awkward. I don't want to lie to him but it's not my secret to tell, so I'll have to lie and hopefully in the long run he'll understand why. "No J, they're good as far as I know. I'll speak to them later to check" I know that came more smoothly than it should've. I mentally remind myself to talk to them later.
We head down to dinner, I see my dad who calls me over, so Jordan carries on walking. "Darling. I've already found you a present for your birthday and I've gone a bit extra this year as last years wasn't great and you deserve it" I kiss his cheek and hug him "thanks dad, you don't have to you know. I love you" he smiles at me "I love you too sweetheart. Let's go get dinner." I link his arm as we head to the dinner hall. We head inside and get our food and I head to Jordan but see Dec on my way to the table "I need to speak to you later" I laugh and he look worried so I reassure him "nothing bad. I promise. We'll go for a walk whilst the boys are relaxing after dinner" he nods and I go tell Jordan, what I'm planning to do.
We've walked around the garden area and found a bench to sit on, it's cold as it's November so we're all wrapped up. "So dec, how's it all going with Mase and that?" He laughs at me "did you get me out here to find the gossip?" I shrug "well partly but Jordan asked me what was up as he said you two have been acting different to usual. I lied obviously and said I don't have any idea. But it worried me when he said different so I wondered what's happened?" He smiles at me "nothing bad happened. He knows about me and then he opened up and said, he likes me in more than a friend way, but he's not labelled his sexuality yet. He actually said he'd talked to you. But yeah, he said he felt about me more than just a best friend" I jump up and down excitedly. Then he continues "I told him how I felt and we cuddled, we've been a bit more flirty in private but it's like we're more distanced in front of the lads, I think we're both scared" I nod and understand where he's coming from. I hug him and tell him it'll all be okay.

I have a plan to help them both. Tomorrow they've all got training late, then straight to dinner. I'm gonna sneak into their room and set it up for a movie date just them two and they can chat and see how it goes like a first date.

Southgate's daughter- A Jordan Henderson FanFicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora