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Amelia POV:
It's been 2 days since the final, we've all packed up and we're leaving SGP today, it's a sad day. I have to say goodbye to all of these lads who are like brothers to me, it's also signals only a week until Jordan leaves.
Everyone's packed their cars and now saying goodbyes, I hug Madders tight "hey, I'll see you when I'm down near your way for a match, and I'm only a phone call away. if you need me just let me know and I'll drive down" I smile but I feel tears coming.
After many emotional goodbyes, to the lads, who I will see at the premier league matches but it's still sad. We're driving back to dads, I'm in the car with Jordan, we're following dads car.

By 6pm, we're all settled in and waiting on pizza to be delivered. I'm in my pyjamas, cuddling up to Jordan. We're watching a film with dad, it's perfect end to the tournament. Soon the pizza arrives and we put another film on and spend the evening relaxing together.

A_Southgate: Pizza and film night with J and Dad❤️16k likes Declanrice: Must have a movie night soon

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A_Southgate: Pizza and film night with J and Dad❤️
Declanrice: Must have a movie night soon. Miss you already💖
KatieKane: Enjoy girl💖
Madders_J: that's making my chicken pasta look boring😂 Miss you already😔💖
JHendo: You've eaten like 2 slices, then craved a fruit salad and Malteaser ice-cream hence why I'm at the shop😂Honestly though, I Love you and baby so much 💖
Masonmount:Jordan just exposed you😂 good cravings though with Malteaser ice-cream🤩
A_Southgate: Feel exposed now 🙄😂but we love you too ❤️❤️
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5 days later
It's been 5 days since we got back to dads, Jordan's cases are packed for his tournament with Liverpool. I'm hating seeing them. He's leaving tomorrow, he's heading to Liverpool tomorrow and flying out the next day on April 2nd, he comes back the day after our year anniversary. I'm going to miss him so much, I'm 15 weeks pregnant and got a small bump, it's only noticeable in tight clothes. I'm sitting in our room, and tears are falling, I've kept it together all week but now I know he's leaving tomorrow morning its harder to stay strong. The other boys have got 5 and half weeks before premier league starts up again in the UK, as they need Liverpool back.
I see the door opens, and Jordan comes in, as he sees me crying he runs over and hugs me. "Baby, please don't cry" he says as I sob into his arms. It's 8:30 at night and I know in 16 hours he's leaving for 4 weeks and I know it's going to hurt. He cuddles me and soon I feel sleep takeover as much as I want to fight it.
Jordan POV:
I can feel Ames has finally given in to go to sleep, her sobbing has broke me. I knew leaving was gonna be hard but I never expected it to be this hard. I head downstairs to get some water and go to the garden for fresh air, as I'm sitting on the bench, Gareth comes and sits next to me. "You alright Jordan?" He says and I shake my head "no, Ames just cried herself to sleep in my arms about me leaving tomorrow. I had no idea she'd find it this hard, well I had no idea I'd find it this upsetting" I say to him, he puts his arm around my shoulders and says "it's going to be hard, but she'll have me and the other lads to be there for her and keep her busy. It's a great opportunity Jordan, you're captain of the team that could win. She'll find it hard but she'll be okay, just promise me one thing" I look at Gareth and say "anything" he pats my shoulder and says "I don't want to be seeing any pictures of you on nights out getting cosy to girls, and I definitely don't need Amy to be seeing it" I nod and say "I'd never do that, I was actually hoping to talk to you in private anyway. When I come back it will be the day of our one year anniversary, I've told Ames I'm coming the day after as I wanted to surprise her, I was hoping to ask if you'd give your blessing for me to propose to her" I look at him trying to get his reaction, then he smiles and says "of course, let me know if you need any help with the planning. I'm thrilled you love her that much" we finish chatting then head to bed. I get in next to Amelia and cuddle her from behind, with my hand in her little bump.

Amelia POV:
I wake to the smell of pancakes, I notice that Jordan's already up. I look at my phone and see it's 9:30 am, I jump out of bed and rush downstairs. I'm greeted by my dad and Jordan saying good morning, and telling me to sit down as breakfast is done. They've made pancakes with fruit and bacon, it all tastes lovely. But the time we've finished and tidied away, it's 10:30, I'm cuddled up to Jordan on the sofa, dad says he's got some emails to sort out in his office but he'll be back down to say goodbye to Jordan. I lay my head on his chest and he has his hand on my belly. I suddenly feel really insecure, I look up at Jordan and say "You won't stop loving me will you?" He looks worried then says "I could never stop loving you, I'll call you and text you all the time. But please don't ever think I could ever not love you" I smile but deep down, my heart is hurting, my brain is making me overthink everything.
I lay cuddling him until his phone dings to tell him the cabs on its way. He stands to get his bag, as he puts his stuff together, my dad shakes his hand and hugs him, wishing him luck and says he'll stay in contact. They whisper something but i don't hear it. I've promised myself I'm going to stay strong until he leaves, he comes over and hugs me tightly, he gives me a kiss and says "Ames, I love you and our little baby more than words can say, I'm going to miss you so much, be careful, stay safe and if anything happens or you need me call me, Any problems with you or baby and I'll be on the first flight home. I promise. Your dads got all the contact numbers if it's an emergency and you can't get through to me. I love you" I smile and swallow back the tears. I say "J, I love you so so much and I'm gonna miss you like crazy. I am so proud of you and can't wait for you to be back in the UK, and me and bump can watch you play. Please be safe and careful, no injuries. I love you" I hug and kiss him, then he gets into the car.
As the car leaves and the front door closes, the tears fall, the sobs come out and my legs get weak, I feel myself falling to the floor but soon my dads arms are around me, holding me while I cry.

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