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-Long Chapter-
-Match day!-
Amelia POV:
Jordan left early this morning to fly down with the team, it takes about 4 hours so I'm leaving now at 10am meaning I should get there about 2pm, I've arranged to meet Dad outside.
By 2:10pm I'm about 10 minutes away so I call dad and let him know. I show my pass and they let me in to the car park for the players and families. As I'm parking up I see Dec getting out of his car. I beep my horn and as he see's me he grins and runs over. I get out the car and hug him tight "I missed you mrs" he says to me and I smile "i missed you too bestie" it's a joke between us and Mason as I say that now they're together I can take best friend spot.
I see my dad come out the door and I run to hug him with Noah in my arms. I hug him tight "I've missed you so much dad" he kisses my forehead then Noah's "I've missed you too darling, now it's grandad cuddles time." I hand Noah to him and he see's Dec walk behind me with Noah's pram which I left by the car. "Hi Declan, how are you?" Dad says and they have a little catch up, as we walk into the stadium. An interviewer stops dad to ask him a few questions, dad explains that him being here is a surprise as Jordan doesn't know and the interviewer tells him it won't be shown until after the match. So dad agrees.
I-So here with me is Gareth Southgate, Hi Gareth, we see you've come to support the teams but are in the Liverpool side, are you here for business or pleasure?
G-Hi, well today I'm here on family business. I'm here with my daughter and grandson. Today isn't to do with England, I've come to support my son-in-law as a surprise. I've never actually been to a match of his as a supporter, I've watched at home but today we wanted to surprise him. Obviously there's a few of my players on both teams but today I'm here as a supporter. It'll be nice for me to watch them all play as a supporter rather than a manager, It will be good to say hi and catch up.
I-That's lovely to hear and yes I remember seeing that Jordan is now officially your son-in-law as they got married.
G-Yes, they've been married a month it was a beautiful day.
I-Will this change anything for international season and does it affect the dynamic of the squad?
G-No it doesn't, throughout my daughter and Jordan's relationship it has been made clear to anyone who wants to presume, there hasn't ever been any favouritism, Jordan gets picked for the squad for his football skills, he's a talented player and would be picked whether he's with my daughter or not. The squad love Amelia, we're all one big family and they're all brothers too her. They've all been supportive of their relationship. During international season, I'm seen as Jordan's boss before father-in-law. If there was ever a time which Jordan wasn't up to standard for the England team then he wouldn't get picked.
I-That's lovely to hear the team is a big family.
I'll let you get back to the game as it's going to start soon. Enjoy your day and thank you for your time.
G-Your very welcome, thank you.

We head to the stands and we get a seat at the front. I love watching Jordan play but I'm excited to see the other lads too. They start coming out, Jordan looks up to see me then, sees Dad holding Noah and grins. He waves and i mouth "I love you" Trent waves too and as Mason and Ben walk out they look and wave and are equally as shocked to see Dad too.
The match finishes 2-2, best part of the match was Jordan scoring a goal, I'm so proud of him. We head to the tunnel. Jordan is in an interview so doesn't come in straight away, Trent comes and hugs me first and all the Liverpool lads say hi. "Hey T, good game" I say and Trent grins "Hey Ames, hey boss" he says to me and dad. I see Dad laugh, and say "hi Trent and please I'm only boss during international, it's just Gareth" we all laugh then I hear "Well hello stranger" I turn around and see Mason and Ben standing there. I hug them both "hey boys, it's good to see you" they laugh and Ben takes Noah, "I'm taking this little man, before his daddy comes and steals him off of me" I laugh handing Noah over, Mason hugs me again "I've really missed you" I look at him "Mase, you okay hun?" He shrugs "have you seen my man?" I look around and then say "I saw him before the match when I first arrived but I haven't since, was he not in the stands?" He shakes his head, "I saw him first half but not after half-time. Can we have a catchup later, like just us?" I smile and nod "course we can, we're staying at dads tonight. How about I pop round to yours later, it seems like you need someone to talk to" he smiles "thanks Ames" I hug him "I see my husband now, after I've said hi, I'm going to call Dec and figure out what's going on" I see Ben walking back over he hands me Noah, "I'll hand him back as it's daddy's turn now" I laugh and then say "Ben take Mase into the changing rooms, he needs privacy" he looks confused as Mason is just looking at the floor and j mouth 'Dec' to him and he nods taking Mason out the tunnel.
I walk over to Dad, and Jordan comes over, "hey baby" I say smiling and kiss him. "Hey babe" he says then Dad hugs him "good game Jordan" he smiles and says "thanks for coming Gareth, it means a lot" Dad giggles and says "I really enjoyed it and I think I'll come along to more."
I try calling Dec but he doesn't answer he sends a text telling me he'll call me back later. I have a feeling somethings not right.
In the car on the way back to dads, I say to Jordan "babe, will you be okay at dads if I pop to Masons later?" He smiles "of course, I think the Leicester game kicks off at 7, so me and your dad were going to watch that. I'll obviously keep Noah too. Is everything okay, Mason didn't seem okay in the tunnel earlier?" I shrug and explain what happened and he agrees somethings not right as it seems so unlike Dec.
I get home and head to get changed to go see Mason and my phone rings with a call from Mason.
M- Hey Ames, I think he's left me...
A-Woah Mase, how did this happen?
M-I kept trying to call him after the game and no answer. He kept hanging up, I text him loads and in a final text I said 'what's going on? This isn't like you, is something up or is something wrong between us?'
A-okay, what did he reply?
M-He text back saying 'I just want you to leave me alone!' So I said 'I'm worried, I'm your boyfriend and you're not acting like yourself'
A-I agree, he's not acting like Dec at all.
M-he wrote back, 'maybe it's better if you weren't then you wouldn't care so much and leave me alone!'
A-Oh mase, I'm sure he doesn't mean it. I don't think we know the full story here. I'll be with you in about 30 minutes okay. Stay strong. Love you.
M-Thanks Ames. Love you too.

Jordan walks in and I explain the phonecall, he's concerned just like me. He says to go straight to Mason but to let him know he's okay and keep him updated. He's told me if I need him just call and he'll come over.
I'm the car I decide to call Dec again, to my surprise he answers this time.
A-Oh so you do answer the phone?
D-I said I'd call you back so why call again?
A-Don't start talking to me like a dick, not when I'm on my way to Masons as he's in tears because you've been a twat.
D-He'll get over it.
A-Declan, I don't know what's going on with you but this isn't you. I know better than anyone how much you love that boy. So why end it?
D-I couldn't do it no more.(I hear his voice break)
A-Where are you?
D-at a bar
A-Go home, I'm gonna be at Masons, go to your house and once I've calmed Mase down and you've sobered up a bit, we're talking. Dec, 2 weeks ago you told me you wanted to Marry him, now you say you can't do it no more... you don't change your feelings that quickly.
D- I didn't say the feelings changed Ames.
A-I never doubted that they ever did. Book an Uber, go to your house and sober up, I'm outside Masons house. I don't know what's happened but I promise you I'll be here for you both always.
D-I love you Ames
A-Love you too. Text me when you're home, if I haven't got a text in 30 minutes I'm coming there and dragging you out there myself.
D-I'll book a cab now.

Southgate's daughter- A Jordan Henderson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now