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I wake to the alarm blaring out, I turn it off and sit up, as I look over I notice Jordan is still fast asleep. I kiss him and say "wake up baby. We need to head to breakfast. You've got the team meeting before training" he smiles at me. "I know baby, but I just like the way you wake me up so I ignore the alarm" he says as I get out of bed to get ready.
By 7:45, we're out the room and heading to the canteen. We're the last ones there as we are about 15 minutes later than everyone planned. "Here they are, surprised you two had the energy to get up this morning" Ben laughs then continues "remember.. I'm in the room next door to you both." I look at the floor embarrassed, then say shyly "sorry Chilly, love you really" he comes over and hugs me.
As we walk to get breakfast, I see both Dec and Mase smiling. I run up to them and hug them both. They whisper thank yous in my ears. "We'll chat later yeah" I say to them both and they nod. Mase then asks "you training with us or in the gym today?" I sigh "I've been told I'm training outside with you guys today, I can't escape to the peace and quiet of the gym" they both laugh at me then I hear Harry K say "are we not good enough for you now Miss Southgate?" I laugh at him, "course you all are, someone has to show you boys how it's done properly" they all laugh as I sit down to eat my breakfast.
We sit chatting for about 30 minutes and it's nearly 8:30am, Dad walks into the canteen. "Morning boys, don't forget team meeting in the meeting room in 15 minutes" they all say good morning and say they'll get ready to go now. He walks past me and kisses my forehead "morning sweetheart. Glad to see you actually decided to join us today at the right time" he laughs, I reply "morning dad, I thought I better be on time today. You getting a coffee?" He nods at me showing his empty cup. "I'll come and grab one with you, while the boys go put their training kits on." I walk over with dad, as it's now just me and him, because all of the lads have headed to get their training kit or gone to the meeting room.
Dad begins to talk "darling, I love you and I love how happy Jordan makes you, he's an amazing lad. And honestly one of the only few I'd accept to date you. But can I please tell you, I'm not ready to be a grandad yet" I look up at him wide eyed and say "what dad?" He laughs, "I happened to walk past your room last night and didn't really enjoy hearing my daughter screaming one of my players names. I would love to be a grandad eventually and Jordan would make a great dad, but let's get international games over with first" he laughs again and I laugh too. "That's really embarrassing knowing you heard but don't worry dad, I'm not ready for no babies yet." he hugs me "that's my girl, now go to the meeting room, I've got to head to my office first,I'll be about 5-10 minutes."
I walk into the meeting room, still in shock about that conversation. I walk up to Jordan who's standing with Ben, Mase, Dec, Madders and Jack "You alright Amy you look a bit shocked?" I giggle as Madders asks me. "Fine thanks, just had a really awkward conversation with my dad" this gets Jordan's attention. "Everything okay baby?" I close my eyes and sigh "yeah, if you call my dad walking past our room at a certain point last night, then telling me this morning that he'd love to be a  grandad but not yet, to wait until after the international games... but he's glad that it's you I'm with, he just doesn't want to hear his daughter screaming one of his players name" all the boys laugh hysterically. "Shit, I've got to face him in training aswell" Jordan says and we all carry on laughing.
After about an hour of dad going through the schedule for training and upcoming matches, we're told to head to the pitch to start warming up. Mase, Dec, Jordan and I are all walking together, I shout "race you, the last one to the pitch has to do a dare" and we start running, I end up in front, just as I get to the pitch I get picked up from behind. I scream and kick my legs. "Put me down baby" I say as I know it's Jordan. "Never baby" he says as he turns me around kissing me. He finally puts me down then I say "so who lost." Both Mase and Dec point towards Jordan who's looking at me with his bottom lip out, I lean over and peck his lips. "I'll let Mase and Dec pick the dare and you can do it later." I peck his lips again and give him a cuddle then we're interrupted by Harry, "you might want to put him down Amy, your dads coming and we all are aware of your already awkward conversation" all the boys are now laughing. "How do you all know?" I question then they look at Jack, Madders and Ben. Then Jack holds his hand up and says "in our defence it is fucking hilarious, it gave all us lads a right laugh" and they all agree.
We start jogging round the pitch to warm up. 4 hours later and morning training is done, we had lunch then some time in the gym, while small groups of the boys have a PT session.
I've come over feeling tired, feel sick and have a really bad headache, so I go to dad to tell him I'm going for a nap.
I walk over and be smiles "you okay sweetie, you don't look good?" I shake my head "I was just coming to ask if I could head upstairs for a nap, i feel really exhausted, sick and got a really bad headache dad" he gives me a hug, "course you can Amy. I'll come check on you in a bit. I'll get one of the lads to take you up and I'll let Jordan know when he's finished his session in 30 minutes." He kisses my forehead then calls over Madders. James comes straight over, "yes boss" he says then my dad says "James, Amelia doesn't feel very well, Can you take her to her room and make sure she gets there safe" he nods and replies "course I can, whatever you do Ames, give me warning if your gonna faint" he giggles at the end.
He gets me to the room, making sure I'm in bed and got water and my phone. "Get some sleep Ames, I'm sure Jordan will be right up when he hears." I smile but shake my head "I'll just be napping tell him to finish training" he laughs and says "I'll tell him but I doubt he'll listen." He leaves, closing the door behind him.

Southgate's daughter- A Jordan Henderson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now