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-2 days later-
Amelia POV:
James has gone home this morning, it's now 3pm and we're sitting on the sofa while Noah plays with his toys. I get taken out of my thoughts by Jordan. "Baby, When James left he said to you to talk to me and tell me the truth as I deserve to know. What did he mean?" He says and I take a deep breath, I knew this conversation was going to have to happen but I've been dreading it. "J, please promise me when I tell you this, you'll let me explain it all before jumping to conclusions and getting upset..." I say and he looks worried but nods and reassures me he'll listen and let me finish before he says anything.
I take a deep breath and tell him everything I told James in the garden a few days ago. He looks shocked. "I get it might not make a whole lot of sense so if you have questions I get it." I say and he holds my hand "Ames, baby, you should've told me how you've been feeling, I mean it's hurts that you didn't come to me about this. I presume you had your reasons for that. I knew you struggled saying goodbye to the boys at England and bye to your dad. But I didn't realise you truly felt like that. What can I do to help you?" He says and I shrug "I'll be okay, it's not all the time it's just the transition especially if we've been at SGP a long time. But now that you're not playing internationally I get to spend more time with you. Please believe me when I say I love being here with you." I smile and he shrugs "do you though Ames, because you've just said you told James you don't like living in Liverpool." I shake my head "I didn't say I didn't like living here altogether, sometimes I feel lonely, all my friends are the lads or their girlfriends. Maybe I just shouldn't have said anything." I say quite angrily at the end as he's just taking it all the wrong way. He heads over to the sofa and says "maybe you shouldn't have. Then I wouldn't know that my wife who's meant to love me, hates that I made her move here, and she'd rather talk to someone else about her feelings and not here husband." He says rudely. I stand up and say "I'm going out, I'll get milk and Noah more nappies. I can't be round you right now!" I lean over and give Noah a kiss. I grab the car keys and jacket. I get to the car and the tears fall, I drive and end up, pulled over and just cry. My head starts overthinking everything, did I make a mistake with all of this? I mean I love Jordan with all I have but is love enough to be happy, and for us to survive.
Soon I drive towards the shops, but before I get there I feel a crash, a car speeds into mine and suddenly I feel my world go black.

Jordan POV:
Amelia's been gone about 2 and half hours now, I expected her to be gone a while but not this long. I've called and texted her but she's not answering. I don't know whether this is because somethings wrong or she's just in a bad mood with me.
Soon my phone rings and it's a number I don't recognise.
C-Hello, is this Mr Henderson?
J-Yeah speaking
C-I'm a nurse calling from Liverpool hospital, I'm calling regarding you're wife Amelia, She's been brought in to us after a car accident.
J-Oh my god, is she okay? Is the baby okay?
C-You're baby is fine, it's being monitored closely but unfortunately Amelia has sustained some bad injuries, she's currently sedated to help her heal and keep her strong for the baby.
J-I'll come right away, I'll contact her dad too.
C-Okay, we'll see you soon Mr Henderson.

I hang up and just cry, she left while we were in an argument. I can't lose her. I get Noah's stuff ready, and put him in the car along with his pushchair. When I'm in the car I call Gareth as he need to come.
G-Hi Jordan is everything okay?
J-It's not Gareth. I'm so sorry.
G-Jordan what's happened?
J-Amelia... she's been in an accident. I'm on my way to the hospital with Noah now. She was in a car accident, baby is fine but Amelia is sedated as her injuries are bad.
G-I'll leave now, it'll take me a few hours but I'll come to you guys as soon as I can. Once you get to the hospital, tell the other lads. They deserve to hear it from you before anyone else. Stay strong, have you got everything for Noah?
J-I don't think I've got enough nappies with me or snacks.
G-I've got nappies and bits here. I'll bring them. Stay strong and call me if anything changes I won't be long. Give her a kiss from me until I get there.
J-Thanks Gareth, I'll see you soon.

I get to the hospital, Noah's in his pushchair. They take me through to her room and my heart breaks seeing her like that. Noah's watching his favourite film on the tablet.
I sit at her bed side and put a text in the group.

England lads🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Jordan: Lads, I honestly don't
know how to put this but I wanted
you to hear this from me before you
read it online. Amelia's in hospital,
she was in a car accident. Baby is
fine but she's sedated as her injuries
are serious😭

Trent: Fucking hell, I'll come to you
now brother. I'll be about 15 mins X
Madders: I haven't made it back to
Leicester yet, I'm about an hour away
from you. I'm turning around
and coming back X
Dec: Fuck! Lad Mase and I are
coming up. We'll leave soon mate.
Ben: Dec, can I come with
you guys?
Dec: Course lad, we'll pick you up
in like 20 mins
Phil: Lad, I'm with Jack, John, Kal
and Kyle. We're coming lad.
HarryM: Shit mate. Fern and I are
coming we're with H and Katie.
We're booking a hotel room and the
girls said they'll grab Noah
and have him.
Saks: Jude, Emile and I will be there by
morning. Praying for you all 🙏🏽
Picks: Coads and I are on route now.

Jordan: Lads, I can't ask
for you all to drop everything
and come. Gareth's on his way. X

HarryK: You're not asking. She's
a sister to the whole team. There's
no where else we'd rather be.
We're getting through this as a family.
We've still got 1 and half weeks until
league games X

Southgate's daughter- A Jordan Henderson FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now