Ineffable ~ Good Omens One Sh...

By Rayne_Or_Shine

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~(art received for this book of one shots)~
Attention [fluff] -Ineffable Husbands-
Buzz [fluff] -Ineffable Bureaucracy-
Little One [fluff] -Ineffable Husbands and Ineffable Bureaucracy-
It's Going to be Alright [Angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
It's All Tickity Boo [Angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Don't Ask Questions [Angst wo/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Experiment (mpreg) [Angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Love Thy Fallen [angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
To Dance Amongst The Stars [angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
To Dance Amongst The Heavens [angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Heartbroken and Fevered [Angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Too Many Questions [Angst/Fluff w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Gone So Long? [Angst/Fluff w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Living In A World Without You [Angst w/o/h/e]
Your Home Is With Me (Angel!Crowley/Raphael) [angst w/h/e]
Bonne Nuit, Mon Ange
Beelzebub? More Like Beelze-blubbering Mess
In The Beginning
I'm Sorry Dear, This Is Not What You Think It Is
It Will Be Okay, Angel
That's A Sin, Gabriel
Just Say You Don't Want Me
~Requests Are Still Open~
Second Chances
I'm Yours
Alone With My Heart
Hush My Dear
In Trusting A Demon
I'm An Angel!
~Another Authors Note~
Home In Your Arms
Tu Es Ma Cure
They Can't Stop Us All
Unable To Say I Love You
Pick Six
Holy (lemon)
Turn My World Upside Down
Aziraphale's Coming Home
Are You Dead Yet? Pt.1 (Human! Crowley)
Are You Dead Yet? pt.2
Are You Dead Yet? pt.3
Are You Dead Yet? pt.4
Are You Dead Yet? pt.5
Dashes and Snowfall
Angel Of My Dreams [Angst w/h/e] [Human! Crowley] (Ineffable Husbands)
One Thing [Angst wo/h/e]
~I'm Asking You Stuff Because I Don't Know What To Write~
Text Me! [fluff] (Highschool AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Text Me! pt 2 [Fluff/Angst w/h/e] (Highschool AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Welcome To Hell [Fluff] -Ineffable Bureaucracy-
~A/N: Happy Halloween~
They Can't Deny Us Spooks [fluff] (superomens) -ineffable husbands-
Back To My Angel [angst w/h/e] -ineffable husbands-
Sacrifice A Virgin [lemon] -ineffable husbands
He's Got My Eyes (mpreg) [fluff] -ineffable husbands-
Temptation [crack?/lemon] -ineffable husbands-
Full Color [Fluff] -Crowley and Aziraphale-
~Give Me Angst Requests~
~In Which I Tag Some Of You In A Tag Challenge I Create~
Without Wings To Touch The Sky [Angst] -ineffable husbands-
Love Like Winter [angst w/h/e] -ineffable husbands-
Goodnight (poetry) [Fluff/Angst w/o/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Angel Forming In The Snow [angst w/h/e] -ineffable husbands-
~A/N: Question~
Seven Reasons I Love An Angel [angst w/h/e] -ineffable husbands-
Things Aziraphale Knows [lemon] -ineffable wives-
Fever Dreams [angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
~A/N- Rare Updates and In Which I Beg You To Read Odd Timings~
Naked And Afraid (NaA AU) -no main ship except mentions at the end-
Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antony (Romeo & Juliet AU) Ineffable Husbands pt1
Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antony pt2
Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antony pt3
Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antony pt4
Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antonty pt5
Always Remember (Religious Cult AU) -Ineffable Husbands- PROLOGUE
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter One: Dear Anthony
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Three: Precious
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Four: I'm Going To Be Optimistic
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- chapter 5:Wonderful Days & Miserable Nights
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Six: In The Days To Come
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Seven: Close Your Eyes
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Eight: Amen
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Nine:Count To Ten, Say Amen
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Epilogue: Wedding Bells Ringing
Quarantine (crack lemon) [Human! Covid-19 AU] -Ineffable Husbands-
Serpent Lover (fluff) [Gorgon Crowley x Ghoul Azi AU] -Ineffable Husbands-
If You Really Loved Me [angst] (Human Crowley! AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
If You Really Loved Me Pt.2
Spill Word After Word [angst w/h/e] (Great Depression AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Don't Open Your Eyes [Angst w/h/e] (WWII AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Shelter In Place [lemon] (Quarantine AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Hiss (Fluff) -Ineffable Husbands-
Dream Til' July (fluff) -Ineffable Husbands-
Devil In The Garden (Reverse AU) [fluff] -Ineffable Husbands-
With The Waves (Siren & Sailor AU) [fluff]-ineffable husbands-
Happy Birthday (angst w/h/e) -ineffable husbands-
For Your Entertainment (Top Aziraphale) [lemon] -ineffable husbands-
The Angel and The Playwright (Aziraphale x Oscar Wilde) -idk probs fluff-
I'll Be Home For Christmas -ineffable husbands- (angst w/h/e)

Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Two: Goodbye Anthony

155 8 9
By Rayne_Or_Shine

A/N: TW: religious cults (why even bother tagging that now), discussions about some sexy time stuff in which an asexual asks an allo (is that the correct use of allo??) why u feel like dis? and the whole conversation is actually kind of funny.


Anthony sighed, "We only have a week left of Christmas break. That's sad. I'm sad."

Beezy said, "But we have another break in February."

"Too long. I don't want to be around people. There's idiots... You know who they remind me of?"

Beezy sighed, "Gabriel."

"Bingo. You got it. Most people in the school are just like not culty versions of Gabriel. They're all blond, rich and annoying."

Beezy nodded and said, "You know how much money they're all making?"

"How much?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking. It's got to be a lot. I mean they own stock in Dollar General. Also considering the members have jobs, and 10% of their earnings go to the church, and there's a lot of people, there's got to be a lot of money."

Anthony nodded and asked, "Why do we only talk about New Beginning? Why don't we ever talk about movies or something? All we ever talk about is the stupid cult."

"You're right. I think we should start talking about other things."

They tried to think about other things. This made them realize that they had absolutely nothing in common except for formerly being part of the same cult.

"So... Boys, am I right? Hot boys? Dick... Uh..."

Beezy shook their head and said, "Anthony, I'm demiromantic and asexual. I do not crave boys and I especially do not crave dick."

"I can respect that," Anthony sighed, "Only thing I like as much as a plump soft boy named Azira is a good old fashioned car."

"I prefer something modern."

Anthony asked, "Do you listen to Queen?"

Beezy sighed, "No. What were you doing in school last week?"

"Boring stuff. Literally nothing except finals and review. I learned a lot of the stuff at school when I was part of New Beginning. It's stressful being so bored. Being stressed makes my emotions play and then I feel certain ways and it is so annoying."

"Certain ways?"

"Like missing Azira. I miss him emotional and physically."

"So you get stressed, but then you're horny. Why Anthony?" Beezy asked, "Why are you so horny sometimes?"

"I'm not. I'm just... Stressed and touch starved."

"Stress causes you to be horny?"

Anthony said, "Not exactly. Thinking about Azira makes me feel things. Also thinking about Azira makes me feel stressed. School and being bored makes me feel stressed."

Beezy rolled their eyes and said, "I know more about you then what I needed to know."

Anthony asked, "Can we just forget we ever had this conversation?"

"Yes, I'd like to. Good, this conversation is over. Let's go back to normal. Talk about the cult as usual," Beezy said.

"Deal," Anthony sighed, "I miss Azira and he's going to die."

"Maybe we can talk about the cult tomorrow. I'm not in the mood to hear about Azira after that bad conversation."

Beezy then left. They walked to their room and laid down on the bed. With their face against the pillow they mumbled, "Why do teenage boys have to always been so horny?"

Miles away Azira was not feeling anything. He was asleep. His soft white curls were all messed up from tossing and turning. He was dreaming of Anthony. It was a rather good dream; the kind of dream where Azira will feel bad about dreaming it in the morning if he remembers said dream, which he usually doesn't.

This good dream was disturbed by a heavy pounding on Azira's door. This disturbance caused Azira to remember his dream.

"Wake up Azira!" his father called, "You're needed at the church!"

Azira woke up immediately. He got ready, and for some odd reason. At eleven o'clock at night he walked to the church. In the basement sat Gabriel and his father, and the Elder Guards.

"Azira, we believe the earth is ending earlier than what we originally thought. Gabriel got a vision from God. We need to get ready now, since the end will be here in a month. No time for the ideal body plan, we need you to get the honey. We already bought out the dollar store. Perhaps you could go to Walmart. If you follow the main highway far enough you'll see it."

Azira had been to Walmart only once, which was immediately following his driving test to get his license. He remembered the way.

He got in the church's only motorised vehicle, which happened to be a truck, and drove to the 24 Hour Walmart.

Once there, he walked inside. After looking around a bit he found the honey. He got all of it.

On his way to check out someone laid a hand on his shoulder. He flinched.


Azira looked behind him at Anthony. He was frozen in place. He didn't know what to do, nor what to say. This was an ex-member. There's supposed to be no interaction with ex-members.

"Azira, do you remember me?"

Azira's hands trembled as he said, "I- I wish I didn't... B-but I do."

Anthony grabbed Azira's hands and said, "Please come with me. There's a whole great big world you don't now about. I have to show you so much. You can come with me, right now. You'll be just fine."

Azira pulled his hands away and said, "Don't touch me Anthony. I'm not a sinner like you. Your dirty hands don't need to touch my clean ones."

"Please, Azira, I miss you. We can be together if you come with me," Anthony begged. He grabbed Azira's hands again. "Please, please, please. I need you."

Azira looked at the honey in the cart. "Anthony... I'm going on. We're leaving in a month. We're preparing now. That's why I'm buying this honey. I'm not a sinner, like you, and I'll be welcome in the gates."

Anthony looked at Azira sadly. "Dear, please. You're lying to yourself. We loved each other. I still love you so much."

Azira looked around and mumbled, "I don't know how to feel... I- oh I don't want to say it but I still love you too."

"Then come with me."

"I shouldn't. I want to be with my son in the most great place ever. It's worth it more than any sin. I need to refuse you, and I need to forget about you."

Anthony asked, "Will you kiss me at least? Tell me goodbye, make it final. Let me know that you want to go on so badly that it's worth sinning for a second, just for me."

"You're trying to tempt me. You're now a serve Satan. Anthony, I'm sorry... Wait no. I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry at all."

Anthony said, "I need to show you what it's like to be human. They make you another cog in the system there. You're nothing to them really. It's all about the money. If I can prove it to you, will you come with me?"

Azira said, "I would not."

"Where did the old Azira go? The one who would do anything for me? The one who cared? The one who listened? Where is he?"

"Washed clean. The old Anthony was made dirty, so I cleaned myself. Goodbye, Anthony."

Anthony hugged Azira. He cried, "No, please, don't go. Don't leave me. I have you now and I don't want to let go."

Azira closed his eyes and started crying too. "I wish you could come back. I can make you pure again."

"I can show you the other side. I'll do whatever it takes. Look into my eyes and tell me you trust the people who shunned me, more than you do your old best friend who you were ripped apart from. Tell me that."

Azira laid his head on Anthony's shoulder and sobbed, "I trust the Lord and myself. Nobody else."

"Why would the God you believe in have me run into you if it weren't for something right?"

"You could be a temptation."

"Azira, you know I'm not. You know, you were my original temptation. You asked me to take part of our sin. Remember that?"

"You're making me feel impure," Azira said as he let go of Anthony, "But it feels right. That's how I know it's sinful. It's greedy for me to want to disobey. I am obedient."

Anthony said, "I don't want this to be the last time I see you. I can't live with myself if you're dead."

Azira said, "Whatever is right will happen. If it's meant to, I'll see you again... Anthony I want you to do a sin on me. Kiss me. Right now. Do it please. I've never been kissed by anyone except you. It's such a weird concept only for the deepest of lovers, only known in books, but if you do it, I won't get in trouble or feel bad because I'm not supposed to know what kissing is. Then let me push you away in case someone is watching, which I believe nobody is, but you never know."

Anthony then kissed Azira. It was longer then it should have been, but that didn't matter. As soon as the kiss broke, Azira put his hands on Anthony's chest and pushed him away. He then ran away. He checked out the honey and went back to the church.

"Anthony- oh Anthony Crowley was there and he tried to do impure things to me! He did something only for the deepest of lovers! He kissed me! He touched my lips to his and- oh I feel nasty!" Azira screamed as he got inside. Tears were rolling down his cheeks. "I need Holy Water!"

Azira drank a glass of Holy Water. He then sat down with the rest, and they all prayed. They prayed as hard as they could. Something was lingering in Azira's mind.

What's out there?

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