Ineffable ~ Good Omens One Sh...

By Rayne_Or_Shine

95K 4.3K 3.4K


~(art received for this book of one shots)~
Attention [fluff] -Ineffable Husbands-
Buzz [fluff] -Ineffable Bureaucracy-
Little One [fluff] -Ineffable Husbands and Ineffable Bureaucracy-
It's Going to be Alright [Angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
It's All Tickity Boo [Angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Don't Ask Questions [Angst wo/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Experiment (mpreg) [Angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Love Thy Fallen [angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
To Dance Amongst The Stars [angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
To Dance Amongst The Heavens [angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Heartbroken and Fevered [Angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Too Many Questions [Angst/Fluff w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Gone So Long? [Angst/Fluff w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Living In A World Without You [Angst w/o/h/e]
Your Home Is With Me (Angel!Crowley/Raphael) [angst w/h/e]
Bonne Nuit, Mon Ange
Beelzebub? More Like Beelze-blubbering Mess
In The Beginning
I'm Sorry Dear, This Is Not What You Think It Is
It Will Be Okay, Angel
That's A Sin, Gabriel
Just Say You Don't Want Me
~Requests Are Still Open~
Second Chances
I'm Yours
Alone With My Heart
Hush My Dear
In Trusting A Demon
I'm An Angel!
~Another Authors Note~
Home In Your Arms
Tu Es Ma Cure
They Can't Stop Us All
Unable To Say I Love You
Pick Six
Holy (lemon)
Turn My World Upside Down
Aziraphale's Coming Home
Are You Dead Yet? Pt.1 (Human! Crowley)
Are You Dead Yet? pt.2
Are You Dead Yet? pt.3
Are You Dead Yet? pt.4
Are You Dead Yet? pt.5
Dashes and Snowfall
Angel Of My Dreams [Angst w/h/e] [Human! Crowley] (Ineffable Husbands)
One Thing [Angst wo/h/e]
~I'm Asking You Stuff Because I Don't Know What To Write~
Text Me! [fluff] (Highschool AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Text Me! pt 2 [Fluff/Angst w/h/e] (Highschool AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Welcome To Hell [Fluff] -Ineffable Bureaucracy-
~A/N: Happy Halloween~
They Can't Deny Us Spooks [fluff] (superomens) -ineffable husbands-
Back To My Angel [angst w/h/e] -ineffable husbands-
Sacrifice A Virgin [lemon] -ineffable husbands
He's Got My Eyes (mpreg) [fluff] -ineffable husbands-
Temptation [crack?/lemon] -ineffable husbands-
Full Color [Fluff] -Crowley and Aziraphale-
~Give Me Angst Requests~
~In Which I Tag Some Of You In A Tag Challenge I Create~
Without Wings To Touch The Sky [Angst] -ineffable husbands-
Love Like Winter [angst w/h/e] -ineffable husbands-
Goodnight (poetry) [Fluff/Angst w/o/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
Angel Forming In The Snow [angst w/h/e] -ineffable husbands-
~A/N: Question~
Seven Reasons I Love An Angel [angst w/h/e] -ineffable husbands-
Things Aziraphale Knows [lemon] -ineffable wives-
Fever Dreams [angst w/h/e] -Ineffable Husbands-
~A/N- Rare Updates and In Which I Beg You To Read Odd Timings~
Naked And Afraid (NaA AU) -no main ship except mentions at the end-
Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antony pt2
Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antony pt3
Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antony pt4
Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antonty pt5
Always Remember (Religious Cult AU) -Ineffable Husbands- PROLOGUE
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter One: Dear Anthony
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Two: Goodbye Anthony
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Three: Precious
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Four: I'm Going To Be Optimistic
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- chapter 5:Wonderful Days & Miserable Nights
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Six: In The Days To Come
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Seven: Close Your Eyes
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Eight: Amen
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Chapter Nine:Count To Ten, Say Amen
Always Remember -Ineffable Husbands- Epilogue: Wedding Bells Ringing
Quarantine (crack lemon) [Human! Covid-19 AU] -Ineffable Husbands-
Serpent Lover (fluff) [Gorgon Crowley x Ghoul Azi AU] -Ineffable Husbands-
If You Really Loved Me [angst] (Human Crowley! AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
If You Really Loved Me Pt.2
Spill Word After Word [angst w/h/e] (Great Depression AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Don't Open Your Eyes [Angst w/h/e] (WWII AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Shelter In Place [lemon] (Quarantine AU) -Ineffable Husbands-
Hiss (Fluff) -Ineffable Husbands-
Dream Til' July (fluff) -Ineffable Husbands-
Devil In The Garden (Reverse AU) [fluff] -Ineffable Husbands-
With The Waves (Siren & Sailor AU) [fluff]-ineffable husbands-
Happy Birthday (angst w/h/e) -ineffable husbands-
For Your Entertainment (Top Aziraphale) [lemon] -ineffable husbands-
The Angel and The Playwright (Aziraphale x Oscar Wilde) -idk probs fluff-
I'll Be Home For Christmas -ineffable husbands- (angst w/h/e)

Antony, Antony Where Art Thou Antony (Romeo & Juliet AU) Ineffable Husbands pt1

427 17 17
By Rayne_Or_Shine

A/N: I haven't even read all of Romeo and Juliet yet... Also I'm not writing in Shakespearian language because it's a pain to. Also someone requested this AU a while back but I can't remember who and I deleted the request because I'm a dummy. Also you may notice that there isn't a H in Antony's name (even though I should be using the name Antonio). That's because in the 1300s they didn't do that. I know that because I did research for another book of mine called Odd Timings. Read it please.

We start in the Italian city of Verona. Two fine and prevalent families live there. They both have a particular hatred for each other. They also both have two sons.

The Crowley house has Antony. We shall begin with him.

"Oh, Beelzebub, she's sworn herself to becoming a nun?"

Antony's cousin, Beelzebub, tends to hang out with him quite often. He listens to most of Antony's problems.

"Who?" Beelzebub asked. He knew exactly who, but he just wanted to hear Antony say it.

"Uriel! She's going to be a nun! Why be a nun when she could have me!"

Beelzebub said, "I know. Poor her, missing out on such an opportunity."

Antony said, "I believe I'm going to go further moan in the woods."

Beelzebub asked, "Why do that when Hastur and I are out enjoying such a nice day, Antony? You could join us."

"I suppose it is nice out. I will join you, though I will continue to groan over Uriel."

Beelzebub asked, "Why don't I show you other pretty women. It will help you get over her."

"It will only make me miss her more."


"Azira! We need to discuss something, my dear boy," the nurse said to the young boy.

"Yes, nurse? What is it?"

"Marriage! There shall be a party tonight! Perhaps you could select a woman to try to court?"

Azira sighed, "Nurse, I don't believe I'd like that. Not yet. I'm only fifteen and I do not believe I could love a girl yet. It would not be right in my heart to pretend to love someone I do not."

"Oh you silly boy. You'll see tonight. All the guests will be invited and I'm sure you'll spot someone of your liking."

Azira nodded and sighed sadly, "Let me be alone to think, nurse, please."

The nurse then left.


"Sirs, could you read this list of names for me? I do not know how to read."

Antony, Beelzebub and Hastur looked down at the list of names.

"No, we do not know how to read," Antony said.

"Oh well thank you for your time," the page said. He started to walk on.

"Wait come back, fellow!" Antony shouted, "We can read. Let me see the list."

The list was handed to Antony. Beelzebub and Hastur looked at it too.

"There's going to be a party... Let's see- Count Shadwell and his lovely wife, the entirety of the Pulsifer family, my nephew Gabriel, Sandal Phlon and his daughters, my fair niece and Uriel, Hastur and his sisters Dagon and Michelle... What a fine group of people! Where are they to go?"

The page responded, "To my master's house."

"Who is your master?" Beelzebub asked.

"The great and rich Fell. If you are not a Crowley, he invites you to come have a glass of wine," the page said before he left.

As soon as he was gone Beelzebub said, "Antony, did you see that Uriel is going to be there? You can go and compare her to other girls!"

Antony said, "There's nobody who could ever be as beautiful as her."

"Let me show you," Beelzebub said.

Antony sighed, "I will go, but not to gawk at other girls, but only to see her."

Hastur said, "I believe anything that could potentially make you shut up would be great."


"Azira! Come on pudgy boy! Your mother is waiting for you!"

Azira soon ran into the room the nurse and his mother were in.

"Yes, mother?" he asked. A soft smile rested on his face.

"We need to talk."

Azira said, "Alright mother. I do enjoy talking. What shall we talk about?"

The nurse licked her fingers and used them to clean a spot of chocolate off Azira's cheek. "You've always had a sweet tooth, Azira. One day when you were a tiny tot you were running into the dining room for dinner and tell flat on your face. A knot the size of rooster's balls was left on your forehead. You just fell right on your face and my dear husband rest his soul said, "oh Az you puffy boy you'll be falling in every direction some day won't you, huh?" And now we all just wait for that day. Falling for a girl? It is my only hope to live to see you get married."

Azira's mother said, "Yes, that's enough nurse. Marriage is what we were going to talk about. How do you feel about that Azira?"

"It's an honor I do not want. I don't dream about loving a girl."

Azira's mother said, "Please, son, think about it. All the other boys are out courting ladies. Be like them. Become a father. It would make you much happier."

The nurse asked, "Could you try to love a girl? Could you do it for me?"

Azira sighed, "I'll try. I'll see the girls tonight at the feast."

The page then entered the room.

"Madam, the guests are here. Please do come down. They're beginning to become fussy. The girls want to see your son. The cooks are cursing the nurse and her theft of food in the pantry."

They all went down stairs after hearing what the page said.


Gabriel sat with Lord Fell. They were observing over the party.

Gabriel said, "Listen to that man over there. He's a Crowley. How dare such scum be here?"

Lord Fell asked, "Why are you so angry? He is causing us no harm right now."

"He's here to show his ass at our party!"

Lord Fell took a closer look at the Crowley. He asked, "Is that Antony?"

Gabriel said, "It is. That is the villain, Antony."

Lord Fell sighed, "Leave him be. He's a well behaved gentleman according to the people. I do not believe he means harm to us. If you respect my wishes, you'll leave him alone. Also, wipe that disgusting look off your face. It doesn't suit you and looks ugly at a feast."

Gabriel started to wave his page over. He wanted his sword. "I need to wipe the scum away from our house. He does not belong here. I won't tolerate him!"

"You will tolerate him. You won't start a riot amongst my guests."

Gabriel whined, "But uncle! His presence makes me feel disrespected!"

"Go on, Gabriel, you're a saucy little boy. I can't believe you act like this. Your behavior is disgusting."

"I shall leave. I can not stand this anymore. Romeo is making a big mistake he'll pay for later."

Gabriel then left.

Across the party Azira was hiding, eating some scrumptious tarts in secret. Antony had found him.

"Hello there," Antony said. He sat down beside Azira.

Azira smiled and said, "Hello."

Antony asked, "What are you doing back here?"

"I'm indulging on these tarts. Would you like one?"

Antony said, "No thank you. You seem lonely back here."

Azira said, "I am, but I can also be alone in that crowd of people."

"I'll be alone with you then. We can be alone together."

Azira chuckled, "Alone together. You know what those words imply?"

"Oh! I'm sorry! I'll go if you want me to!"

"Please don't. I do not mind company. Especially from someone such as yourself."

Antony smiled and said, "I'll stay."

Azira smiled back at him.

Antony asked, "Why are you hiding? You could watch the people and eat tarts."

Azira said, "I'm hiding from my mother. She wants me to see about loving a girl. I don't think I want to."

"Why not? You want to be lonesome for your entire life," Antony asked, "Or would you be interested in one of sodomy's many sins. I will not judge you if you do. Only the friar and God could judge you for that."

"Are you asking if I'm a homosexual?" Azira asked.


"Well if you say you won't judge me for it I will admit I am. I know I could be put to death for saying and feeling such a thing, but death looks good compared to the social torment I would receive. You can go if you're uncomfortable being around me."

Antony said, "I will not leave, for I do not mind such things. I feel them too."

"Oh? Are you joking with me?"

"No! Never!"

Azira smiled and said, "I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I'm afraid my attraction isn't only out of lust though. I think my heart could only belong to a man."

Antony asked, "Could your heart be mine?"

"I'm not sure."

"Would you like to find out?"

Azira stood up and said, "We shouldn't. We both can fight this. It's sin."

"Then let it be. Tell me, have you ever held hands with a boy?"

Azira said, "No, that's sin. Hands are meant for prayer."

"Kissed a boy?"

"Lips are also meant for prayer."

"Then grab my hand. Touch my lips to yours. Someone to love me is all I've ever prayed for."

Azira looked down and said, "I should resist your. Your words are like the honey from the mouth of a serpent."

"My lips would taste just as sweet."

Azira looked back up at him and said, "Perhaps you'd be right about that. You are a cute boy, but I will not move to act upon my sins, because if I were to move I would never let myself resist."

"Then I shall move."

Antony stepped closer to him and kissed Azira's soft and sweet lips. Once the kiss ended Azira blushed.

"Give me my sin back!"

They kissed again.

"Azira! Azira! Come here your mother wants to talk to you!" the nurse called.

Azira sighed, "My mother wants me. I know we'll see again, love."

He then ran off and to his mother. Antony approached the nurse. "Who is his mother?"

The nurse said, "Oh you young boys are so curious. His mother is the lady of the house. Perhaps if you're making friends with him you can set up a sister or a cousin with him. Great friends are family, you know what they say."

"Oh... He's a Fell..."

Beelzebub called out to Antony, "Come on! The best time to go is when things are most fun!"

"But- oh I guess you're right."

Lord Fell said, "Don't go men!"

Hastur approached him and said, "It's two in the morning, good sir, we best be leaving or we won't sleep tonight."

Lord Fell sighed, "I suppose you're right. Goodnight gentleman."

Everyone began to leave except Azira and the nurse.

"Nurse, I did find some perhaps suitable girls. Michelle and Dagon were lovely."

"Oh goodie. Also I believe you perhaps were making friends with other boys."

Azira said, "Perhaps one. I'm not sure yet. I didn't catch his name. Who is he? He's walking out the door now."

The nurse said, "I'm not sure."

"Go ask."

The nurse ran to catch Antony. After finding out who he was, she returned to Azira. She whispered in his ear, "That's Antony. He's a Crowley."

"Oh pity."

"Azira!" someone called.

"I'm coming," he responded.

-end of Act 1-

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