Faith (Islamic Fic)

By MarwaaMalik

188K 9.5K 2.6K

"When two opposites are put together, will they repel or attract?" Iman Salah is a very religious girl with t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Author Note *Important*
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 30

2.1K 127 38
By MarwaaMalik

~Iman’s P.O.V~

                Ayman was kind enough to let me do the discussion tonight even though it was going to be during our usual family dinner, so I thought I should at least prepare dinner early and leave it wrapped and ready to be served for him. I felt bad that I wouldn’t be there to heat it up or accompany him during it.

                Looking at the time, I noticed it was only 8:30AM which was still pretty early. Giving me enough time to make dinner for Ayman, clean my kitchen spotless, take a quick shower then go to the event a bit early even.

                I smiled knowing I had plenty of time. It made me relax a little to be fair. I hate being stressed. I took my time preparing a three course meal while Aunty was having breakfast in the back yard joined by Yasmin.

                Everything was going really well until almost midday when Youssef decided to come down stairs, finally breaking his silent treatment that he was giving us. I guess he got tired of waiting for me to be on his case, wanting him to tell me what was wrong like I always did, but I was pretty worked up with my own guilt to do that.

                “Look who finally graced me with his presence.” I smiled at him deciding to give him a little teasing.

                “I’m hungry.” He said rudely.

                “Excuse you. No need for manners?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

                “I just want food, Iman.” He rolled his eyes at me.

                “Am I supposed to serve you, your majesty?” I said sarcastically with a hint of seriousness, not wanting to scold him and make him even more annoyed with me.

                “Fine.” He dragged his body to the fridge, opening it and scanning it with his eyes looking for something to eat, “where is the strawberry jam?”

                “We ran out of jam.” I shrugged not giving him too much attention. If he wanted to play the spoiled baby I wasn’t going to play along.

                “Well, what am I supposed to eat? I hate cheese and falafel.” His attitude was too much for me to ignore.

                “Youssef, This is what we have. If you don’t like it then you’ll have to wait for dinner with Ayman. And drop the attitude. It’s not appreciated.” I said sternly at him.

                “Well, I don’t appreciate being locked in my room without my phone and having nothing good to eat either.” He snapped at me making me bling at him. Where did this come from?

                He noticed the look of shook on my face making his face soften immediately with a hint of guilt in it, “Sorry, Iman. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that.”

                “I know you didn’t, but I don’t like that new attitude you are taking on.” I said in a sweet tone, feeling a little motherly.

                “I’m sorry, I just feel so bored. It’s horrible being on lock down. And I really wish I had just five minutes to send a really really important message.” His voice was desperate making me crease my eyebrow at him.

                “What message?” I asked out of curiosity.

                “Just a message to my friend. I have to explain to…him that I didn’t ditch. Sh-He’s going to be really mad.” He said fast in a mixture of desperation and nervousness. He even stuttered?

                “She?” I raised an eyebrow.

                “He. I said he.” He corrected me.

                “I know but you were about to say she.” I said not convinced, “Youssef, you know that there is no such thing as boys and girls friendship.”

                “I know, Iman. You told me a million time.” He rolled his eyes.

                “So, do you have a female friend?” I asked wanting nothing more than for him to tell me.

                “No, Iman.” His eyes weren’t making direct contact with mine, “I know Ayman doesn’t allow that kind of friendship.”


~Youssef’s P.O.V~

                “Then, who are you going to text?” She insisted. I knew she didn’t believe me so I had to come up with a good lie or else I’m screwed.

                “My friend. Sh-ahid… Shahid.” I lied, not so smoothly but at least I came up with something.

                “Shahid? Who is he?” She asked.

                “My friend. You don’t know him.” I knew I was just digging myself a hole but she wouldn’t stop asking.

                “Tell me about him then.” I knew she would do that. God, couldn’t be a normal sister and not pray on every little detail.

                “He’s Zayn’s friend who I hanged out with once…and promised him to meet up.” Please stop asking anymore questions.

                “Then why is it so important for you to text him?” She was going to drop it, I knew she wouldn’t but I need to make her stop. I was running out of lies to tell her.

                “Because, Iman-”

                “Iman, I was wondering what I should wear for that book discussion. I never been to one before.” Jasmin interrupted me, thank god for that.

                Sighing, I took an apple and walked up to my room not giving Iman the chance to ask me about anything else. I was barely even keeping up with the lies I had already told her.

                I didn’t know why she was making a big deal about it. I was willing to put up with this hell of this punishment without a single objection if she had given me my phone on the first day for just five freaking minutes.

                All I wanted was to text Holly telling her I had a good time so she would knew I really did like her.

                But it’s been four days already and I hadn’t even contacted her. I bet she thinks I didn’t like her and ditched. She probably hated me and wanted nothing to do with me again.

                I felt so horrible about it all I wanted was to talk to her and apologize to her. I don’t even want to imagine what she thought of me. I really do like her and I already miss her.  I miss that kiss.

                 My first kiss.

                Closing my eyes, my mouth curled up in a smile as I remembered it. God, I get butterflies just thinking about it.

                Hearing a knock on my door snapped me out of my thoughts and made me roll my eyes. Iman was so persistent sometimes, it was really annoying.

                “Hey.” Jasmin walked in my room slowly with a small smile on her face making me crease my eyebrow at her. What was she doing here? “Mind if I talked to you?”

                “Erm, no.” I was confused. Jasmin and I hadn’t even had a proper conversation before so why was she in my room?

                “Thank you,” She smiled then sat on the chair next to my bed. “So, how are you?”

                “I’m good.”

                “I feel bad but I couldn’t help but over hear yours and Iman’s conversation earlier.” She had a sweet smile but all I felt was confusion. What the hell did she want?

                “Okay?” I decided not to give her too much attention.

                “Well, I just thought if you want to use my phone at any time I don’t mind.” She had her phone in her hand giving it to me.

                “Thank you but I want mine.” I got a little defensive. I had to admit I felt so embarrassed that she knew I was being punished like a little baby.

                “Oh,” She blushed a little at my rude tone making me feel bad.

                “I’m sorry I snapped like that. Thank you for trying to help.” I tried to be nice as much as possible.

                “It’s okay. I know how it feels like to be the youngest one of your siblings and being treated like the kid.” She shrugged smiling.

                “It sucks.” I scoffed.

                “Yeah. My older brother thinks he knows everything about everything just because he’s four years older. He always lectures me about stuff.” She rolled her eyes for a second making me chuckle.

                “Same with mine but he plays my dad too.” I snickered.

                “All older siblings have that trait. It’s like in their older sibling guideline or something.” She chuckled and I joined her.

                “Oh, well. I better get going. I have to iron my blouse for the discussion. Are you coming with us?” She asked standing up ready to leave.

                “No. It’s too boring for my liking.” I shrugged.

                “Too bad. It would have been fun to hang out altogether.” She faked a pout.

                “Maybe another time.” I shrugged.

                “Okay. I’ll take that as a promise.” She smiled and I nodded before she leave.

                She was actually pretty cool unlike what I thought of her before.


~Iman’s P.O.V~

                Normally I walked to the Library as it wasn’t that far away but since Auntie Sana was coming with Yasmin and me, I had to take the car. I didn’t want her to complain about walking for so long and become unsatisfied with the evening even before it started.

                Parking in front of the place, my nerves immediately kicked in. What if I mess this up? What if Mazen become disappointed in my performance? What if no one showed up? What if Auntie Sana gets bored and wanted to leave in the middle of the thing?

                There was too much pressure on me and I was feeling like I needed a breather. Walking inside the library and taking in the scent of old books was just what I needed. It gave me a weird relaxing feeling. Like I was home.

                “Iman!” Holly seemed surprise to see me as she ran up to hug me.

                “How are you, Holly?” I smiled wildly. I really did miss that girl.

                “I’m good. I’ve missed you so much Iman. It was so boring being here all by myself.” She pouted.

                “I missed you too,” I smiled then looked at my Auntie and cousin to introduce them, “This is my Auntie, Sana and my cousin, Yasmin. They’ll be attending the book club with us.”  

                “Nice to meet you. I’m Holly.” She smiled widely being the ever so cheerful Holy that I knew and missed.

                “Nice to meet you as well.” Yasmin smiled.

                “Iman, I’ll just set on one of those chairs. Can I have something to drink as well?” My Auntie said mainly to me.

                “Yeah, I’ll bring you a coke.” I smiled and walked behind the bar stole instilled in the café part of the library as Yasmin and Holly began chatting off.

                I brought Aunty the coke and gave her a book she asked me about to entertain herself while the discussion starts then went back to the girls who were actually seeming to had hit off together quite well actually.

                “Your cousin is so funny.” Holly said while she was laughing when I joined them.

                “I’m glad you two are hitting it off together.” I smiled.

                “Holly reminds me of this girl I knew in school. She was hilarious so I was telling Holly about her.” Yasmin chuckled and I was clueless to the topic but I just smiled politely anyways.

                Hearing Holly’s phone ring, she jumped and literally snitched it off with hopeful eyes before she sighed and ignored the call.

                “Waiting for a special call?” Yasmin smirked with a wink.

                “I gave up on it to be honest.” Holly sighed deeply.

                “A beautiful girl like you shouldn’t have the guy chasing after her not the other way around.” Yasmin tried to be nice.

                “Well, I honestly don’t know anymore. I mean, one minute he was cheeky and nice. We go out and he was more than amazing. We even shared one amazing kiss, then he just disappears. He didn’t even call or text and when he even ignores my texts. I feel horrible.” She sighed deeply and I felt really awkward. I hated these kind of conversations.

                “Don’t. He’s an idiot for not calling you. You are amazing. It’s his loss anyways.”  Yasmin tried to make her feel better. I understand that Yasmin was just trying to help but how could she advice someone about dating while we thought it was haram?

                “I guess I’m just a horrible kisser. He was my first kiss and I was really nervous.”

                “Shut up. I bet you were an amazing kisser. No directioner is a bad kisser.” She joked.

                “I don’t know about that.” Holly joked but still we could see she was sad.

                “You are not a directioner?” Yasmin gasped dramatically making me chuckle at her.

                “Of course I am.” Holly said with too much proud.

                Hearing the bells on top of the door being, my attention was taken from their conversation and on the young girl walking inside, “Is the book club discussion tonight?” She asked shyly.

                “Yeah, it’ll start in 25 minutes. Have a seat and enjoy a beverage until it starts.” I tried to be as polite and nice as possible.

                “It’s okay, I’ll just read my book in the far table.” She smiled then walked off.

                Regaining my attention to their conversation, I rolled my eyes as I noticed they were still talking about one direction with too much excitement so I decided to just set on my usual seat a couple of feet away from then but I still was in ear shot from them.

                “I actually met Zayn once. He was just lurking around the store and looking inside like he was looking for something and I totally freaked out and asked for a picture.” Holly said excitedly but it was Yasmin’s reaction which made me furrow my eyes. She had a smirk when she heard Zayn was lurking around here but she concealed it fast.

                “Wait I’ll show you the picture we had together, he looked so darn hot.” Yasmin’s smirk was back on again as she made eye contact with me for a second then looked back on Holly’s phone.

                Yasmin’s smirk quickly dropped as she looked on the screen of Holly’s phone. Her eyes were focused on the screen with a mixture of concern and shook then she quickly hid it when Holly talked again about how cool it was for her to meet her idol.

                What the hell did she see? Did Holly have a bikini picture of herself or something?



I know the anticipation for Zayn’s appearance is quite high even from myself but it had to be delayed. Sorry.

So, chapter 28, I got a question from Maryam_ahsan which I wanted to clear up for all of you guys:

“I was confused about how Iman lives in the UK but still knows everything about Islam and how to talk to men who has no blood relation with her while Yasmin comes from an islamic country and was quite frank with men”


To answer that you have to know that countries like Egypt are western wana be. Most people here dream about being open minded enough and “American” enough. So we are muslims and our traditions are quite limiting to us but at the same time we try to break many tradition and even the boundaries of many Islamic rules. So we don’t really get physical or anything but we do act on a more normal pattern it’s quite complicated to explain.

But yeah, Yasmin is considered a normal behaving girl in her community, she’s not too open minded as she doesn’t have boys who are close friends and she’s not touchy touchy but she’s still acts like a nice friend from time to time and shy of at other times.

While iman was raised in a very open community and her family were afraid she would be like the UK girls in terms of relation with men so they were very strict on that matter. In Egypt, iman would be considered closed minded and people (boys) would stay away from dealing with her knowing she would block them off immediately but for muslim men in a western country it was considered a good trait.

P.s not all Egyptian are like that. Some are very very religious, some moderated and some are overly open minded. There is a huge variety but yeah, I just wanted to clear that up if anyone else was confused.


P.s don’t’ forget to Vote and comet please? Pretty please *Cute face on…oh, forgot I don’t have a cute face…oh well, just pretend like I have one and vote and comment please*

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