The Little Weasley :: S2 P2 :: George Weasley

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Nervous. They're both nervous. Fred and George Weasley, the pranking legends, are nervous. And you wanna know why? Because you're at a muggle clinic to discover the gender of your baby. The twins are clueless which makes them anxious. Especially being in someplace where they can't be their full wizard selves.

You had told them to dress in muggle clothes at the flat, which caught them off guard. You were surprising them with the appointment because you knew of a clinic that took walk-ins. You didn't have a phone and couldn't necessarily call in anyway like the muggles did. Which you were fine with. You liked it that way.

When the nurse came out of the back room and called your name, you stood and followed her back into the room. The twins, who remained seated, required you to wave them on with you which the nurse thought was funny. They were so flustered and out of their element. It was adorably hilarious.

You told them you were just getting a health check up on the baby to make sure they were growing okay and on term. So they thought this was just a simple check up and wouldn't last very long and you'd be right back at the flat with them. Oh how they were shocked.

"You can do that?" Fred gasped. "How?!"

The nurse laughed. "Technology. It allows us to use ultrasound to see what the baby looks like inside the womb. We'll be able to see the gender of the baby this way."

George met your eyes as the nurse explained the process to them. The smile on his face was impossibly large. "No way..."

"Yeah," You grabbed his hand. "We'll know whether it's a girl or a boy."

The twins watched curiously as the nurse covered your lower stomach with the ultrasound gel, then turned on the monitor and pressed the instrument to your skin. Blurry images appeared on the screen above you as you laid on the bed. The twins' eyes were on it in seconds. George even stood to get a better view, his hand still gripping yours.

You glanced up at the man next to you. Your heart simply overflowed with overwhelming love for him and all that he was about to be with your coming child. It hit kinda hard and sudden, all of the emotions and the feelings for him, but you were distracted when Fred stood next to George and gasped.

"Wait, wait, wait," George pointed at the screen. "There... there's two little blurbs there. What- what does that mean?"

"It means I owe you a congratulations," The nurse grinned at the screen. "Because you're having twins!"

Fred and George glanced at each other, then both absolutely beamed down at you when you covered your mouth in shock, tears filling your eyes. "No way..."

"We should have predicted this," George laughed. "It's my kid. It's gonna have my genes."

"But- but two?!" Fred was still in utter shock. "We get two!?"

"Yeah!" The nurse studied the screen, her face still lit up. "I'm trying to find the genders but they're moving quite a bit in there."

"Already taking after their father," George remarked.

"Oh, there's one! One's a boy!" The nurse exclaimed excitedly. "I'm trying to get the other one. It seems like the boy's trying to keep them from being seen with how much he's getting in the way."

You saw George studying the screen. He was so focused. He was uttering something under his breath as he watched. You weren't sure what it was.

"Come on. Come on," Fred was getting excited. Already happy about having a nephew, but even more excited now that there's another. "Move out of the way, little man."

"Oh, oh, almost," The nurse laughed. "He's real stubborn, that one! He just won't move!"

It was then that you could hear what George was muttering. He was repeating the same thing over and over. "Girl. Girl. Please be a girl. Please."

Your heart softened at the thought of him with a daughter. A precious baby girl. You nearly melted into the bed.

"A girl! You've got a boy and a girl!" The nurse suddenly said. "Congratulations, guys!"

"YES!!" George jumped up. "Oh my god," He kissed you passionately. "We get both. We get both, love. A boy and a girl. We get BOTH!"

"I know!" You smiled against his lips and he pulled back. Seeing him so excited for this was enough to bring tears to your eyes all over again. George and Fred both were ecstatic.

"I think that's the best reaction I've ever seen out of any of the patients we've seen here," The nurse remarked as she cleaned off my stomach and helped me sit up in the bed. "Here you go. Here's these. Again, congratulations. I'm very excited for you."

The nurse handed you the ultrasound pictures, showing a blurry, black and white screen but thankfully there were arrows pointing to each of the babies in your womb. "They're beautiful. I'm so beyond in love already."

You handed the pictures to the twins who gushed over how cute the little blurbs were on the screen, then on the way to the train station, laughed about how protective the boy was over his sister. You took George's arm as he and Fred joined you in the taxi that would take you back to Kings Cross Station, where there you'd cross through the barrier into Diagon Alley.

"I can't believe it," George kissed you again. "That was a wonderful surprise."

"I meant it as a surprise to you two for the gender reveal. But it ended up being a surprise for all of us."

"You know what this means, right?" Fred smirked. "Those two are already surprising us and they're not even here yet."

"It means we'll have to educate them both in the proper way to prank," George replied to his brother.

"Oh god," You groaned with a laugh. "You two are going to turn the twins into mini versions of you guys."

"We won't be turning them into us. They already are!"

"Exactly!" Fred chimed in. "We'll just be encouraging it!"

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