Dandelions :: George Weasley :: Part One

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Prompt: You're tired of pretending he doesn't make you feel things. you're tired of trying to hide your feelings. you're tired of pretending to be heartless to fit in with the rest of your serpentine house. (Inspired by 'dandelions' by Ruth B)

"Hey, come on," Your friend, Cecilia, nudged you in order to stop you from staring at the group of Gryffindor boys at the entrance of the school. You turned your head away from them reluctantly and directed your eyes back towards the hallways in front of you. "I'm so excited for potions class. Draco's in this class. Isn't he just the most perfect looking man you've ever seen?"

"Sure," You agreed halfheartedly while your heart lies elsewhere. "I guess."

"You guess?!" Cecilia scoffed in shock, then started rambling about how perfect she thought Draco was. You noticed that she only ever listed off physical traits and didn't say anything about him as a person. She's a typical teenage girl with her only focus being on the physical appeal of men, whereas you are the complete opposite.

You could care less what he looked like. All you wanted was someone who could make you laugh and would be able to see through your Slytherin traits. Although, red hair wasn't a bad thing...

You and Cecilia settled at your brewing table in the potions classroom, listening to Snape drone on about some antidote for an exotic poison, then order the class to begin brewing that same antidote.

You were thankful you paid attention to what Snape was saying, because the only thing Cecilia was taking note of was how Draco's fingers moved around his wand as he spun it mindlessly in his hand during Snape's lecture.

You began preparing the ingredients for the potion and set the cauldron to begin boiling. You nudged Cecilia this time around and she scowled at you for distracting her from Draco.

"You know, if you really fancy him that much, why don't you ever go talk to him?" You asked her as you added dried moth wings to your potion, changing the color from dull grey to a deep ocean blue.

"There's no way. Have you seen the way Pansy drools over him?"

"Cecilia, have you seen the way YOU do that?"

Her face turned red. "I don't drool."

"Okay," You snickered, shaking your head as you finished up the potion. Cecilia eventually laughed with you at herself and helped you with the potion. Which in fact, got Snape's approval.

After potions, you and Cecilia split ways to attend different classes, which meant you sank back down into yourself and put your walls up again. As you usually do when you're alone. You unintentionally strutted through the hallway to Flitwick's class of Charms.

You had many eyes on you when you entered the classroom and sat at one of the tables in the back row, set your bag down, and pulled a notebook out of your bag along with a pen.

"Alright class! We will be reviewing the charm we have been learning all week today! So find your books and review the chapter before attempting to cast the charm on your own please!"

The class settled with a quiet hum of chatter and laughter as friends made groups to review together. You found yourself reading over the chapter in the textbook on your own. Which didn't bother you much, you were used to it, but deep down you identified a feeling you hadn't recognized before. At least in a while.

Longing. Longing for something that hasn't ever been there before. Something you knew you needed but wouldn't be able to obtain. At least as easy as others. You were interrupted from your thoughts when an explosion across the classroom made everyone look up from their books and start laughing.

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