Fred Weasley: Cry

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Prompt: short. did I say short? it's really short. but basically you come running to his and his brother's flat in tears because you needed to get out of your own home and feel safe for once

Stumbling to your feet after a rather sudden apparation, you stood in front of the only place you've ever felt at home. Your boyfriend and his brother's shop. You were given a key to the building as you started working there, but you were getting a key regardless. At least, that's what Fred said.

With tears streaming down your face, you entered the shop, locked it back behind you, then trudged up the stairs into the twins' flat. Just as you had predicted, it was pitch black and dead silent. They must have had a long work day and needed to get to bed early.

You weren't really thinking when you apparated. You had nothing on you but the clothes on your body and a load of emotion. You needed to get out of that house. That dark, dreary, dreadful mansion your parents call home. You were tired of getting yelled at by your father and reprimanded for standing up for yourself.

You were tired. Emotionally tired. You just needed Fred.

You cautiously walked through the flat, careful not to bump into anything, when your arm knocked what sounded like a plate from the counter and it fell onto the floor and shattered. The sudden sound made you yelp and jump.

Loud, running footsteps were heard from down the hallway.

"Lumos!" Fred's tired voice spoke. When everything was brought into the light, you were face to face with two half asleep redheaded twins who looked ready to fight someone. When they saw it was you, however, they relaxed and turned to questions. "Darling? It- it's late, what are you doing?"

"Um... I-I just... I needed..." Your voice was not only unsteady from the shock of what just happened, but broken because of your held back sobs. "I'm so sorry..."

George pointed his wand at the broken plate. "Reparo."

The shards of white porcelain formed back together into their original shape as a plate, then settled back on the counter where it was before. Now, without the possibility of anyone getting hurt, Fred set his wand down and just embraced you.

Your hands gripped his loose tee shirt tightly as he pulled you close, the sobs you had held back before finally being let loose from your chest. Fred understood, and saw this as you just needing to break down, then stay with him a while to heal.

George went back to bed after he saw that you needed a moment with just his brother.

Fred picked you up and carried you into his bedroom, shut the door behind him with a flick of his wand, then sat you on the bed. He sat next to you, being the literal shoulder to cry on as you let out all of the emotion that's been pent up inside.

His hand stroked your back lovingly as he whispered that he loved you repeatedly into your ear. You came completely undone right then and there, and when the tears had run out, it was peacefully silent between the two of you. You had cried out all that you needed to but now you felt vulnerable.

You needed him to make you feel safe. He took the hint.

He pulled you in, covered the two of you in his dark grey comforter, and rid himself of his shirt as he held you. You did nothing but cuddle into his embrace for a long while as he whispered sweet words to you.

"You don't have to tell me what happened. I can tell," He mumbled. "I'm glad you came here. I'll always be here for you. To help you. Whenever you need me, love."

"Thank you, Freddie..."

"Of course," He kissed your head, then sat up a bit and grabbed the glass of water from his night stand. "Here. You cried quite a bit. Which is good, but that also means you're going to be dehydrated. I can't have you feeling miserable."

You took a few generous sips before handing him the glass and lying back down.

"Now, rest love," He kissed your head. "I'm going to call Ron tomorrow so he can fill in for me here at the shop. We'll go out on the town and spend the day together, yeah?"

You nodded. A day with the only man who's ever shown you true love and made you feel safe is exactly what you need.

A yawn escaped your lips, which made him smile. "Good girl. I love you."

"I love you too, Freddie."


a/n:: sorry for the late updates. there has been a lot of personal things going on at my house lately and I've been dealing with a load of stress so I wasn't able to focus. I literally forced this one so I could update.

have a bit of grace. I'm trying 🥺

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