George Weasley: Vulnerability

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Prompt: you tell him how much you want kids after learning about baby development in one of your classes 

"Georgie!" You whined, entering your boyfriend's dormitory. Surprisingly enough he was reading. It confused you a great deal but you had a more pressing matter on your mind.

"Yes, darling?" He set his book down face down so you couldn't see what he was reading. Again, making you question, but you moved on. "Is something wrong?"

"I want a baby," You pouted, climbing on top of him and laying there like you know he likes. "Like- a real baby. An actual child."

"Do you now?" He laughed a bit. "I don't think that's a wise decision. A baby would interrupt your education, beautiful. Being smart is important."

"Says the guy who wants to spend the rest of his life developing prank products."

He laughed again at your witty comeback. "That was good! You might have to start teaching me!"

"You're changing the subject," You went back to pouting. "I want a baby, George."

"What got you desiring one so bad?" He lifted your chin to look at you. "I want to know. Enlighten me. You haven't ever thought about this before now."

"Some of the female teachers held a class for the female students in every house. We learned all about pregnancy and babies and their development and I really really want a baby now."

George tucked a strand of your hair back behind your ear, trailing his hand down the side of your face as he did so, looking into your eyes. "My love, we will have our family. But in the future. After we've married and we can do it safely and maturely, yes?"

"Since when have you wanted to do anything safely and maturely?" You scoffed. You joked but he looked at you rather seriously.

"Since I found out how much I love you and wanted to start taking our future together seriously."

"George," You purse your lips and make a bit of a puppy face. "You- you're serious about a future with me?"

"Of course I am," He grinned. "I love you. I don't want to mess up anything concerning you and us. You're my one and only. You and our future is precious to me."

"Love," You laid your head on his chest and closed your eyes. Ultimately you felt the most loved and at home you ever have in that moment with him.

You then saw the spine of the book he was reading. The one and only Romeo and Juliet.

"Wherefore art thou Romeo?" You smirked a bit.

"You saw?" George softly gasped, his cheeks turned pink when you sat up to meet his eyes. "Don't tell Fred. He wouldn't let me live it down. The teasing would never end."

"I won't. But- George that's a beautiful story," You said. "I didn't pose you for a sappy love story kind of guy."

"Ever since I met you, I've seen everything in a bit of a new way," He admitted sheepishly. "You've made me see love in a better light. I find it inspiring to read of other's love lives."

"None compares to ours," You smiled at your ginger boyfriend. "I love our story. I'd read it over and over again."

"Why would you ever want to just read it?" He pulled you up closer to his face and kissed you. "We have the real story right here."

"What would this chapter be called?" You asked curiously, wanting to take advantage of the fact that he's being oddly poetic and open right now.

"Vulnerability," He mumbled against your lips. "Because you're the only who sees every inner part of me."

"As do you, love," You told him, pressing your lips to his once again.

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