The Little Weasley :: S2 Last Part :: George Weasley

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"Love? Are you here? We've brought the snacks!" You heard your boyfriend call from the flat's front door. "You're not answering. I'm worried."

Fred and George set the bags of snacks down on their small dining table and wandered the flat trying to find you. When George saw the bathroom door shut and locked he had a feeling he knew what had happened.

"Darling..." He frowned, placed his head against the door, and spoke in a soft voice. "Do we need to call off the party? We can call it off if you're not feeling well."

"Not feeling well?" Fred came around the corner. "Is she alright?"

George shrugged. "Not sure. She hasn't replied. But I know she hears me."

"Maybe she just needs a moment. Maybe she's pep talking the twins before the party."

"Maybe she's in there laughing at us because we're clueless," George offered.

When they heard you groan from inside the bathroom, followed by you throwing up, they both switched into dad mode. Fred ran off to get you water and something light to snack on, while George prepped the bedroom and made sure everything was as you like it.

George then came right back around the corner and knocked on the bathroom door. He cringed, knowing how much you don't like to be bothered when you're ill, but he's always been ultra sympathetic with you whether you liked it or not.

He held his wand, ready to unlock the door the second you told him to.

"Georgie..." You whimpered from on the floor inside the bathroom. "I need your help..."

With a quick utter of the unlocking charm, he was in the room and by your side in milliseconds. "Yes, my love? What do you need?"

"I can't get up on my own," You admitted, embarrassed. "I've been getting sick all day. I don't... I don't have a lot of strength."

"Oh," He frowned, helping you to your feet. But he didn't stop there. No, he picked you up bridal style and carried you to the bedroom. George Weasley. Always going the extra mile. "I made sure everything was right for you,darling. The fan, the warm blanket, the stomach medication. It even looks as if Fred brought you food and water. Is there anything else you need?"

"No," You pouted, pulling the warm comforter up to your face. "I hate this. I feel like I've been hit by the Night Bus. I'm so weak."

"Love... it breaks my heart hearing you say that," He informed you. "Can I lay with you a moment?"

"No," You grumbled. Then scoffed in protest when he climbed onto the bed anyway. "Georgieeee..."

"Loveyyyy," He whined right back with a grin and kissed your neck softly. "You need my attention whether you know it or not. Plus I've been working all day and I know you miss me."

"Confident are we?" You turned away from him.

"Hey!" He wanted to tickle you but as he remembered that you don't feel well, he just decided to do what he knows makes you weak for him every time. He reached his hand up to your face and gently stroked your cheek.

All of the tension in your body released on that instant and you melted into his chest behind you. A soft whimper escaped your lips. "I'm sorry, Georgie..."

"It's alright, darling," His low, soft voice mumbled as he combed your hair with his fingers. "You don't feel well. I understand. How does a nice nap sound? I'm sure you've missed out on loads of good rest if you've been sick."

"Okay," You nodded. "Yeah. A nap sounds nice."

"Well, hello there, sunshine," Your boyfriend dawned a sleepy smile when he saw you walk into the bedroom two and a half hours later. Also after you had woken from your nap. "I assume you're feeling better now?"

"Yeah. Seems like I really did just need a good bit of rest with you," You climbed up onto the bed and kissed him deeply. "We've got company by the way. We've been waiting for a while for your sleepy butt to wake up."

"Well, thank you for letting me sleep then, love," He sat up and redressed himself proper for company but not too nice considering it was all close friends and family. You three were revealing to everyone else not only the genders of the babies but the fact that there are two now as well. "You're positively glowing. I assume your brother has shown up?"

"That he has," You blushed. "Hard to be upset around him. Not that I have any reason to be. Just in a general sense."

"Understood. I feel the same around you," George pulled you in by your hips and kissed you. "I really am glad to see you feeling better though. Genuinely."

"You're dangerous, George Weasley," You told him, pressing another kiss to his lips but with much more passion. "You're very dangerous."

"Hmm," He hummed against your lips with a smirk. "As are you, my dear. Now. We should tend to our company now, shall we? We don't want them... assuming things."

George walked you out into the dining area and family room where everyone was gathered and peacefully talking to each other. Grazing on the snacks set out and sipping on drinks such as wine and cheese. You had told everyone that it wasn't a formal party but here the twins are buying fancy and expensive snacks and drinks.

"Ah! The bear has awoken!"

"Bear?" George laughed, sitting on the couch beside you who was seated next to Harry. "I consider myself more of a lion than a bear. Which makes my lovely girlfriend a regal lioness."

"She definitely looks regal. Positively radiant. Tell me, how have you been feeling lately?" Ginny asked you. "Alright I'd hope?"

"I actually spent most of today not feeling very well," You told everyone. "So getting a nap in earlier was nice."

"Oh I'm sure," Ginny replied to your statement.

"Right then. So. What are we doing for the gender reveal?" Ron asked after he swallowed a rather large mouthful of crackers and cheese.


"What? Really?"

"No," You laughed at Fred's instantaneous yet false answer to Ron's question. "They wanted to do fireworks but I told them it likely wouldn't be a good idea considering it's all a bit crowded on this street and it would disrupt everyone else's night."

"So, what did you decide instead?" Hermione asked.

"We're doing it the muggle way. And we're doing a reveal cake. Only..." You leaned back against George when he pulled you in. "We'll be doing two cakes tonight."

"Two? Why two?" Harry asked curiously.

"Why two? Because they're having twins!!"

"What?! Are you serious?!" Harry beamed. "I get two nieces or nephews?!"

"Yeah!" You smiled seeing everyone's obviously ecstatic reactions. "We get two! So we'll be revealing two genders to you all tonight."

"Right then. Let's get on with it shall we?!"

Everyone crowded around the dining table as you and George took the cake knife and sliced into the first cake covered in white frosting. Just like the other one.

Then, after a countdown, you and George lifted the first cake slice out and revealed the strawberry pink cake under all of the frosting. Cheers and hoots erupted all over the room from everyone. George blushed and couldn't stop smiling. You got the same reaction when you revealed the blueberry cake under all of its white frosting.

Everyone cut themselves a slice of whichever cake they fancied the most and each sat on the couch, eating cake and drinking way too much wine but covered in smiles nonetheless. You were content with your water considering you couldn't have any alcohol while carrying the twins.

A hum of happy conversation filled the air and you couldn't help how overwhelmed your heart felt. In a good way. You leaned onto George and kissed his shoulder.

"I love you, Georgie."

"I love you too, darling. You and our little Weasleys."

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