A Very Weasley Christmas :: Fred Weasley :: Last Part

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"Merry Christmas, darling," Fred's voice was the first thing you heard Christmas morning. Along with his sleepy smile and messy red hair. Waking up next to him was a gift enough.

"Merry Christmas, Freddie," You leaned up and kissed him deeply. He grinned into it.

"Well, Merry Christmas to me then," He pulled back, but ended up kissing you again. "I'm pretty sure everyone else is awake already. George has already poked his head in here to see if we were awake."

"Are they all downstairs already?" You sat up, rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes. "I wanna go down too."

"Well, don't force yourself to get up," Fred laughed as you attempted to stand but stumbled a bit. "You're obviously not ready to be up yet."

"It's Christmas. I'm gonna be awake."

"Okay then," Fred got up behind you and pulled you into him by your hips. "I'm so excited for you to see your gift from me."

"I hope I did okay with mine for you," You pecked his jawline, then briefly ran a brush through your hair and turned to Fred. "You're gonna go down in that?"

"Why not?" He crossed his arms over his bare chest. "I don't see an issue with it. It's my house."

"Right. But there are other girls here," You placed your hands on his chest when he wrapped his arms around you. "They could see you and you're mine. And these sweatpants aren't necessarily the most concealing item of clothing either."

"Oh, man," He blushed and placed his forehead on your shoulder. "It's your fault. You move around too much in your sleep. It's impossible to hold you without... that happening."

You laughed at your flustered boyfriend and ran a hand through his messy red hair. "You're alright, love. I'm not bothered by it. But maybe change into something more covering."

"I'll do that and take care of it," Fred snickered. "Once it's started there's no concealing it unless it's taken care of."

"Okay. Well. Do with it what you need to. I'm gonna go downstairs. Meet me down there."

You left Fred to his own devices and greeted everyone once you had made it downstairs. George asked where his twin was, so you told him he had to take care of something before he came downstairs.

He seemed to understand and even laughed about it. You then told him not to tease him about it when he got downstairs because he was already flustered about it. He told you he wouldn't make any promises. You honestly should have expected it.

You turned to the living room and saw everyone else already waiting by the tree. Hermione must have made some hot chocolate because everyone had mugs of it with assorted toppings.

You smiled at Harry and Ginny when Harry made her laugh. Harry lit up at the sight of her smiling because of him. He couldn't contain his happiness seeing her smile and laugh.

Hermione and Ron were talking as well. Then you noticed that George was the only single one. He didn't seem to care anyway, considering the fact that he's preoccupying himself with the hot chocolate or the decorations.

The stairs creaked as Fred walked down them. He greeted you with a grin and pulled you in for a kiss. The twins made eye contact and they both immediately started laughing.

"Shut up. Don't you say anything. Not a word," Fred pointed at George, still laughing. "Seriously."

"You know I can't promise anything," George replied.

"We're all up? Let's start then!" Ron perked up. Everyone seemed to agree.

So, everyone gathered around the tree. Gifts were dispersed and you all started unwrapping at the same time. Molly left gifts for everyone under the tree, so that's what you were unwrapping.

But you couldn't see anything else for you under the tree, which confused you if Fred said he got you something. You picked up the hand-knitted sweater out of the wrapping and immediately pressed the soft fabric to your face.

"Oh, it's so soft!" You said, realizing everyone else had similar reactions to their own sweaters. Looks like everyone else opened theirs. You noticed yours and Fred's were matching in color, which made you both blush.

He leaned over to kiss your cheek. "I want to give you your gift. I'll have to go get it."

"Okay?" You gave him a puzzled look. "I'll be here, then."

You looked around at everyone else opening their gifts. Fred must have bought George something, because George opened a box and saw a few things in it. One other small box and a super nice picture frame of when they both helped Gryffindor win the house cup in their last Quidditch match.

You've never seen George smile so big.

"Shhh!" You heard Fred say as he came down the stairs. But he stopped at the bottom of them where you couldn't see him. "Okay. Go get her!"

You turned to the direction you heard Fred's voice from and gasped in complete and utter shock as the puppy from the window came bounding towards you. His small tongue hanging out of his mouth as he seemed to smile while he ran. Then he leapt into your lap and wiggled to get to your face to lick it.

"Hi buddy!" You picked him up and immediately started laughing when he began furiously licking your face. "I know! You've been behind that glass for so long!"

Fred walked in with a smile and crossed his arms over his chest proudly. "Little birdie told me you'd grown quite fond of him. Had to bring him home before someone else did."

"He's beautiful!" You stood up and hugged Fred, he lifted your chin and kissed you, making the puppy in your arms bark up at you. "And jealous apparently! Are you a jealous puppy? You're my little boy, aren't you? My boy."

Fred seemed overwhelmed with the baby talk you were giving the puppy and couldn't stop himself from hugging you tighter to his side. "I love you."

"I love you too, Freddie. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, love."

You and Fred sat back down on the floor with everyone else. The puppy remained in your lap and started nibbling and playing with your fingers. Until he saw Harry. Then he jumped up from your lap and happily trotted over to Harry, who took him into his lap and played with him.

"Oh! Here," You handed Fred the first present of his nice work clothes and the framed enchanted memory picture, then the second box full of candy. He knew what that last one was right away and opened it immediately.

"Darling! These are all my favorites! You must have bought out Honeydukes!" Fred laughed. He looked just so happy. You had to smile back. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome! You pointed to the other box. "Don't sit and eat all of the candy. That box has the main things in it."

He unwrapped the last box and the first thing on top was the enchanted photo. He picked it up out of the box and smiled at it, shaking his head. If you didn't know any better you could have sworn you saw his eyes water. He looked up at you absolutely beaming.

"This is... wow. I don't know what to say. Thank you," He couldn't stop smiling at the picture. "This actually means so much to me, love. Thank you."

"Aw," You leaned against his shoulder. "You're welcome. I'm glad you like it."

"No way!!" He exclaimed, licking up the nice ties and shirts out of the box. "This is my favorite brand!! Love, this is a very expensive brand!"

"I know! You deserve it! I remember you saying how much you needed new work clothes, so, I got your favorites!"

He set the things back down in the box and smiled into your eyes, then grabbed your face and kissed you. Deeply.

"I love you so much. Thank you."

"I love you too, Freddie. Merry Christmas."

a/n:: I hope everyone has a merry Christmas! I'm writing and posting this before I open my gifts, but I asked for Fred's Christmas sweater and I hope I get it! Along with a load of other HP stuff. So, you could say I'm gonna have a very Harry Potter Christmas 😌

Love you guys. Thanks for reading this tiny Christmas series. I'll start up with more small one-shots tomorrow! Feel free to request if you want! I'm more than happy to accept new ideas! :)

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