The Little Weasley :: S3 P2 :: George Weasley

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The first day back home wasn't even a day. It was a night. Late at night. You had been begging the doctors and nurses to let you go home early. They didn't let you. So- you waited until it was midnight when it was technically the next day and you were allowed to go home.

You and George helped the twins get home. Once you did, you laid on yours and George's bed and nearly cried. George climbed onto it next to you and gave you each of the twins.

"You wanna feed 'em mum?" He kissed your tired cheek. "Make sure they get to bed okay until morning?"

"Yeah," You pulled the twins up to your chest and let them nurse. George kissed each of their heads and got up. "I'm gonna go make sure their room is ready. Turn their nightlight on and make sure it's warm enough."

Your heart smiled at how good of a dad George is already being. He left the bedroom and shut the door behind himself quietly as to not startle the babies.

Glancing down at the twins in your arms, you noticed that James had his father's freckles. They were faint but still there. You met his tiny amber eyes and smiled warmly at your boy.

"Hey, bubba," You kissed his head and pet his soft ginger hair. "You look just like your dad. That's a bit dangerous."

"And you?" You turned to look at little miss Molly. "You look like me but with your daddy's red hair. Which is also dangerous. James," You looked back down at him. "You've gotta protect your sister, okay? Your daddy and uncle Freddie will teach you how."

"Damn right we will," George smiled at you. You hadn't even noticed he'd come back into the room until he spoke. "I love hearing you talk to them, beautiful."

"I love talking to them. They're our kids. Georgie we have kids," You beamed up at him as he laid next to you on the bed and wrapped an arm around your stomach. "These are our babies."

"They are. Our little Weasley babies. Who'll grow up to have ginormous hearts and love their family and be the best pranksters out there."


a/n: I'm finishing off this mini series. so I have one more part of this after this one. don't panic because of how short it is 🖤

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