Fred Weasley: No More Secrets

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Prompt: "What is this?" (or) you can't hide your secret anymore.

"Hey... what's this?"

Your eyes landed on what Ron was holding in his hand. You were sitting with the girls, Hermione and Ginny, in Ginny's room about to go to bed.

"Uh..." You swallowed hard. "What- what is that?"

"I was asking you three," He raised an eyebrow. "Do either of you have something to tell everyone?"

"Ooh! Are there secrets being spilled?!" Your heart stopped. Fred peeked out from behind Ron as he passed the room. "Whoah! A pregnancy test?!"

"Blimey, Fred!" Ron slapped Fred and yanked him inside the room so he could shut the door behind the two of them.

"Neither of us are leaving now," Fred grinned and pointed to us girls, "Not until one of you three fesses up."

"It's not me. You know it's not me," Hermione sheepishly mumbled. "I'm definitely off the list."

"Okay. Granger's off. Ginny? What have you and Harry been up to?"

"Nothing," Ginny scoffed. "All of you know how stressed he is."

"He wouldn't have any time to do anything. He doesn't even eat much anymore," Hermione agreed.

All eyes were on you. You felt overwhelmed and chose to leave the room with tears stinging your eyes.

Why couldn't you have disposed of that pregnancy test in a more secretive way?

"Oh, you alright, dear?" Molly asked you when you stormed down the stairs towards the front door of the Burrow.

"I'm fine. Promise. Just need some air," You slipped out of the front door and sat on the front porch.

Your hand rested on your lower stomach, cradling the little life that you had only learned about a week before. You didn't want to tell Fred.

You're not dating. You both got ahold of way too much firewhiskey and one thing led to another and there wasn't any kind of protection.

Now you've got a little Weasley to think about and take care of and it's father has absolutely no idea it's his. Except maybe before now he did.

Now it's obvious that the positive test is yours.

The door behind you opened and you sighed audibly.

"I came out here to be alone."

"I came out here to ask you questions," Of course it's Fred.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I do," He sat next to you. "So it's pretty obvious who the test belongs to. I was just wondering if..."

"It's yours, Fred," I told him.

"Yeah..." You felt his hand slip into yours. "I want you to know that I'm not upset. And that I want to help."

"You don't..." You looked up at him. "You don't want to tie yourself down to me."

"No, no, this is on me just as much as it's on you. We do this together," Fred gave you a sympathetic grin, testing the waters for positivity. "Okay? You okay?"

"Um... a little nervous to be honest..."

"That's normal," He slid his arm around your waist and pulled you to his side. Which prompted you to lay your head on his shoulder. "But we got this okay? Together."


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