Fred Weasley: Change of Perspective

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Prompt:  "This was your idea!" (or) Your ginger boyfriend changes your perspective on rainy days.

"Hello, love. Why the long face?" Fred entered the Gryffindor Common Room to the sight of you, his beloved girlfriend, sitting at the window watching the rain outside.

"Guess I'm just picking up on the sad rainy day," You told him with a heavy sigh. He hugged you from behind.

"Who said rainy days were sad?"

"Because everything's gloomy. And wet. And uncomfortable," You explained with a bit of a cringe on your face. "No one likes rainy days."

"Is that right?" He hummed in thought, then pulled you to your feet by your hands. "Come on."

"Freddie!!" You shielded your head when your goofy redheaded boyfriend led you outside in the rain in the clocktower courtyard. "It's cold!!"

"Well come here then!" He grinned, his red hair now soaking wet and dripping, some parts of it sticking to his forehead. He grabbed your hips and pulled you to him. "See! Not so bad, huh!?"

"You're insane, Fred Weasley!"

"You're insane for loving me then!"

You ruffled his messy hair and fixed your own, when he pushed you away from him and twirled you around, then yanked you back in, then kissed you deeply. "Maybe a white shirt wasn't the best choice for this, darling."

"This was your idea!!" You scoffed, reaching up to cover your chest with your arms. "If anyone sees me it's your fault!"

"Here!" He pulled his button up off and wrapped it around you. Which meant he was shirtless, but his shirt was warm wrapped around you. You hugged his torso and he chuckled, holding you close.

"I love you, Freddie."

"I love you too," He kissed your head. "Have I changed your perspective on rainy days?"

"Maybe," You looked up into his hazel eyes, falling in love with him all over again. He nuzzled his nose against yours and placed his forehead against your own. "Maybe they're my favorite now."

"Hmmm," He hummed happily. "I really hate to ruin the fun, darling, but I think we may have an audience."

"Do we?" You laid your head on his bare chest and saw just in the entrance into the school stood a small group of girls. They each blushed and ran away when they realized they'd been caught. "I think it's because you're shirtless, Weasley."

"That or they're jealous that I take good care of my girl," Fred kissed you again, then shivered a bit. "How does a night in by the fire sound?"

"Lovely," You giggled. "Come on, goofball. Let's get you inside and warm."

a/n: sorry. this one sucks. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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