Fred Weasley: Whine

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Prompt: Fred wakes up sick. And he's a whiny little baby about it. Lucky he has you to take care of him. Well. That is. If he'd stay in bed like he's supposed to.

You knew he was sick before he even woke up. You knew so you were up and already prepping things for him for today.

Knowing your boyfriend, he'd want to brush off his obviously raging fever and go to work anyway. He'd throw out some excuse about the flat being just a staircase away should he need to come rest.

You weren't going to let that happen again. Not after he said that last time. He ignored his body's need for rest and went to work while running a high fever. He didn't make it to the bathroom upstairs in time. He threw up on the second level of the shop.

It was a quick clean, a few flicks of your wand and it was as if it never happened. But you remember how guilty Fred felt about not having listened to you and stayed in bed to rest.

This time you had reinforcements. And you were convinced to keep your ginger boy home. In bed. To rest. Where sick people belong while they're healing.

You'd just told George that Fred was sick and that he needed to stay home from work today, and that if he saw him amongst the shop that he had full permission to drag his butt back upstairs. But that you'd also be keeping a close eye on him all day.

Once George had left, you took to the kitchen to begin brewing Fred some nice ginger lemon tea for a stomach ache. You readied an ice pack for his forehead should he need it. And quickly toasted some bread and lightly buttered it.

Not too much. Butter soaked anything makes him nauseous. And that's kinda counterproductive right now.

You smiled at the spread you had prepared for Fred at the table, and as if on cue, you heard stirrings from inside of yours and his bedroom.

"No, Mr. Weasley, back in bed," You gently pushed Fred back onto the bed by his chest. He was in the process of buttoning a nice purple shirt that you knew he was planning on wearing to work.

"Love," He whined. "Please? I promise it's not like last time! I won't puke all over the shop! I promise! I can't miss today, we have a huge shipment coming and George's going to need my help!"

"George already wrote Ron this morning before your sleepy head was awake," You tucked him in. "Ron's taking your place today while you rest like you're supposed to, mister."

"Ugh, why does this only happen to me?!" Fred had grabbed your pillow from your side of the bed and dramatically smashed it onto his face. "George never gets sick like this!"

"George also doesn't stay up at night later than he should. George drinks responsibly. George doesn't spend the bulk of his paychecks on sweets," You removed your pillow from his flushed face and tossed it back to where it was.

"You're not making me feel any better," He grumbled.

"Sorry, babe," You shrugged. "You asked. So I answered. How does a hot tea sound? Something for your stomach?"

"My stomach is fine, woman," Fred replied lowly. "I'm fine. All of me is fine. You're being over dramatic."

"Oh, I'm being over dramatic?" You snickered. "I love you. I'm gonna go get your tea. Stay in bed. I'm serious."

You left the room and retrieved the steamy cup of sweet and tangy smelling tea, but when you got back to the room Fred was back up out of bed dressing himself.

"I am a grown man. I go to work when I want to. You can't force me to stay home."

"Fred, must I use magic?" You asked him, setting the small cup of tea on his nightstand. "Because I will. I'll use immobilizing charms to keep you in bed. I don't want to have to do that. Do I really have to babysit you like a toddler today?"

"I'm going to work," He stubbornly said and finished tying his tie. "Thank you, darling, for caring. But I don't need to be babied. I'm fine."

You used a disrobing charm and removed his shirt and tie, shot them back into his wardrobe, and locked it so he couldn't get into it without you removing the charm. He scoffed and whine. Again.

"Fred, I'm serious! Don't you remember how miserable and humiliated you felt when you got sick last time? I'm trying to help you, love."

"I'm fine..." He breathed out, then spaced out, and ran to the bathroom. "Gonna get sick."

You sighed heavily and followed after him to rub his back as he got sick. His skin was hot to the touch and it only made you feel worse for him.

"Freddie," You frowned, gently scratching his head. He seemed to finish and he flushed the toilet. But when he stood up, he took one step and turned right back around and hunched over the toilet again. "God, baby, I'm so sorry..."

"I hate this..." Fred weakly mumbled. "I hate this so much..."

"I know. I know you do," You stroked his cheek. "I'm gonna go get you an ice pack okay? I'll be right back. Maybe it'll help you get to bed easier."

Thankfully when you came back to the bathroom he hadn't left or gotten up yet. He remained in his spot hovered over the toilet until you nudged his arm gently with the cold ice pack.

His shaky, freckled hand took it from you and instantly placed it against his cheek. He made a sound of instant relief and stood up.

"You okay now? Think you can get to bed? I'm right here behind you. I'll help you," You placed a loving hand on his back and walked with him back to the bedroom. From there you made sure the blanket was tucked in around his waist with his chest exposed. Just how he likes it. "Do you need anything? Is there anything else you need to help you feel better?"

"Yeah," He nodded and pointed to the window across the room. "Breeze. Please. This room smells like sick."

"Yeah, okay, Freddie," You opened the window for him and let the cool breeze in. It wasn't too cold, but not warm either. It was right there in the middle but tipped over just on the cooler side.

Thankfully spring had blessed everyone with beautiful weather lately.

You watched as Fred's eyes closed and he deeply sighed.

"You look so tired," You walked over to his bedside and stroked his cheek gently. "You were tossing and turning last night. Something keep you up?"

"Not particularly," He replied with a rumbly, tired voice. "I just couldn't get comfortable enough to fall asleep."

"I'm sorry, love," You leaned down and kissed the part of his cheek just below his right eye. "I'm here to take care of you and make sure you get some rest. Is there anything else that would make you more comfortable?"

"Yeah," He reached a sluggish arm out over your side of the bed and patted the empty space. "You. Right here. But no- no cuddles. I'm overheated. I need my space."

"Understood," You climbed onto the bed next to him but laid at a distance to make sure your body heat didn't affect his. Though he seemed to be a human heater. With the amount of warmth radiating off of his body you were almost shocked there wasn't steam visible against his skin.

""I love you, darling," Fred mumbled whilst half asleep. "I know I'm a pain to take care of but I really do appreciate it."

"You don't have to thank me. I love taking care of you, Freddie. I love you too."

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