Fred Weasley and the Muggle Vacation |Final|

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"So, Fred, what is it that you do in that wizard world of yours?" Your father asked Fred as the four of you dined.

"Oh, erm, I run a joke shop with my twin brother," Fred explained, a rather proud sounding twinge in his voice. You turned to see his facial expression and saw a look that reflected his eager voice. "It's a brilliant shop. Wish non-wizard folk could enter through the barrier. It's just past the entrance."

"You would love it," You said to your parents. "Honestly, dad I don't think you'd want to leave."

"We'd have to pry him out of there, huh?" Your mother smirked at you. "Plus, it's likely we'd have way too much to see over there. I wish we could come and see your home."

"It's not much," Fred frowned a little. "I really wanted to have my own place by now. A cozy home with land like my older brother Bill's."

"The flat is perfect for the season we're in right now, Freddie. It's right above the shop so work is just a flight of stairs away," You rubbed his arm. "Honestly. It's very cozy. I love it very much."

"Yes, well, I want to change seasons. So I also want to change living places," Fred mumbled softly and set his fork down when he'd finished his plate. The rest of your small group followed soon after. "But let's not rush, right? Go slow into new things?"

"Yes," Your father and Fred met eyes, exchanged a suspiciously identical look, then Fred stood.

"May my beautiful girlfriend and I be excused?" Fred asked. "I'm afraid we have plans for later tonight."

"We do?" You stood when Fred pulled your chair out for you. Then he took your hand and led you outside. The stars were shining their silvery light down onto the sleepy, deep, and dark navy blue earth. "Freddie... we don't have plans?"

"We do. Well... I do," He smirked and led you through your house's back gate and out into the grassy field. The fireflies fluttered about in the fall green grass. You were barefoot, so the cool ground felt wonderful on your feet.

You soon noticed that Fred was leading you up the hill to the oak tree at the top. There was a tire and rope swing hanging on the lowest, thickest branch. You have so many wonderful, happy, beautiful memories here. And Fred knows it.

You've spent many nights talking to him about your special spot under the oak tree. Especially on nights when you were stuck at Hogwarts feeling extra homesick. You'd vented to Fred about how much you missed the cool summer nights under the stars.

Now, here he is. Standing in front of you gazing down into your starry eyes in the cool night air. A giant smile grew across his face and you noticed a bit of extra sparkle in his eyes.

"Fred? Are you... crying?"

"Yes. Yes, I am," He sniffled and sighed heavily. "Because I am about to make the second best decision I'll ever make in my entire lifetime. First one being... the one I made asking you to be my girlfriend."

"Fred..." You eyed him suspiciously but choked on a sob when he got down on one knee in front of you, taking your hands into his own.

The silvery light of the night sky above making his watery eyes sparkle just a little brighter.

"Love, my beautiful darling," He sniffled. "You are just as insane as I am. Because you've loved and put up with me and my antics for three years now," He tearfully laughed and wiped the tears from your cheeks. You'd seemed to have forgotten how to breathe. "Calm down a little, love. Cant have you passing out on me. It would ruin the moment."

"Shut up," You sobbed.

"I don't think I want to spend my life waking up to any other sleepy face than yours. I wanna fall asleep to your snoring every night. I wanna hold you every second I can. I want to spend my days seeing you every single day without fear of losing you. I wanna make a family with you," He but his lip through tears. "So. Will you do me the absolute honor... of becoming my Mrs. Weasley?"

"Yeah," You nodded and wrapped your arms around him tightly. He crashed onto his back in the grass with you lying on his chest. The sounds of his pounding heartbeat and occasional snifffles paired with the gentle cricket songs and shushing grass. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, darling," He rubbed your back. Then sat up against the tree and took your hand into his. "You might need this," He sniffled and slid a beautiful rose gold ring on your finger, then kissed it.

You turned your head and kissed him, twice, deeply. "I can't believe I get you forever."

"And you'll be stuck with me forever," Fred grinned and snuggled his face into your neck. "You're all mine now. Permanently. Forever and ever and always. It's you and me love."

"You and me against the world, Freddie," You replied and laid back on his chest.

The night sounds and his perfect voice filling your ears with a symphony that was the song your heart had adopted as its own.

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