The Little Weasley :: S3 P1 :: George Weasley

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(the part of this series you've all been waiting for)

"George!!!" You yelled from the bedroom. Fred and George were in the dining room at the table trying to study how they managed to get a green Pygmy Puff out of an orange and a pink one. "George my water broke!!!"

"What?! Already?!" The twins came sprinting down the hallway and barged into yours and George's bedroom. You struggled to sit up.

"I'm nine and a half months, boys! There's no already about it!!" You snapped back- getting cranky. "Don't just stand there! Help me up!"

George rushed to your side and helped you to your feet, then Fred slung a bag over his shoulder that contained hospital basics and all three of you left for the hospital.

Once in the labor and delivery room, they each stood on either of your sides watching curiously as the nurses and doctors prepped the room for the twins.

"I've gotta push!" You cried out with tears in your eyes. "Please! It hurts!"

After a short one hour of pushing, both of yours and George's twins had been successfully brought into the world. Screaming their redheaded heads off.

Fred got nauseous halfway through and made a beeline to the bathroom. He's been in there ever since. Although now that the twins have been born, you had a feeling you'd be seeing him come back around soon.

George, however, was sitting on the rocking chair next to your hospital bed, both of the babies cuddled into his chest, their amber eyes matching their father and uncles' darting around the room, at each other, and up at their father. Who was crying. Just crying. Didn't care who saw what.

The nurses and doctor gave the babies a once over, then told you they needed to be fed. That's when you told them of your plans to breastfeed them considering how healthy it was for them. You wanted your twins to grow up with insanely strong immune systems and that's how you'd be doing it.

You had no plans of taking them from George anytime soon unless they started crying for food. They both looked so content with their father, who had the biggest smile on his face. The sight of your boyfriend and your kids all together in the same chair made you emotional.

You heard the bathroom door open and a pale, tired looking Fred stumbled out. Despite his ill complexion, he wore a smile equal in size to that of George's. Fred took your side and smiled down at you when you laid your head back on the pillow. His hand tucked your hair behind your ear, stroked your cheek gently, then leaned down to kiss your forehead.

"Good job, mummy. You did good."

You yawned tiredly and turned to your side to see George working up tears again because the twins had fallen asleep on him and he had absolutely no idea what to do with himself. He was so insanely happy that he literally didn't know how to react.

His eyes met yours and he smiled. "Remember the names we picked, love?"

"Mmm," You nodded, a tired grin on your lips. "Molly Jean and James Arthur."

After the twins' mom and your father. Just how you planned.

"Sleep darling," George urged you. "You deserve rest. I'll wake you when they need fed."

"Love you, Georgie..."

"I love you too, my beautiful girl."

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